Thursday, November 07, 2013

Salt Lake Tribune: Mitt Romney Backs Primaries Over Caucuses, Conventions

The days of observing crackpot fringe groups hijack neighborhood caucuses and nominate nut-jobs to important Utah elective offices are numbered

Another GOP heavyweight with substantial Utah political influence leaps aboard the bandwagon, while the organizers of Count My Vote now actively circulate their citizens initiative petition, designed to dump Utah's quirky caucus/convention system and replace it with a more broad-based and democratic direct primary nomination process:
There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth in the Utah Eagle Forum and Sutherland Institute bunkers this morning, wethinks.

The days of observing crackpot fringe groups hijack neighborhood caucuses and nominate nut-jobs such as Chris Buttars, Carl Wimmer and Mike Lee (just to name a few) to important Utah elective offices are numbered, we'll confidently predict.

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