Thursday, December 12, 2013

Salt Lake City Weekly: Tim Lawson, Shurtleff/Swallow "Fixer" Busted - Updated

Sodden question: With "multiple arrests to be made in the ongoing Salt Lake County investigation," which other miscreant(s) will be frog-marched next?

Breaking news concerning the reeking John Swallow Political Cesspool via Salt Lake City Weekly.  Here's the blockbuster lede:
Salt Lake County District Attorney’s Office [today] arrested Tim Lawson, a fundraiser, political fixer and ally to Utah Attorneys General John Swallow and Mark Shurtleff, on six felony charges, including obstruction of justice, threatening a witness and failing to pay taxes on roughly $120,000 he received in payments from Marc Sessions Jenson, a businessman convicted of securities fraud who used Lawson to gain access to Shurtleff and Swallow.
Read up, folks:
"Thursday’s bombshell charges indicate the first of potentially multiple arrests to be made in the ongoing investigation being conducted by a joint operation between investigators with the FBI, the Utah Department of Public Safety and the office of the Davis and Salt Lake County District Attorneys," SLCWeekly's Eric Peterson further reports.

A Weber County Forum Tip O' the Hat to Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill for doggedly following up his office's "ongoing investigations," and conscientiously "bringin' on" these charges.

Sodden question:  With "multiple arrests to be made in the ongoing investigation,"  which other miscreant(s) will be frog-marched next?

Take a wild guess, O Gentle Ones.

Update 12/13/13 6:00 a.m.:  The Trib's Robert Gehrke has more on this story.  Turns out that it's both Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill and Davis County Attorney Troy Rawlings jointly bringing forth these 3d District Court felony charges:
"Lawson is the guy that is going to bring down the house of cards," Swallow’s co-deputy, Kirk Torgensen, "prophetically" warned Swallow in 2010.

This whole story reads like a a cheesy dime-novel, dunnit?

We'll be standing by, eagerly awaiting the next upcoming perp-walk.


    AWM said...

    "Lawson admitted to threatening McBride but denied that he would send others—the “Polynesian friends”—to hurt McBride when he could do it himself"...LOL..Lawsons on supplemental medical 02. In your pic it looks like he's got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel. The only way he could take McBride is if he's a paraplegic with a C7 spine injury. Even then, unless his wheelchair battery is low it's doubtful from the looks of it that Lawson could catch him

    Dan S. said...

    Shurtleff, Torgensen, Reed. The same guys who decided to close the Envision Ogden investigation without bringing charges. And I seem to recall that Jason Powers, who ran Godfrey's 2007 campaign, is also tied up in this scandal. Figures.

    blackrulon said...

    There are some legislators who wish to end the investigatioin of Mr. Swallow. The legislators cite the cost and the expense of continuing. But my feeling, one i believe is shared by others, is that their is a worry that many state officials will be implicated if the investigatioin continues.

    Ozboy said...

    I thought it was a real hoot when former Atty General Shirtless proclaimed that Lawson didn't enjoy any special access that any other citizen of Utah didn't have! He said his office was open to any citizen who wanted to walk through the door.

    What a crock-O-crap that is! I recall several years ago when a delegation of Ogden residents, including a state representative and an Ogden City Council person, made a special trip to the Attorney General's office in Salt Lake to register a complaint, and request an investigation, on some highly irregular and apparently illegal actions on the part of the Mayor and his administration. They got shined on royally, made to wait in the outer office for a couple of hours and then was only allowed to talk briefly with an intern from the office. Not only wouldn't the AG meet with this group of upstanding citizens, but he wouldn't even let one of the many actual lawyers in the office meet with them. Their concerns were totally ignored after that and none of them were ever contacted by the AG's office for any kind of follow up.

    Bob Becker said...

    Should have offered to spring for breakfast at a Krispy Kreme. Or invited Shurtleff and a plus-one to a swank all expenses paid west coast resort for four or five days. Lots of time to talk on tandem massage tables. I gather that's how these things are done here in Family Vakues GOP circles.

    blackrulon said...

    I am courious as to how far the investigation into problems with the office of Attorney General would have progressed if the legislatures attempt to gut the GRAMA provisions had not been overturned.

    Chris said...

    I hope this gets terribly messy, I don't want the R's destroyed, I want the public to wake up and realize they need to not just CTR (Choose The Republican)

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