Monday, April 23, 2018

Standard-Examiner Newspaper to be Sold to a Family Newspaper Company

Front porch subscription happily renewed

Wow Northern Utahns... Check this out! Sodden question... will this be the final end of out home town newspaper, now that the Suits from Sandusky"" are selling out? Or will this be the rebirth of our "home town Ogden newspaper," which was founded in 1898?
For his own part, your blogmeister  renewed his own subscription within the last week, and is now happily again receiving hard-copy editions delivered to his front porch daily!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Weber Commissioner Gibson says he won't be charged with any crime

Good news, eh, Weber County Republicans!

Okay folks; we have to admit that we were wondering about this tantalizing earlier WCF/Standard-Examiner story:
And here's the gist of the problem peeps, also via the Standard-Examiner:
Happy days, however, as it looks like this former state representative and Weber County Commissioner will skate free on this!
Good news, eh, Weber County Republicans?

Saturday, April 07, 2018

Breaking News: Stock Market Having its Worst Second Quarter Since the Great Depression

Happy days, eh, Donald Trump voters?

Here's today's Fortune Magazine lede, Peeps

If you feel like the second quarter has begun badly, you’d be right.
U.S. stocks are on track to have their worst April start since 1929, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. The S&P 500 index slumped 2.4 percent as of 1:10 p.m. in New York, a rout exceeded only by its 2.5 percent decline 89 years ago, a prelude to the devastating crash later that year that brought on the Great Depression. (Back then, the index only comprised 90 stocks.)

Here's the full story, WCF Readers:
Happy days, eh, Donald Trump voters?

Oh shit republicans, you voted for Trump?