Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Funnies: In Remarkable Turnaround, Republicans Officially Denounce NSA Phone Surveillance

One of the most amazing flip-flops of the decade?

Holy cow! The Republican National Committee! Officially condemning a national security program that was designed by Republicans to fight terrorism!
This is truly remarkable. We are indeed living in Bizarro world these days.


Chris K. said...

The republican's have turned into a circus side show.

Bill H. said...

They did the same thing with Romney Care. Lol

John N. said...

I don't care who started it, let's please finish it. Obama said you can't have 100% security and 100% privacy. That may be true, but I'll wager our return on investment for giving up privacy (made on our behalf without our knowledge lol) isn't that great. So I'll take the privacy and take my chances on security.

Chris K. said...

I'm with John.

John B. said...

If the President likes anything then the republicans denounce it.

Danny said...

It's disingenuous to tie the Republicans to the police state we have now that has been revealed by Edward Snowden. Obama has been at least as totalitarian as the abysmal Bush was. And regardless of who comes to the table to express outrage, why not embrace them?

We need to roll all of it back - the eavesdropping, the home invasions and murder by the police, the confiscation of property by the police, the drug war, the list goes on.

This from a Republican.

rudizink said...

At risk of coming off as "trite"...
"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

Bob Becker said...

All this public outrage at NSA snooping will last until the next successful terrorist bombing in the US. Then Congress will heed the fear and pass a new "Patriot"Act.

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