Saturday, April 04, 2015

Envision Ogden Lawsuit: Utah High Court Hears Ogden Campaign Corruption Case

It's high time people, that our Utah courts allow the identification of the people who so sorely corrupted the Ogden political process in 2011

For those WCF readers still following the "Envision Ogden Political Corruption Case," which we last updated on Weber County Forum right here, we now provide the latest in this too-long prolonged litigation story: Yes.  Ogden political watchdog Dan Schroeder and his  top-notch legal counsel argued their case before the Utah Supreme Court on April 1. Click the link below, for the full Cathy McKitrick story:
We've learned semi-privately that Dr. Schroeder and his legal team are optimistic, following Monday's Utah Supreme Court hearing, and that they anticipate that Utah's high court will ultimately remand this case again to to the original trial court, with explicit instructions to the trial court, to "follow the friggin law," of all things.

Keep your fingers crossed, people. It's high time people that our Utah courts allow the identification of the people who so sorely corrupted the Ogden political process in 2011.

Stay tuned for something awesome, folks.

Update 4/8/15 3:00 p.m.: Via Dan Schroeder: "The audio recording of Schroeder v Utah AG is now posted. It's worth listening just to hear the tone of the questions from our Utah Supreme Court justices":


Ozboy said...

If and when the whole truth ever comes out about this sordid affair, it is going to be pretty much what every one concerned at the time thought it was - Godfrey and the Godfreyites gamed the game and boldly sleazed their way through the whole thing untouched by justice or those charged with enforcing the laws. The end result is gonna be the same as well - nobody's gonna do squat about any of it and the crimes will go un-investigated and unpunished by the powers that be here in the land of Zion.

Danny said...

Godfrey and his cronies got caught up in their own messianic propaganda and played a little fast and loose. Everyone knows that is what happened. But why does the attorney general want to keep it all covered up all these years later? Is the establishment on such shaky ground that they can't take these revelations? Or do they simply insist on controlling everything, all the time?

Well the supreme court said some nice things - some good and decent things that we would all agree with. But so did 3rd District Court Judge Keith Kelly. Then he ruled in favor of the establishment and sent Dan Schroeder on his way. What is the betting that the supreme court will do the same?

But we do have to admire Schroeder's tenacity and dauntlessness. We could use a lot more like him.

Dan S. said...

The audio recording of Schroeder v Utah AG is now posted. It's worth listening just to hear the tone of the questions from our Utah Supreme Court justices.

rudizink said...

Thanks for the heads-up, Dan! Expect a WCF update later today.

blackrulon said...

I am awaiting a court ruling that willl force Matthew Godfrey to list the names of people anxious to rent office space at the new Wells Fargo bank building. Or was the offer to lease space contingent on Ogden building another floor on the building. BTW the space for lease sign still hangs on the building.

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