Thursday, February 26, 2015

Breaking: Medicaid Expansion May Be Dead This Session - Updated

Tyannical House leader on Medicaid expansion: ‘We’re done’

Via Utah Policy, there's bad news for fans Utah health care reform this morning, folks, as these various Northern Utah media sources report that Governor Herbert's Health Utah medicaid expansion plan is likely dead in the water:
  • The Utah Senate passes the Healthy Utah plan, but House leaders say the plan is dead [Utah PolicyTribune, Deseret News].
  • Sen. Majority Leader Ralph Okerlund says there's a good chance the 2015 session will end without lawmakers taking action on Medicaid expansion [Utah Policy].
Once again... The Trib's Pat Bagley "nails it":

Update 2/27/15 8:30 a.m.: Just like clockwork, House speaker Hughes is receiving serious blowback from our highly disappointed Governor Herbert, who's spent the past year and a half nailing down federal concessions to craft his Healthy Utah Plan:
Tightwad Senator Allen Christensen's alternate "Frail Utah" alternative to Healthy Utah has been killed in the Senate, BTW:
Our take?  Healthy Utah ain't quite dead yet.

In that connection, here's an online petion for those WCF readers who'd like to roll up their sleeves. engage in active citizen action and throw in their own 2¢:
Comments, anyone?


rudizink said...

Keep on voting Republican, people.

People take what they want said...

Maybe now I kind of wish Brad Dee would have been speaker. maybe

blackrulon said...

I wonder why Utah legislators have state paid health insurance. By their own definition they are part time employees(45 days per year). Part time workers at Utah run liquor stores are not offered health insurance.

Robert F. said...

In the end, I don’t think I can sum up my case better than one of my favorite LDS leaders, Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the First Presidency, did:

“Whether we are rich or poor, regardless where we live on this globe, we all need each other, for it is in sacrificing our time, talents, and resources that our spirits mature and become refined. This work of providing in the Lord’s way … cannot be neglected or set aside. It is central to our doctrine; it is the essence of our religion”.

Medicaid, Morality and Mormonism

rudizink said...

I'll definitely be keeping my ear to the ground on this, Blue Sky. I'm not yet convinced that this is completely "over." Healthy Utah is way too important to be simply swept under the rug, by the malicious House "leader" (so-called), Greg Hughes. I'll keep everyone posted in re this issue, in other words.

Here's where you can go for starters, BTW, if you'd like to (politely) contact your own Utah House Rep, to express your dissatifaction with this latest stunning Utah House fiasco:

Utah House of Reprentatives Roster

Johnny B. said...

Today I read how concerned our state is will the health and well being of our prison population. So much so they are willing to commit a half of a billion dollars to built a new "high tech" prison. Now, they are not concerned at all with the health of our working poor law abiding citizens even when it won't cost them a penny to provide them with health insurance. What is wrong with this picture?

Ozboy said...

The best way to get these pecker headed right wing buffoons to back off this idiotic idea to move the prison would be to get Obama to issue a statement that he supports moving it.

BlueSky said...

I wrote to Dixon Pitcher as soon as word of the slaughter came out.

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