Monday, November 18, 2013

Public Invited to Hear How Ogden School District Uses State Core in Student Education

Special Note to our friends of the Weber County Democratic Education Caucus: This is an event where some of your "peeps" need to "show up," wethinks.

Over the course of the past few months we've rededicated ourselves to closely following all the "action" in re our absolutely dysfunctional Ogden School District, in anticipation of next year's Ogden School Board elections, wherein we expect asleep-at-the-switch Ogden School Board incumbents to fall heavily, due to their obvious ineptitude, en masse.  So in that connection, we'll put the spotlight on tomorrow's Women's Legislative Council of Weber County event, wherein Dr. Rich Nye, director of assessment, research and evaluation for Ogden School District, will "talk about understanding the Utah State Core and how the Ogden School District uses the state core in regard to student education":
We're putting out the word of tomorrow night's event via our usual online sources, i.e,  Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and the ever VERY trendy Tumblr.

Special Note to our friends of  the "Weber County Democratic Education Caucus" This is an event where some of your "peeps" need to "show up in force," wethinks.

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