Wednesday, August 14, 2013

John Swallow News Roundup - Episode XLIII: Still Getting the Ducks Lined Up

First "non-sleazeball" Swallow accuser emerges from the woodwork

Regarding the ever-entertaining John Swallow Three Ring Circus, here's the latest, folks:

Now that the Utah House committee investigating Attorney General John Swallow has finalized its membership roster and selected a "blue ribbon"  legal team to assist in the ongoing investigation, the Salt Lake Tribune's Robert Gehrke reports that the committee "began its search Tuesday for investigators to dig into a series of allegations of misconduct against the state’s top cop":
"Bids are due by Aug. 23. The contract is expected to be announced Aug. 30."

"Again with the "Again with the "top cop" crap. He's not a policeman. Stop top cop!" sez one Trib reader.
    "I know about the former Attorney General. I definitely know there was a lot of money exchanged between the three of them," says Mr. Elie, among other things, in this eye-opening embedded video clip:

    Sounds like an episode from The Soprano Family TEEVEE series, dunnit?

    Utah Political Capitol reports that Utah GOP heavyweight Curtis S. Bramble may have become the most credible witness yet to Attorney General John Swallow’s pay-to-play fundraising tactics.  Bramble says he was surprised by the attitude of a corporate donor he encountered at a Swallow fundraiser last year. “There is nothing necessarily evil or untoward about having a fundraiser,” Bramble told UPC. “That’s part of our political landscape. It just surprised me that a company would be so cavalier about saying, ‘Well, if there is a problem with the law we go to the attorney general without going to the legislature.’”
    "Until now, allegations of influence peddling against Swallow have come from sources with checkered pasts," UPC reporter Lynn Packer aptly notes.

    That's it for now, folks. So who's ready to throw in their own $.02?


    george said...

    Mr "Mormon" Bramble would never say WTF....

    rudizink said...

    Maybe not, George, even though he's a Chicago MoMo. Nevertehless, knowing Sen. Bramble as I do, I'll betcha that's what he was "thinkin.'"

    Charon said...

    You tell him Rudi!

    smaatguy said...

    Rudi...sorry for posting this here...but I think it warrants attention into the matter of our cities, counties, library and school districts bonding matters....

    the rooster is going to come home to roost and ya all aint gonna like it....just who do you think is going to get stuck with the bill when this happens...
    hello city council and your water/sewer bond....

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