Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Utah Political Capitol: Matheson Announces He Will Not Run in 2014

Time to get down to work, Utah Democrats, wethinks

Breaking News from internet heavywight Utah Political Capital, which came out about an hour ago with this blockbuster Utah political story:
Meet your new GOP US House Rep, O Ye citizens of  Utah's 4th Congessional District, folks, assuming Utah Democrats can't scramble to find somebody to take Matheson's place in 2014.

Time to get down to work, Utah Democrats, wethinks.


Bob Becker said...

For months now, Matheson has been raising money specifically for his re-elction campaign. Wondering if, now that he's decided not to run, he intends giving the money back.

Ray said...

Bob: I'd be surprised if the Congressman gave any money back. Perhaps if the Democrats come up with a viable candidate, he'll jump start his/her campaign.
Oh well, the Red just got Redder.

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