Saturday, September 03, 2005

Ogden City Council Candidate Information

For the benefit of those gentle Weber County Forum readers who are carefully following the Ogden city council race, I've posted some candidate information over in the right sidebar. I've been collecting candidate statements as they've trickled in, pursuant to the invitation that I posted last week.

For those council candidates who haven't yet submitted anything, my invitation remains open, and I'll continue to update WCF's candidate information links right up through October 4, 2005, the primary election date.

You can check what info we have for now. I've received word via email and voicemail that more candidate info is in the pipeline. This project could work out well for those of us in the cyber-world, if we get significant candidate participation.

Check out the links. If there are any "glitches" or "bugs," gentle readers, we need to identify them early-on.

Comments, please?


Anonymous said...

I posted this same message in another section but it would go better here.

Has anyone seen kent jorgi's signs? They are laughable! They have two mid-teen girls (I assume are his daughters) with the caption "two good reasons to re-elect kent jorgensen". These signs are insulting to say the least. Hey kent why don’t you give us some real reasons to vote for you? You have already given Ogden voters enough reasons to send your Rick Moranis looking MUG out of city hall. Now that the heat is on, you are resorting to distancing yourself from the Mayor, and using your Elizabeth Smart age daughters to disguise your record. By the way I thought nailing your signs to tree's was against the election rules, but hey what are rules when UTA wants their PR guy in Ogden government? I’d like to see how much $ they have given you for your campaign!

P.S. you can see one of these pathetic signs on 36th street heading east, about 2 blocks from Harrison.

Anonymous said...

He poses with young children to portray his compassion, I would hope.

He's a PR guy, remember?

He's been regularly accused of being a "cold fish."

These signs are designed to dissipate that public perception, and present the image that he's not really a sociopath, despite his conscienseless city council performance.

These PR guys actually believe they can sell refrigerators to eskimos, I guess.

The mind seizes when we consider the "darker implications" of these "signs."

These signs are sad, very sad.

Exploiting children for political pusposes is evil per se.

This is what the November election is about. The evildoers must be banished from the city council.

Somebody needs to check his campaign financials, not only to find out how much cash he gets from the UTA, but how much he recieves fron the Kingstons.

The Ogden City Council election campaign plot sickens.

Anonymous said...

Jorgenson would have done much better if he would have had a picture of every Ogden resident on his sign....after all, we're all the reasons. There's more to this election than the usual family/church thing that most area politicos espouse.

This is about the city's survival.

Anonymous said...

Jorgenson's goose is cooked. He won't even get out of the primary. Everybody knows he's a lying sack.

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is what's wrong with Filiaga's ward 3. Is everybody there retarded, or what?

Is there nobody there who has a frickin' clue?

Maybe it's time for a write-in candidate in Ward 3. All the present candidates suck.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous: Oh, that's rich! The obvious next move for some enterprising wag is to cross out the word "Two" on the Kent Jorgensen campaign posters and substitute "Four," since the daughters lOOk so gOOd. That would let Jorgensen know what we think of his contemptuous assumption that we can't abide a substantive campaign.

Anonymous said...

Just a third party newby observation: there must be some sort of agenda against this guy. What is it? Did he tell some of you you were out of time at a city council meeting? And don't be foolish enough to tell me he has gone back on some empty campaign promise, because pretty much everybody on that council has done something in a similar manner and/or has a conflict of interest.

Anonymous said...

What really bugs me about this guy Opie is that since he was elected, he has voted for everything that the Mayor has proposed or brought up, never dissented. Now that he is fighting for reelection and finding that SOME of the mayors policies aren't popular he is distancing himself from the mayor, stating in a recent SE article that the mayor is too powerfull to oppose. I would rather Kent take a stand one way or the other than trying to walk the tigt rope. If you support the mayor, then admit it and state your case. I support the mayor, and it bugs me that Kent is now trying to distance himself from any perceived mistakes or problems. While taking credit for popular Godfrey accomplishments.

Anonymous said...

I can buy that.

Anonymous said...

Are you the same opie that condones the gondola and thinks that that fool thing is Ogden's saving grace? Sounds like you'r him, huh.

Opie, as you obviously just throw out thoughts that suit you and your way of thinking, instead of getting the facts and from that make worthwhile and useful comments, try this before you go offering us the same drivel as before, regarding the election and the candidates: go to a City Council meeting, dude! Watch the proceedings and then come back and make a qualified statement instead of flailing around in unsupported fiction.

This garbage you've posted about the gondola and Scott Ski and Descente is bad enough, without you giving us the same anain ramblings about the upcoming elections.

Be a good boy scout and "be prepared." Otherwise, your posts will be mentally deleted, which serves nobody nothing.

And as for Jorgenson, yes, the first time he could put his money where his mouth was, and that was keeping to his campaign promise that he was AGAINST tearing down the mall, he rubber stamped Mad Matt, voted vigorously to tear it down, and he's gone that way ever since, shamlessly voting for any and every thing that our blinder wearing Mayor puts on the table.

But, there's more than broken campaign promises, when it comes to this guy,'s his entire demeaner. He feels he's qualified to "instruct" the Utah State Legislature in how to use eminent domain, and hopefully get them, through his teachings, to re-enact the emenit domain law so that he can use it to take away a person's home and give the property to big business. He spends more time watching his little clock than LISTENING to the constituents, which is a far cry from calling "time" on somebady. And he's in someway behind the $28K per year PR person, which he will unethically use to further his campaign, at taxpayer's expense, and is fibbing to us as he's attempting to create the illusion that we shouldn't "lump the council in" with the Mayor's proposals. He's also trying to make like he's NOW distancing himself from the Mayor and that the council has no control over the Mayor. I guess he's so damn busy watching his alarm clock, which he hides when someone of his own ilk speaks, but then rams down the throats of those who oppose him, that he doesn't think that the VOTE has any control over the Mayor's more crazy schemes, schemes like the $25 mil Mad Godfrey wants to spend on a 2 stop gondola, while Public Services and the infrastructure rot away.

Oh well, maybe that's your kind of guy, opie. By your comments and position, it appears that you'll be a huge supporter. No real surprise that, as water seeks it's own level.

You're a real true sycophant, dude, really you are.

Anonymous said...

This comin Saturday, there's a League of Women Voters affaair, with candidates invited. However, because there are 19, the candidates only get to introduce themselves, without making any statements. The Primary winners will be invited to a debate later on in October.

Some candidates have taken it upon themselves to call various activist groups in hoping to get an audience. Maybe try the library, as sometimes these things are held there. Watch the newspaper and blog sites, and you'll probably get the information you request.

I'm thinking that the candidates have their phone numbers, etc., listed in the City Recorders Office....maybe a phone call would be appropriate. I've seen Glassman at the Raptor games and the Saturday morning Farmer Mkt and he's been quite receptive to a chat. Prisbey seems like he'll sit down an converse, also, and his signs are out around town. He's young, but a truely good guy with some experience in his court via our former Mayor, Scott Sneddon. John Thompson runs throughout the East bence (ala Forrest Gump type running) and I've stopped him for a question or two. It's a little early yet, but I'm with you, CopperPenny, hopefully some of the candidates will hold public forums, wherein we can garner information and ask questions.

This should be an exciting race. Our city's future is at stake.

Anonymous said...

FYI, Rudi, the Primary Election is

TUESDAY, 4 OCT., 05....

Not 3 Oct., as you have in the opening thread.

Anonymous said...

Apparently municiple ward #3 candidates don't feel this site or it's readers are important enough to post a little about themselves and their platforms.