Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Salt Lake Tribune: No Beer for Oktoberfest? (Crackpot) Utah Board Gets Tough on Liquor Permits - Updated

Utah: The Best Managed State?

Via State Senator James Dabakis:

First, imagine this story without the SL Tribune (! I spoke to the director of the DABC moments ago. I asked him to withdraw for at least 6 months any significant new interpretation of DABC regulations. Pending public hearings and input. Invariably, the DABC's star chamber antics every few months create hostility with the public and bad press worldwide (few months ago it was the 'Will you be dining with us' fiasco). Serious changes deserve serious people with serious input! A six month freeze, with public input and hearings, please.
Planning an event like Oktoberfest or dozens of other community events (many of them charitable) takes months (sometimes years) of work, organizers must not be subject to quick, capricious whims of the DABC.

Is this the best managed state? DABC eruption after DABC eruption?

Don't let the cat get your tongues, O Gentle Ones...

Update 5/29/14 10:00 a.m.:  The Salt Lake Trib follows up on yesterday's story, with DABC executive Director Sal Petilos' lame excuse for threatening the end of the Snowbird Oktoberfest's 40-year cross-cultural community tradition:
"Utah: The Best Manage State?" [snicker]

Apparently DABC Director Petilos "didn't get the memo."


blackrulon said...

Just a matter of time before our legislators notice coffee is being prepared and poured in front of children

Barry S. said...

"Did we say best managed state? We meant most managed state. But you know, more is better, right?"

Bob Becker said...

Ah, Utah! Crowded tents in the cool Fall mountain air, German oompah band pounding out a rousing tune, and a sea of foaming tankards of lemonade raised in song! I know I'll be there!

Smaatguy said...

good lard...the nonsense never ceases...


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