Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Standard-Examiner: Paris Cafe on 32nd St. Alive with Music on Weekends

"All's well that ends well;" right, folks?

Belated congratulations to Ogden entrepreneur Earnie McKown, who, "after [six] months of battling it out with Ogden city over whether live music should be allowed at his Paris Cafe social hall," has now succeeded in obtaining all "necessary" permits and licenses, and is now packing the house with live music acts each weekend, according to yesterday's encouraging Standard-Examiner story:
 “It’s been quite the process, but we’ve finally got live acts coming in here consistently,”  sez Mr. McKown, with a possibly audible sigh of relief, we'll suppose.

"Quite the process?"  Mr. McKown is a true a master of under-statement, wethinks, as we look back on his six-month Ogden City "Bout with Bureaucracy," which should serve as a lesson in entrepreneurial persistence, to say the very least:
“I always wanted a place like this, but it never really existed.” “It brings people in (to Ogden) from other places. I live in Kaysville, but I’ll drive up here to see my friends play. It’s a really cool and positive environment.” “A lot of teenagers aren’t the sporty type; so kids can go to the cafe and learn guitar, enjoy the live music, do some painting — just do something different,” say a pair of  happy, random Paris Cafe patrons.

We're thus delighted to close this particular chapter in the "Business-Friendly" Ogden Economic Development Saga by invoking the "old ax":

"All's well that ends well;" right, folks?


Virginia said...

i only wish i could bring my string quartet there...we play all styles.

Danny said...

Is the Paris Cafe only for teeny boppers? It looks fun, but I would never go to the place if it's another Kilby Court (SLC venue for kids, their parents, and other adults who will, however, be viewed as creepy if they go.)

If they welcome adults, I'd check it out. The "concerts" are during the evening, unlike most bars which feature entertainment that doesn't even start until after I am usually in bed.

$2 cover charge, clean, lots of games, no booze (and therefore no boozers, presumably.) Sound like a good time. I'll have to keep it in mind.

Danny said...

Can't you? Call them. Maybe I'll go to it.

Boyd Smith said...

i give it about 2 years at most. unless the owner of the "social hall" owns the building (like Mojos) the rent payments will eat up all the money coming in (like The Basement). I also don't know why anyone was up in arms about the process Mr. McKown had to go through. It would have been easier for him if he would have played by the rules from the beginning, instead of opening and then trying to get permits. Good luck to the property owner in collecting rent.

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