Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Standard-Examiner: Let's Hear Your Defense of Leaving 52M Without Health Coverage, Rep. Bishop

Granted, the Standard-Examiner hasn't been even half so good as it used to be, before Doug Gibson was was demoted from the SE editorial page.

Nevetherless, here's a passingly-good editorial from the Standard-Examiner, which your blogmeister is pleased to highlight this afternoon.

Here's the lede:
As it turns out, the U.S. House of Representatives plans a long weekend March 24 through 26.
That would be an ideal time for Rep. Rob Bishop to return to Utah’s 1st Congressional District and share his views on the American Health Care Act.
Read up, folks:
And here's the Standard's "sodden question":

"If he believes it’s morally acceptable to adopt a plan leaving 52 million Americans without health insurance, the people he represents deserve to hear why - In person." 

Gotta say it's great to see the Standard actually "getting into the groove, for once," eh Gentle WCF Readers?

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