Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Ogden Water and Sewer Bonding Update: Major Campaign Issue Delivered On a Silver Platter

A Weber County Forum Tip 'O the Hat to Councilwoman Wicks, the sole current council member with a lick of common sense

(Translation: Rubber-stamped)
The Standard's Mitch Shaw reports on last night's 6-1 Council vote, whereby an extremely docile and administration-compliant Council majority basically rubber-stamped the Caldwell administration's recommended new top-dollar bonding, authorizing the issuance of  some $18 million in Water and Sewer Utility improvement bonds under the following specific parameters, with council member Amy Wicks being the lone dissenting vote:
The first resolution authorizes the city to pay for a new water treatment plant at the top of Ogden Canyon by issuing $13.4 million in bonds and paying it off over 25 years. The second resolution pays for storm sewer improvements along Harrison Boulevard by issuing $4.7 million in bonds with a 20-year repayment period.
Read Mr. Shaw's full writeup here:
A Weber County Forum Tip 'O the Hat to Councilwoman Wicks, the sole current council member with a lick of common sense.

Write this down...
so you don't forget it!
Congrats to council challengers Pamela Shupe Stevens, Turner C. Bitton, Stephen D. Thompson, Marcia L. White and Courtney Jon White, who've just had a major 2013 Ogden Municipal Election campaign issue delivered by the council incumbents on an engraved silver golden platter, and dropped onto their very laps.

"Opportunity knocks," Ogden City Council challengers.

Update 8/27/13 5:00 p.m.: Thanks to the helpful intercession of Ogden's own "Mayor Mike," the full August 21 Council meeting video is now available for viewing via Youtube:


Dan S. said...

Well, almost rubber-stamped. They shortened the term of the water bond from 30 years to 25. Councilmember Gochnour seemed extremely pleased with herself for coming up with this "compromise".

rudizink said...

Point well taken, Dan!

Smaatguy said...

She's the only one with any balls. Figuratively speaking of course.

Dan S. said...

Yes, the administration routinely out-strategizes the council, and asking for more than they need is very likely part of the routine.

rudizink said...


rudizink said...

Assuming you're speaking of Councilwoman Wicks, I whole-heartedly concur, Smaatguy!

wonk#1845 said...

"...delivered... on an engraved silver platter."

Yes. Opportunity knocks, council challengers.

blackrulon said...

Let me see if I undersdtand what is happening. The city adminstration underestimated the revenue that would be raised by the last water/sewer increase. They have more money in the reserve fund than ever before in city history. The adminstrators put an incorrect graph/chart in the city council packet. They admit there is about $800,000 unspent from the last bond. The reserve fund has accrued about $1.5 million in interest. They need bonding flexibility to allow for the possibility of a water emergency, They use an incorrect analysis/projection of interest on issuing new bonds.

Bob Becker said...

And your point would be.....? ( grin)

blackrulon said...

The players change but the results remain the same.

rudizink said...

This should come as no surprise at all; as in truth, Ogden is still being run by Mark Johnson and the Godfrey "A" team.

Bob Becker said...

Yes but we campaigned for and elected several of the current council to see that that body would exercise serious independent oversight. With one notable exception, that doesn't seem to be happening. When a councilman's reply to questions about how to fund repairs to the water system all agree are needed is "water affects everybody," we're not getting what we were promised. That's a councilman not doing his job.

rudizink said...

"[W]ater affects everybody."

Yup. Kudos to Councilman Blair, for uttering the Ogden Council "#1 Lame Comment of the Year."

OneWhoKnows2 said...

Amy also has brains and can see the BIG picture. The rest of the council and CAO and other Godfrey cronies need to go. A poor job by so-called leaders. Do not borrow more than you need. Yes money is cheap right now, but so is your thinking and abilities.

blackrulon said...

It's the best we can hope for. The phrase " be revealed at a later date" has been retired.

Ben Pales said...

This vote just completely blew me away! I am just floored that the fiscally conservative representatives in Ogden would choose to borrow money, instead of paying up front. Ha! I crack myself up.

Quietly went to the meeting said...

I went to the meeting.

My assessment of the city council members: Lifeless, slow-witted, bootlickers. A group of the most dead people I've ever seen.

How I miss Jeske and Garcia, who, with the ever clear-headed Wicks used to provide some light. If those three could pick up one additional vote, we had some common sense outcomes. This council is lobotomized. Gochnour and VanHooser - how sad to see these formerly lively women completely played out.

Vote them all out. Keep Amy Wicks.

Oh, and the city bureaucracy has a lawyer that has to be Godfrey's twin brother doing the pitches these days. Creepy.

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