Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Standard-Examiner: DUP Irritated at Perceived Snub from Ogden Mayor

Sodden Question: Is it time for the lumpencitizens of Ogden to up the ante with a written inquiry to Miss Manners?

Interesting story in this morning's Standard-Examiner.  Almost a full month after this angry letter to the editor, and almost two months post-blunder, the Standard finally gets around to reporting on how Ogden Mayor Mike Caldwell somehow managed to ruffle the feathers of one of Weber County's most prominent and conservative historical preservation organizations, the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, by ham-handedly failing to show up at what ought to have been a routine "ribbon cutting ceremony" event:
Highly probative comment from veteran WCF and frequent S-E comment board contributor Bob Becker, tidily framing the issues and identifying some still-unanswered questions:  
Mayor Tenspeed tick off someone in the newsroom? The DUP still being miffed six weeks later, and after the organization's letter to the editor appeared weeks ago, justifies a long news story about their still being miffed? If they're still in a snit six weeks from now will we get another story? We don't even get an explanation of why, his office having accepted the invitation and confirmed it the day before, Hizzonah didn't show. Staff messed up? Mayor didn't say that in the story. Did he just opt to do other things instead and stiff the DUP? We don't know. I'm hard put to find any real news here. Why is the SE still flogging this?
So what about it O Gentle Ones? Can future socio-political Mayoral gaffes such as this be avoided by simply assigning Mayor Mike's calender management system to somebody on Mayor Mike's staff; or is it time for the lumpencitizens of Ogden to up the ante with a written inquiry to Miss Manners?

Just axin'


Ray said...

Ya know seems like a very slow news day. D.U.P got their panties in a bunch. Much ado about nothing...

rudizink said...

Don't write these DUP ladies off, Ray. For the most part, they're the richest little old ladies in Ogden City.

Cwhite said...


Cwhite said...

Something makes me think getting an apology out of someone like our dear mayor is akin to pulling teeth.

Ray said...

Well, according to the Standard "Caldwell said he has since apologized to the group and hopes the incident is resolved." So if that's the case how long do the D.U.P."s keep their whining in gear? Need another pound or two of Hiz Honor's hide? Get over it! There are real problem's in Ogdenland to deal with....

blackrulon said...

Interesting story, even if it is late. Apparently this is the second time Mayor Caldwell has stood up the local D.U.P chapter. He has not offered an explanation as to why he didn't show up or what other pressing matter kept him away. It is also interesting that no lower level staffer has come forward to take responsibility for the Mayors absense. at a preconfirmed event.

formersaltlaker said...

Obviously Hizzonor does not think the D.U.P. ladies are important.. This will not be forgotten..

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