Wednesday, September 28, 2005

New Office Building Coming to Ogden

Thanks to one of our attentive and helpful gentle readers, I'm able to "scoop" the Standard-Examiner and the corporate carpetbagger "Suits from Sanduskey" once again.

New Office Building in Downtown Ogden

What's interesting is that there's no mention of public bonding, sweetheart deals, etc.

Will this be the expected pre-election "October Surprise?"

Don't count on it.

There will be another earth-shattering announcement -- re the gondola project, perhaps?!?!?!

Our slovenly rubber-stamp government has grown desperate. There WILL be much more happy news.

There are egos on the line as the elections approach; and our somnambulent city government will pull out all the stops -- with the slavish Std-Ex editorial board following right behind.

Keep your eye on the ball, people. It's time to send Jorgensen, Burdett and Larsen packing.

Don't lose your resolve because of a few well-timed news announcements. The church building was coming anyway.

We have them on the ropes; and they know it.

Comments, anyone?

Update 9/29/05 11:56 p.m. MT: The Standard-Examiner ran two excellent John Wright stories on this topic this morning. You can read them here and here.


Anonymous said...

There will most likely be several October surprises. Maybe Boyer will announce that they are maybe going to think a little harder about actually signing a commitment to Ogden on the Malll site? Maybe Larry Miller's organization will pipe up and tell us they are now thinking just a little bit harder about putting theatres in? Maybe the littlest mayor will call a news conference to announce he doesn't think the pollution problem at the mall site is all that bad. Maybe the Children's museum will actually pay some rent for a change. Maybe the recently silent fat guy from Golds Gym will announce free jock straps for the first 100 fellow fatties that sign up for rock wall climbing lessons. Hells bells, in this looney bin called the Godfrey administration most any bizzar deal might emerge.

Nol telling what this desperate crowd will come up with, but I'm with Rudi on this - the dirty bounders are going to do their damndest to white wash all their failures and try to convince the hoi polloi that all is well in the la la land of their fantasy world.

Nothing they come up with is going to change the fact that every thing they touch turns to junk. No lie they telll will change the fact that they have driven this city to the very brink of bankruptcy with zero chance of recovery as long as they are in office. No amount of chaff they throw out will change the fact that they can't afford to fix the roads without raiding other city funds.
Nothing will change the fact that the so called "development team" of Godfrey's drains over a million bucks a year out of Ogden coffers each and every year in salaries and perks. No grandios pronouncments will change the fact that Godfrey and Reid stole forty seven thousand bucks from the tax payers of Ogden with just their latest little scam.

The hard cold truth is that you can't polish a turd. But it sure as hell aint gonna stop this arrogant gang from trying.

October, time to get out the old waders and anti bull shit spray.

Anonymous said...

The following is from the web site of the Utah Attorney General's office.

I strongly urge each and every one reading this to use this information and file a complaint and request for an investigation into the recent embezzelment of $47,000 of Ogden city funds by Mayor Godrey and Stuart Read.

We cannot let these crooks get away with this crime!

Questions, Complaints, Requests, or Suggestions
General Office Numbers: (801) 366-0260, (801) 538-9600, (801) 366-0300
Toll Free within the State of Utah: (800) AG4 INFO (244-4636)
Please leave your name, phone number or address so you can be contacted.

Anonymous said...

Where's Ozboy, he's not been around lately! I'm suffering withdrawls, I need my daily dose of his clever straight talk.

Anonymous said...

Nah, Ozboy is an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Oboy agrees with anonymous.