Wednesday, July 17, 2013

John Swallow News Roundup - - Episode XXXVIII: Dotting the I's, Crossing the T's and Other Swallow-related Scuttlebutt - Updated

Special Legislative Session
There's of course more live action a-plenty in the John Swallow Three-ring Circus this morning, as the Utah Legislature "meets in a special session today to clarify the powers of a special House committee investigating Attorney General John Swallow and create exemptions allowing some of the panel’s work to be done [surprise of surprises] behind closed doors":
Journalistic heavyweight Bob Bernick expounds upon the mind-boggling technical legal intricacies, as Utah lawmakers huddle up in special session this morning:
Even whilst labelling John Swallow "the poster child symptom of a cancer on our body politic," former Utah House Rep. David Irvine, in this too good to miss Trib op-ed, nevertheless argues that the pending Swallow "impeachment inquiry looks like a $3 million dry hole":
Lisa Riley Roche and Dennis Romboy dive in with both feet with an examination of the competing interests of public "openness and transparency," vis-a-vis the "practical reality" that certain aspects of these proceeding will be unavoidably conducted "behind closed doors":
Robert Gehrke observes that "[m]embers of the House investigative committee will engage in a high-wire act, of sorts, as they probe allegations of misconduct by Attorney General John Swallow":
Former Utah House Rep Fred Cox wonders whether it's a good idea for John Swallow's attorneys to be "flipping off the House," and then goes on to anwser his own question with a resounding YES!
Utah blogger and all-around political gadfly Daniel Burton goes off on Mr. Cox's "flipping off the House" tangent, but arrives at an opposite conclusion, i.e., that whatever Swallow's lawyers are "intending to do," it’s "not winning Swallow friends in the legislature and seems calculated to push and shove, not persuade and entice":
Adding to the excitement, sideshow-style, "the expanding scrutiny of Swallow will take major steps on two fronts this week: First, House Speaker Becky Lockhart is expected to appoint members of a special House committee to investigate the state’s top cop, and second, The lieutenant governor plans to name a special counsel to probe questions surrounding Swallow’s campaign-financial disclosures":
We'll be standing by with updates of today's House proceedings folks.  So be sure to check back for any updates which may roll in.

Update 7/17/13 3:31 p.m.:  Utah Policy's Bob Bernick reports that "[b]y the hair of his chinny-chin-chin Utah House Majority Leader Brad Dee got the critical bill of Wednesday’s special legislative session out of a hearing committee this morning, so that a special investigation of GOP Attorney General John Swallow can go forward without more delays":
Looks like regular Chinese Fire Drill up there on The Hill, dunnit???


George said...

They are delaying and avoiding the process on purpose, so that the statute of limitations will absolve Swallow...

Aaron said...

former AG Mr. Shurtleff penned a second apologist tome on his
predecessor's Mr. Swallow's slights in public office, entitled, "Am I
not a Crook?"

RM said...

Des News "openness vs integrity" WTF?

blackrulon said...

The whole process is going to be very trying for the Utah House of Representatives. The Republicans will possibly be forced to violate Ronald Reagans 11th Commandment. "Do not speak ill of another Republican". The Democrats will try to be heard without being seen as gloating in Mr. Swallows troubles. And all of the members will face a true financial hardship. Because the issue deals without an impeachment inquiry there will be no lobbyists present. They all will have to pay for their own lunches.

Fred C. Cox said...

I certainly don't believe the letters to the #utleg from Swallow' attorney are a good idea.

rudizink said...

Well... EXC-U-U-U-SE me! Thanks for setting the record straight (I think.)

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