Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Standard-Examiner Editorial: Riverdale Goofed, Restore Griffiths

A slam-dunk remedy for Riverdale City's unfathomable incompetence and hubris

Yep. The Standard-Examiner editorial board "nails it" this morning, concerning Riverdale City's ham-handed bungling of its 2013 Municipal Election City Council race:
In short, Riverdale goofed on its interpretation of the deadline for signed filings. Its initial response -- to allow Griffiths to be a candidate -- was correct. Herrick's decision to change that after the vote has led to a man unfairly losing his election to city council. If Griffiths decides to challenge Riverdale's decision, it's our opinion he will have an excellent case.
Riverdale should simply admit it made a mistake and restore Griffiths' election victory.
Check out this morning's "strong" editorial here:
The Standard gets it exactly right, of course.

We'll be keeping our fingers crossed that Griffiths will insist on his "Day in Court," in what will surely serve as a slam-dunk remedy for Riverdale City's unfathomable incompetence and hubris.


Danny said...

The editorial, and your write up, with due respect, seem absurd.

Why blame Riverdale city for the actions of one clearly incompetent and arrogant clerk?

This nitwit bureaucrat makes these capricious decisions, watching people twist in the wind, allowing an election then overruling it, completely oblivious to the harm and problems she has caused. Sure, the guy who won the election should be seated. But the clerk should be fired with prejudice. That's the other half of what needs to happen.

rudizink said...

The problem, Danny, is that the Riverdale Council acted on City Attorney Steve Brooks' bad advice, and compounded City Recorder Ember Herrick's mistake, by nullifying Griffiths' election. So the problem implicates all key advisors and decision makers in Riverdale City, a municipality which is obviously up to its eyeballs in incompetence.

Dan S. said...

It's been all downhill in Riverdale since they laid off their wise and brilliant part-time prosecuting attorney, 15 years ago.

Fred said...

Not ALL council members votes yea on this issue. Don Hunt strongly opposed the issue.

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