Sunday, November 03, 2013

Standard-Examiner: Ogden School District Teacher Departures At 7-year High

"Let us hope the trend of uncommonly high departures extends to school board incumbents at the next election"

Via comment board heavyweight Bob Becker, we adopt this pointed and concise comment, which we'll shamelessly incorporate as our morning article lede:
Interesting article that finally puts some hard numbers to the many comment-board rumors of experienced teachers bailing on OSD. It seems they are, in unprecedented numbers.
Props to the reporter for not simply repeating the Supt's speculations as to the causes, and tracking down teachers who fled to ask them why. Good work.
Let us hope the trend of uncommonly high departures extends to school board incumbents at the next election.
Read the distressing full Standard-Examiner story here:
And where does "the buck" stop, O Gentle Ones?

Mark your calenders, folks.

The 2014 Ogden School Board Elections are coming up a mere 366 days hence.

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