Thursday, January 09, 2014

Utah Lawmakers Quietly Roll Back Asset Forfeiture Reforms

Just keep voting Republican, Utah dumbassess!!

RICO-style Organized Crime is alive and well in the Utah legislature. And these are Utah Republicans who claim to believe in 'limited government,' but in truth want to pick your pocket (as per usual.) and impose a "Mormon Police State" in Utah.. Readup, Peeps:
Just keep voting Republican, Utah sheeple.


Guest said...

I am more than a little offended by your use of the term "Mormon Police State" There was nothing in the Post article that referenced any religion. I am not a republican but I am mormon. The posts that periodically show up here that equate mormons with idiot republicans is demeaning and libelous. While I believe that there are a lot of idiotic utah republicans that also happen to be mormon, lumping all of them together or implying that the actions they take are motivated by religion as opposed to idiotic political philosophy is lazy. However, I can agree that it is sad how most mormons have forgotten history and the persecution they received from the state, including asset forfeiture and assassination.

rudizink said...

"However, I can agree that it is sad how most mormons have forgotten
history and the persecution they received from the state, including
asset forfeiture and assassination."

Bingo, "Guest!"

Danny said...

This is very disturbing.

My first reaction is to suggest using high powered rifles to kill legislators until they get the message.

But after thinking about it, I guess I won't suggest that.

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