Sunday, September 08, 2013

Heads-up On Next Week's Upcoming WSU Campus Event: Unleashing the Power of Free Enterprise for Clean Air & Energy

Bob Inglis, a former Congressman from South Carolina, will share his conservative plan that utilizes the free enterprise system to address our need for both energy and clean air

Via another sharp-eyed and alert Weber County Forum reader, we're delighted to provide a heads-up concerning an important upcoming two-day series of local events:

"Could you post that to WEBER COUNTY FORUM. I bet there are people on WCF who would be interested in the event @ Weber State University. Because of all the other events Bob Inglis is participating in while he is in Utah, the afternoon time was what he had left for Weber State University appearance?" Gentle Reader Eleanor asks.

Needless to say we're delighted to comply with this request, in which connection we provide our afternoon WCF contributer's full attached flyer, rendered below, in web-friendly html form:


Unleashing the Power of Free Enterprise for Clean Air & Energy

Bob Inglis, a former Congressman from South Carolina, will share his conservative plan that utilizes the free enterprise system to address our need for both energy and clean air.

Join us for one of three public events:

Tuesday, September 17th

Location: The Hinckley Institute, University of Utah
Time: 11:00 to 11:50 am
Place: Orson Spencer Hall, Room 255

Location: Shepherd Union Building, Weber State University
Time: 3:30 to 4:30 pm
Skyroom (Room 404B)

Wednesday, September 18th
Time: 7:30 to 8:30 pm
Place: Gore Auditorium


Bob Inglis is guided by the principles of free enterprise and economic growth, limited government, and accountability. In 2012, Bob launched the Energy & Enterprise Initiative to offer a conservative approach to solving our nation’s energy and climate challenges.

One need not take a side in the debate regarding manmade global warming in order to support improvements in US energy policy. Instead, by eliminating subsidies for all fuel types and making all fuel types accountable for their costs, free enterprise will make clear the best fuels for our future. Reduce taxes on something we want more of –income – and tax something we arguably want less of – carbon pollution. It’s a win-win.” Art Laffer, Economics Adviser to President Ronald Reagan

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Mark your calenders, folks.  Seems to us these scheduled presentation should have mass local appeal, for those of us who struggle 365/24/7 to breathe Utah's gawdawful air:

Another sunny day in Mormon paradise


Bob Becker said...

The free market solution to pollution? Haven't I heard this song before? Didn't GOP congressman endorse the Heritage Society "free market solution" to public health insurance ( aka Romneycare) .... until they suddenly decided it was socialism instead? And didn't GOP Congressmen offer "cap-and-trade" as the "free market solution" to air pollution? Until they decided it was just more socialistic job killing government regulation?

And the beat goes on.....

rudizink said...

Interesting read discussing efforts of conservatives like Inglis to enlist Republicans in embracing a British Columbia-style "carbon tax":
Why Climate Change Is Splitting Republicans

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