Sunday, December 15, 2013

Jay Hill Named Weber State Head Football Coach - Updated

The coaching situation is obviously improving drastically at Weber State, yes?

Fantastic news for we beleguered Weber State University football fans this week, folks.  And as an aside, and if you don't believe we're beleaguered, just read this mindless crap, from some wimpy little pansy-ass fool who plainly doesn't believe WSU should further continue funding our temporarily-embarrassed WSU football program.

Moving on from the naysayers however, we have great news this week, from a multiplicity of online sources, indicating that our WSU Football Program is moving forward.  In the aftermath of WSU Football coach Jody Sears' involuntary departure, Hallelujah, we now have a new WSU Head Coach:
Heavyweight Standard-Examiner sportswriter Jim Burton provided this top-notch follow-up analysis of this WSU coach pick yesterday, within which, for the most part, he explains why Coach Jay Hill is the perfect pick for the WSU Football program, O WSU Fans:
And here are the main "pluses" which Mr. Burton identifies with particularity:
"See, Hill is a great hire for three reasons":
No. 1, he's an in-state guy, raised in Lehi and an alumnus of Ricks College and the U of U. He understands Utah kids, their wants, needs and motivations. He knows how to recruit them as well as the out-of-state kids who'll fit in here.
No. 2, he's coming from U., which means he's worked under Ron McBride, Urban Meyer and Kyle Whittingham over the past 13 years. He not only saw that program's transformation, he was a part of it.
No. 3, he's a first-time head coach, which to some may seem risky. However, considering Nos. 1 and 2, the risk doesn't seem all that great. What's more, the reward is Hill's hunger to succeed.
And with no disrespect meant to Jim Burton, here's another important  factor which this ever-great sportswriter inadvertently missed:
No 4, Jay Hill was named to’s Class of 2009 Top Recruiters and as one of the Top 10 Recruiters in the Pac-12 in 2012. 
The coaching situation is obviously improving drastically at Weber State, yes?

So what about this, WSU Football Fans?

Update 12/16/13 8:00 a.m.:  According to this morning's Roy Burton story, Coach Hill is hitting the ground running, and putting his recruiting skills to productive use:
[SUU] Thunderbirds offensive coordinator Steve Clark and passing game coordinator/receivers coach Fesi Sitake will join Hill's coaching staff at Weber State, moves that were first reported by
The Standard-Examiner has also learned that SUU defensive coordinator Justin Ena will be joining Clark and Sitake in making the move north, according to a source familiar with the situation.
Read up, Wildcats fans: 
After his hiring last Thursday, Hill said his biggest immediate challenge was getting a staff in place as soon as possible and said he intended to interview the assistants from Weber State's previous coaching staff first.
"I owe it to these players to have the best staff that I can hire," Hill said.

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