Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Utah’s DABC Asked for Your Opinion on State-run Liquor Stores and They Got It

The key impediment to improvement? The Utah State Churchislature, we're gonna suppose

Well... since they politely asked...
SALT LAKE CITY — Utah’s Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control asked for your opinion on state-run liquor stores.
And you responded.
More than 2,300 surveys were returned in the first wave of the DABC’s comprehensive customer feedback survey. The agency says it heard from the majority of customers after FOX 13 first reported on the survey.
“It’s good and bad, I suppose,” DABC Commission Chairman John Nielsen said Tuesday.
On a scale of one to five, customers gave state liquor stores an average score of three.
Read up, O Gentle Readers:
There's more...
DABC Deputy Director Cade Meier told FOX 13 the survey results will be used to improve liquor stores.
“We’re trying to expand our network to allow more opportunities for customers to find a more pleasant shopping experience,” he said.
That pleasant shopping experience was a big issue for DABC customers. Long lines and product selection were the top complaints. One customer wrote in, urging the DABC to be more like the Apple store, and less “post-WWII eastern Europe.”
“LONG LINES AND BEING TREATED LIKE A SECOND CLASS CITIZEN by the legislature and the DABC leave me extremely dissatisfied,” wrote another person.
The key impediment to improvement? The Utah State Churchislature, we're gonna suppose.

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