Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Standard-Examiner: Our View: Utah, Get Medicaid Expansion!

This folks, is an editorial board firing on all cylinders
Utah is losing out on the benefits of Medicaid expansion. Our state leaders are denying tens of thousands of our residents the opportunity to have affordable health care.
It’s time for Utah to get on board with Medicaid expansion. While we have no objection to Governor Gary Herbert’s efforts to receive expansion via an alternative Medicaid expansion plan, if details can’t be worked out with the feds soon, Utah should just accept the expansion as defined by the Affordable Care Act.
Standard-Examiner Editorial
Our View: Utah, get Medicaid expansion!
August 19, 2014

In all, the 24 states that have rejected -- so far -- Medicaid expansion will lose $423.6 billion in federal funds through 2022, according to the Urban Institute. That’s not a smart move, and Utah should not be in such undistinguished company.
Standard-Examiner Editorial
Our View: Utah, get Medicaid expansion!
August 19, 2014

Humdinger of an editorial in this morning'a Standard-Examiner hard-copy edition. The SE editorial board gets it exactly right, in our never humble opinion:
"To reject funds that were intended to make the Affordable Care Act a means for millions to finally have health insurance is deeply insulting to those persons denied health care because of the stubborn foolishness of 24 states, including Utah. Get Medicaid expansion, Utah, sooner rather than later" the SE adds.

This folks, is an editorial board firing on all cylinders.

So what say our Gentle Readers about all this?


Bob Becker said...

Aw, c'mon, Rudi. The people being denied health insurance by Utah's gummint-health-insurance-covered legislators and governor are all poor people. It's not, like, you know, they mattered or anything. Jeez Louise, get a grip.

blackrulon said...

What happens to people who get medicaid expansion insurance in a state that offers the opportunity when they move to a non approved state like Utah? Is the insurance allowed to follow the individual or they just left without affordable insurance?

Lisa said...

Nah, they'd rather let Utahns die than take money from the evil federal government!

Bob Becker said...

Except of course for building roads etc.

BlueSky said...

Did ya ever notice that the politicians blocking Medicaid expansion in their respective States all have their own health insurance?

BlueSky said...

Since Medicaid is administered by the states, I really doubt it moves with them. Decades ago, when my elderly mother moved from Texas to Tennessee, we worried about what would happen if her Medicaid were denied.

Amy said...

Boy, if I have ANYTHING to do with this...
sure hope I do.
It adds fuel to the already burning fire inside me. Which, probably ensures I won't be able to get my hands or voice anywhere near it!

Amy Steed Morgan said...

sorry... didn't mean to post my pic that big.
I promise I'm not usually that arrogant.

rudizink said...

Great pic. No apology needed!

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