Thursday, January 15, 2015

Standard-Examiner: Weber County Hires Stuart Reid to $90,000 Consultant Position

Off to the barf bucket!

By: Smaatguy

Uh-oh. Looks like the good old boy club is in full swing, with Weber County bucking up $90k to have good ole Stuart Reid consult on Economic Development:
How long until Boss Godfrey pops up within County doings, like he recently did in North Ogden City?
Off to the barf bucket!


blackrulon said...

This puts pressure on Ogden city to create a useless position for John Paterson to fill.

Marko said...

It's certain that our three county commissioners (one farmer,two cops) believe they've hired an expert to make up for their real-life experiential, economic development blind spots.

Johnny B. said...

They all meet at the "notsopublic" rifle range for some chit chat.

Christina said...

Wow.....just for consulting! It has to be part time! Is he not still in charge of BDO too?

Danny said...

Stuart Reid is still listed as the BDO director.

Are we to understand this new position with the county will be on top of that? Do some interviews and hanging around for seven thousand a month on top of his $100,000+ BTO layabout job?

And people in Weber County who have to work for a living will have to pay for that?

Stuart Reid is easily one of the most unimpressive people most will ever meet. All this cash going his way because he is one of the buddies.

And Republicans are supposed to be tight on the purse strings? This, after the same county paid top dollar for the cop training center to the tune of millions in another crony deal? (When they could have let it go into receivership and picked it up cheap, but then they wouldn't have bailed out the Swanson family.)

As a lifelong Republican, I ask, "Please stop voting for Utah Republicans."

At least with Democrats, some of the money goes to the needy and middle class, instead of this upper class scum.

Danny said...

And I like the way Godfrey justifies his job with North Ogden by pointing out some vacant buildings here and there.

So, as long as there is a vacant building, Godfrey gets his $60,000 a year.

For that much per year, the city could secure a $2 million dollar loan, buy the vacant buildings and turn them all into parks, or sell them at auction to somebody who might actually know what to do with them.

The real problem is that elected officials are morons. Nobody good runs for office. The ones who win are simply the best butt kissers. Then, when they are elected, we feel bad that there are nothing but butt kissing idiots in office (and people who are on the take.)

blackrulon said...

Maybe Jon Greiner turned down the job

blackrulon said...

Of coursr Godfrey likes empty and abanded buildings.His lasting legacy will be the many empty and abandoned properties he helped create in Ogden.

rudizink said...

"As a lifelong Republican, I ask, "Please stop voting for Utah Republicans." That's my exact take too, Danny.

Ozboy said...

Danny, Sure do agree with you on that one! In fact I agreed with this sentiment about 6 years ago after my last stint as a Republican Delegate. The last convention I went to was such disgusting exercise in sleazyness, manipulation and lack of integrity that I finally threw the towel in.

Ozboy said...

Well Danny, on this one I both agree and disagree with you!

The part I like has to do with Little Lord Godfrey, and the part I take exception to is the part about all elected officials being morons. It has been my observations over 40 years of political involvement that only about 90% of them are.

Ozboy said...

At the risk of being accused of being lazy, I'm cutting and pasting the comment I made on this sorryassed affair in the Standard:

".......he would work directly with our economic development department that is already up and functioning very well....."

So the County Commissars are blowing Ninety Thousand tax payer dollars a year to fix a problem that doesn't exist? They are going to pay Godfrey's mentor and Salt Lake City reject $90 Grand a year to run around and schmooze other Republican members of the Politburo to fine tune a department that is "functioning very well"?

Did these business geniuses who run the County even bother to look into the massive debt that Ogden citizens are burdened with for the day glow bowling alley and penny arcade that anchors Ogden's down town now, and which has this guy's finger prints all over it? As an urban renewal expert this guy's record is just about as lame as one could find.

Can any one spell "Cronyism"?

smaatguy said...

Take a peek at Godfrey's website.....better city's.....there's Stuart as one of the gurus....and there are all the projects that "the firm" portrays it did....well we know that the "the firm" didn't do any of that....being an elected official working the purse strings of your constituency isn't exactly doing ANYTHING in the private sector.....very misleading.... Dare I say fraudulent?

smaatguy said...

But we just don't have the money for that recorder and surveyors office.... This whole thing just rots of disgusting cronyism....

Bob Becker said...

The boys do take care of each other, don't they?

OneWhoKnows2 said...

Wet noodle Caldwell will lose his position late this year and THE BIG THREE will return to save their people. They are like bad pennies that just keep coming back. Lord help us.

blackrulon said...

Mr. Reid is also listed on the staff of Matthew Godfrey business Better City

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