Thursday, May 19, 2016

On His Deathbed, Former Republican Senator Apologizes For Donald Trump (Video)

As for the current situation in Utah's federal Senate delegation, and in hindsight, Your blogmeister would take Bob Bennett any day of the week, dead or alive, over his crackpot tea party replacement, Mike Lee.

Here's the video story, peeps:

Perhaps the Standard's Don Porter got it at least halfway right, after all, in the end:
"Unlike many of the politicians populating government today, Bennett was a statesman. In my book, that’s high praise," eulogizes  the ever curmudgeonly Standard-Examiner legend, Don Porter.

As for the current situation in Utah's federal Senate delegation, and in hindsight, Your blogmeister would take Bob Bennett any day of the week, dead or alive, over his crackpot tea party replacement, Mike Lee.

Howbout you, folks?

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