Sunday, September 25, 2005

Recreation Center Poll

I received a reader email, suggesting another poll. This particular reader is interested in finding out whether our readership believes that the Ogden High Adventure Recreation Center will ever come to fruition, based on the information we've obtained to date.

As many of our longer-term readers already know, I created a similar poll back in July, when oil contamination was first discovered on the old mall site. This poll was published in conjunction with this Weber County Forum article , and was phrased as follows: "What will be the result of the new mall-site environmental report?" I've since closed down the earlier poll, which yielded the following results, with a total of 45 votes cast:

Clean and "good to go" (29) 64%
Oil contamination will "nix" the deal (16) 36%

We've received additional information since that time, so I think our reader poses a fair and very interesting question.

So gentle readers, given the new information that we've now received, I'm going to ask a new question:

Will all necessary legal prerequisites for the Recreation Center project be fulfilled prior to the January 1, 2006 "drop-dead date?"

You can take the poll here, or vote in the "panel" which I've placed in the right sidebar.

Take My Poll

Your comments are invited, of course.


Anonymous said...

Nothing new in town? Read this morning's paper and there was NO NEWS about Ogden, even with the Primary elections only one week off.

Then read the blog, and here's this 24 hour old thread, NO COMMENTS attached. No poll numbers. Nothing much new on the other threads either.

Think I'll run for CHAIRMAN OF THE "BORED."

As for the poll....don't think this recreational center will fly.

Desperation setting in. Stimulate us, please. Rudi, post something, anything.

Anonymous said...

Barry, Barry, Barry! You must get this blog addiction under control!

Perhaps we both should look into a special cyber space twelve step program.

The problems with all of these addicting substances, Rudi included, is that they Work!

As ridiculous as it is, I find myself looking forward in the morning to an intelligent take on the haps of Ogden. I sure never get any thing smart or informative from the Standard Examiner until a day or two (or never) after Rudi brings up and disects a subject. Often it is some small thing the Standard throws in the middle of an article.

Reading the Standard is sorta like drinking de-caf coffee.

The comments after Rudi's usual smart and whitty editorials are like the comics - or the sports page if your that kind.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking for a BA (Bloggers Anonymous) program as we speak.

Anonymous said...

"Merle Moore" sounds like someone with a strong Lift Ogden connection. The head honcho is Ed Allen, the mayor's father in law. Ed's wife's maiden name is Moore and his father's name is Merle. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

He was probably just "slummin'" and posted a comment in desperation, just like I have. 5 log ons today and not a damn thing newsworthy or new, for that matter.

Think I'll go check out the other blogs and hang there for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy did some one miss the mark here!

Lift Ogden people love the standard because the standard loves the Lift Ogden people. They are tight as thiefs!
Why would Ed Allen or the Mayor or the Mayor's Mom or the Giegers, etc possibly want to say anything bad about their in house propoganda organ that has been doing an excellent job so far?

And NO! I am not related to the little rascal or his wife, nor do I have any connection with any of the people promoting the ski lift idea (which isn't a bad idea if they pay for it).

Anonymous said...

No public funds, nobody looses a house to eminent domain to put up a tower, no sneaky behind the scenes Ogden City involvement that brings the taxpayers aboard to "save the deal" (that sort of crap that Godfrey's famous for....speaking with a forked tongue, back dooring the City's involvement-you know the drill), environmentally friendly, and hell, both legs seem to make some sense.

Businesses to follow, hotels, tourists, students, we'll see, but why not? Let's quit screwing around, obstructing EVERYTHING & ANYTHING, and get down to doing something, with the private guys leading the charge (imperative)!

Anonymous said...

Rudi, where's the new thread? I know we're putting alot of pressure on you for it, but man, we need it.

The Standard carried two pertinent articles today, an Anti-gondola piece and the At- Large, Seat A comments from the candidates. And here we are, still taking a rec center poll.

Elections one week from today! Activity at a peak. We need the WCForum.

Anonymous said...

A BIG gracias to Rudi....2 new threads, TODAY!