Friday, July 26, 2013

John Swallow News Roundup - Episode XXXVIII: Tying Up a Few More Loose Ends

A feeding frenzy in the U.S. legal community; and Becky Lockhart reshuffles the deck

Here are the latest reported developments in the John Swallow Three-ring Circus, folks. It definitely gets "interestinger and interestinger":

Responding to harsh criticism of the potential conflict of intererest of Rep. Lowry SnowHouse Speaker Becky Lockhart on Thursday removed Snow from the committee investigating John Swallow, replacing him as Chairman with current committee member Rep. Jim Dunnigan, and filling Snow's now-vacated slot with new committee member Rep. Francis Gibson:
There's no word on whether Lockhart will be forced to further re-shuffle the investigative committee deck, as the above Utah Political Capital story reveals that "[although] Gibson made no contributions to Swallow, however he did lend his name as a “Leader for Swallow” on Swallow’s campaign website."

It looks like a feeding frenzy in the U.S. legal community as "[m]ore than 60 law firms from across the country — from national powerhouses with hundreds of lawyers to small Utah outfits — are vying to serve as legal counsel to the House committee investigating Republican Attorney General John Swallow":
"Thursday marked the deadline for bids, which will be scored and the selection made Aug. 9," the Salt Lake Tribune's Robert Gehrke reports.


chris said...

It is almost shark week after all...

Angela said...

Anyone out there want to form a law firm and place a bid for tax payer money on a wasted effort?

rudizink said...

It'll be a pretty lucrative "gig" for some lucky law firm; no doubt about it, Angela!

rudizink said...

No doubt about it. There's blood in the water.

RM said...

"Sharknado" wasn't so far from the truth.

Kim said...

No, but I'm sure there are many pettifoggers who are willing to try! Love that word, "pettifogger."

blackrulon said...

It causes some doubt as to the thorougness of the investigation when they do not discover a potential conflict of interest when appointing committee chairman. Didn't Snow think that the media would do some research on the appointed members? Is Mr. Snow that forgetful to remember his clients or ignorant of what conflict of interest means?

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