Monday, September 16, 2013

SL Tribune Guest Piece: Irvine: Utah School System Slips

If you like crappy schools in Utah, be sure to vote straight-ticket "Republican" again in 2014

Red meat news is slow this Monday afternoon; so we'll reach back into our back burner files and post something extremely excellent to fill the gap. Here's a great SLTrib guest editorial from one of the Ogden City's schools' most-righteous agitators:
Yes!  Electing pro-public education legislators and School Board members is a cause we'll be promoting on Weber County Forum right up to next year's Utah legislative and local School board elections.

A Weber County Forum Tip 0' Hat to the ever-wonderful Kim Hatch, and to the Utah Democratic Education Caucus for putting on the political pressure and helping to spread the word about this all-important topic.

If you like crappy schools in Utah, be sure to vote straight-ticket "Republican" Legislators and School Board Members again in 2014:

looks like a real "no-brainer" to us, LOL!

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