Friday, August 23, 2013

Standard-Examiner: Smith’s Plans Expansion

A duck is a duck is a duck....

By: Smaatguy

Well, well, well...looks like North Ogden is coughing money up to telling me they wouldn't have done that new store without the freebies from the City...
And there is Matthew Godfrey right in the middle...acting as if HE made this happen... BS.... and now talking about RDA funds... gee, makes you wonder if there are some fees for him in that plan.... Smith's sees the opportunity and the $$$$ they will make in the project.... they would have done this without taxpayer dollars... to say they are not giving Smith's money is hogwash.... they are just basically taking the fees they would already get and using about half to build infrastructure... a duck is a duck is a duck...


rudizink said...

Sadly, Smaatguy, this is just another illustration that crony capitalism has become the new normal.

James Humphreys said...

This is why cities should be careful. Lee across the street will now have to help pay, through their property taxes to help develop a competitor. What do they get out this deal?

rudizink said...

Exactly right, James. And I'll add that Lee's Market is locally owned and operated, unlike Smith's (Kroger), and has been a cornerstoneoperation in the North Ogden community for years. I'll venture a guess that they've gotta be pretty miffed about this "sweetheart," corporate welfare deal.

Bobby said...

Makes one wonder how much he stashed while mayor of our fair city don't it ?

Liberty1 said...

I'm sure that these government flim-flam artists would argue that this creates some kind of "synergy," HAHAHA.

smaatguy said...

yup...I don't recall OC handing out any money when I moved my bidness to it years the contrary, I wanted to do some site improvements to an already fantastic site and landscape that I wanted to increase parking by 4 which actually reduced asphalt area, but also increased landscaping but then "they" added a ridiculous amount of landscaping requirements for street trees and berms and such (60k worth) that had nothing to do with what I was trying to do and I said screw it and didn't do them. Meanwhile the cronies got away with whatever they wanted. Seriously thinking of buggin out one day....

dSree said...

Yo are friggin BIiliant.ASM"

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