Tuesday, November 05, 2013

2013 Ogden Municipal Election Real-time Tallies - Updated

A good time to "nuke up" a bag of Orville Redenbachers®, as you sink into your Barcaloungers® to view tonight's real-time vote count action

As is our exceedingly proud eight year tradition at Weber County Forum, and as we promised in this morning's early "Election Day" heads-up, we're once again delighted to furnish a link to Ogden City's nifty online vote tally link. This real-time online utility is up and running right now. Helpful hint: Update your Flash Player if it doesn't properly display on your screen.
Yeah, we know.  The tension in the Ogden City races (two of them) still remains unbearable. But even though the polls close at  8:00 p.m., we've learned the hard way that initial vote counts probably won't start rolling in until around 9:00 p.m.or later.  So exercise some patience, folks. Good time to "nuke up" an extra bag of Orville Redenbachers®, wethinks, as you sink into your Barcaloungers® to view tonight's inevitably thrilling vote count action.

And for those of you who might be inclined to offer up your 2013 Ogden Municipal Election Day comments, plaudits, wisecracks, jaded remarks, or just plain ole garden variety gripes, the floor's now officially open for whatever you have to offer, even before the final vote tallies roll in.

Update 11/5/13 10:35 p.m.: All precincts have reported and here are the unofficial results:

Ward 1
x-Neil K. Garner - 254 (100%)

Ward 3
x-Doug Stephens - 523 (56%)
Turner C. Bitton  - 407 (44%)

At-large "A"
x-Marcia L. White - 2106 (64%)
Stephen D. Thompson - 1174 (36%)

At Large "B"
x-Bart Blair - 2511 (100%)

So what say our WCF readers about all this?


Bob Becker said...

On the whole, the status quo prevailed.

Bernie said...

I for one am glad Turner did not win. This being said I will have everyone know I am a lifelong liberal democrat and a gay man. In my dealings with Turner I could not trust him.

Dan S. said...

Bitton has posted the following on Facebook: "Based on the numbers right now I am down by 116 votes. However, the city recorder has informed me that there are well over that many uncounted ballots in my district. We'll have more information tomorrow, she has told me not to concede."

Readers may remember that in 2007 there was a city council race (Aardema vs. Johnson) whose outcome flipped between election night and the final tally. However, that was a city-wide race and it was much closer than this one on election night. I'll be very surprised if this one flips, but there's always the possibility that Bitton's get-out-the-vote efforts resulted in a lot of provisional and last-minute absentee voters on his side. (I'm not exactly sure what categories of ballots remain uncounted, but those are the obvious ones.)

Actuary321 said...

If a candidate "concedes" does that mean they quit counting and just declare the other one the winner? I didn't think it worked that way? Does conceding mean that even if you end up getting more votes in the final tally that the other guy wins?

I thought the law required the clerk/election official to count all the ballots and for the board of canvassers to certify that total so that the winners are then declared according to law as the person getting the most votes.

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