Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Standard-Examiner: Snowbasin Resort Development Plan Moves Ahead in Morgan County

Will Godfrey's heretofore un-sated Gondola passion be finally quenched?

Interesting story in this morning's Standard-Examiner, reporting that "the Morgan County Council will vote Oct. 1 on a proposed Snowbasin resort plan that a local planner says will eventually double the number of dwelling units in the county":
Remember, folks, Morgan County economic development is now former Ogden Mayor Matthew "Gondola Boy" Godfrey's private sector consulting turf.

So what about it, O Gentle Ones?  Gaze into your ever-infallible crystal balls. Will the proposed public financing and construction of a multi-millon dollar gondola be the next hot issue dividing Morgan County lumpencitizens?

Will Godfrey's heretofore un-sated Gondola passion be finally quenched?


Bob Becker said...

Fun though it is to recall , in the manner of an old soldier of WWI boring his grandkids with " I remember Belleau Woods" stories, the downtown Ogden to Snow Basin gondola, aka Godfrey's Folly, is dead, and may it rest in peace. Note from the map that the plans to make Snow Basin a residential four season resort all focus east and northeast and southeast of the current resort. None focus west. Snow Basin wants to sell a lot of homes and condos there. Ogden's on the wrong side of the mountain. Building an Ogden-link gondola would permit Ogden real estate to compete with Snow Basin developers for resort-linked sales. Why would Snow Basin investors want that?

And who would shell out the estimated 45 million bucks to build it? Selling Mt. Ogden Park to raise the money became the third rail of Ogden city politics. Even Matt Godfrey, who was not a quick learner, finally figured that out in time to narrowly save his last campaign.

smaatguy said...

Need to keep the information flowing...what happens at Snowbasin on the Morgan side definitely affect what happens or doesn't happen on the Weber side...we'll probably get the sewer station or something like

blackrulon said...

When does Round Valley Golf course go on sale to help finance the gondola?

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