Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Think -- It's Your Future Too

By Bennie Hanna

What I don't understand, and I'm being serious here, is how some of you people think this bunch of guys, EC's "Gang of 6," (Godfrey, Safsten, Jorgen, Filiaga, Stephenson & Burdett) are in any way qualified to make the decisions that they have. None of them, to my knowledge, has EVER owned or operated their own business, and until you lay your ass and bankroll on the line, you don't really understand the dynamics of the "deal."

None of these guys is a realtor or real estate broker. None of these guys is a developer. None of these guys is a builder. None of these guys is an investment capitalist, stock broker, or entrepreneur. They are but elected officials with no developmental track record, no frame of reference as to what it honestly takes to put a deal together and then take it to fruition. They risk your money and mine, money from the "General Fund," money that if they lose, they can get it back through impact fees or Block Grants. They use RDA TIF for the seed money, not theirs, not even money from the people they plan to GIVE the completed projects to.They do not have their own money on the line, nor do they bet their house or their 401K. THEY HAVE NO VESTED INTEREST in these deals, they have no RISK, and one needs to experience that, at least once in awhile, before one can understand the "art of the deal" (thanks for the quote, Donald Trump).

An example of the correct way to do these things is Carlos Hebron. Here's a guy who sold real estate for years, made some bucks on "flips," started his own brokerage, kept a couple of rehabilitated houses then put them on the line to finance Adams Place. He invested his own money his own blood, sweat and tears, and in the span of 8 months accomplished what Godfrey and Reid have yet to accomplish in 2 to 3 years downtown, and those two have the power and the finances of Ogden City behind them. Planners, Inspections, the whole bunch, all bending over backwards for these City projects yet they can't sell a freaking condo. Hebron, meanwhile, is about 2/3 full, with supporting business also on site. These City guys have nothing on the line, no money, no blood, sweat and tears. They put on their blinders and charge forth, recklessly, paying attention to nobody. They have big time developers like CityVenture walk out on them because they insist on being in charge yet they don't know how to do the deal . CV spotted that and took their money and ran....don't blame them. Wonder how this David Allen guy's going to feel in another year? Donald Trumps they're not.

Please, before you get sucked in, LOOK, LOOK at what they've accomplished. They couldn't get Shupe Williams off the ground, even by selling it for a lousy hundred bucks. The buyer said it was not within the realm of reason to put money in it....too expensive to rehab, and if he did, those condos hadn't sold anywhere in town, he knew that, and passed. Look at the 2 or 3 housing projects that took 4 years to sell out, some still only half sold. Look at Jefferson Avenue, Townhouses going for $129K, down there, in a crime area, all unsold, most poorly constructed. Is that smart planning, or what?

Stuart Reid says Channel 17 is the way to market this stuff, that that was the reason the Union Square condos failed to sell....give me a break, Channel 17? My gawd, people, what's he thinking? The problem was the concept and the construction....swing on by and take a look at the model, then tell me you'd move you and your family down there, even if the transients or meth freaks weren't in the area. Desolate, backed up to a power grid, barred in with really no yard, overlooking the backs of deteriorating buildings. Not a place I'd enjoy calling "home."

They abused eminent domain until they lost it and WalMart along with it The wreck center: 9 DELAYS....9 freaking delays! All because they don't know what they are doing and won't hire somebody who does. The Woodbury suit, which they lost. The Army's upset because they violated the agreement made at inception .... they "thought a diversion of funds was OK to do. Have they ever heard of a phone? Maybe dial up the Army, float the idea, see what they say, then, depending on the answer, give it try or back off. But no, charge straight ahead, into the fray, and now we're in debt $10 mil plus interest, everyday, for the Wreck Center the entity that's supposed to pay it back. But the Wreck Center's still, after 4 years, a pile of contaminated dirt. The old mall was one hell of a buy, wasn't it?

Union Square. The corner building, vacant, ready to sell or lease, but deals keep falling apart, and now, THEY'VE DRIED UP. The project in BK, subs broke and twisting in the wind, David Allen into it $900,000 in CASH, waiting for the influx of buyers. 2 of 14 residential units sold, and one of them is up for sale....the owner has given up and wants his money back because nothing is happening down there.

The Street Festival: 125,000 people, goods and wares lining the street, big money made by everyone that day, festivity in the air, a good time had by all. And now, cobwebs! Godfrey tried to fix what wasn't broken, he thought he was a promoter and he's never sold a ticket to anything in his life. He single handedly torpedoed the Street Festival (by dumping the beer, the sponsers, and the arm wrestling) an icon that a hundred thousand people looked forward to and showed up at. Why? because he didn't know what he was doing and did it anyway. First Night....also GONE.

Firemen running engines short handed because they don't have the funding. It's all going to keep this insanity afloat. Marshall White Center, privatised; Union Depot, our heritage museum, nearly closed, roof leaking, broke. The Infrastructure, $148,000,000 to get back up to par again, yet there's only a $6,000,000 allotment for it in the budget while he POURS dollar after dollar into these projects that he absolutely doesn't know anything about. And you think they should have "intervened sooner." Damn it, use your head.

Now, before you rail on me, think of this: if they did know something, anything, about these things, ONE of them would have worked. Can you tell me which one has? Which one is solvent? Which one is paying back its taw? Which one is up, running, vibrant, and doing what its intended purpose was?

And again, you think these guys waited too long to get involved. My gawd, people, THINK....it's your future too.


Editor's Note: This article was originally submitted as a comment on another thread, and has been edited and slightly modified with the permission of its author.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps a bit of insight here from News about Mormons, Mormonism, and the LDS Church
LDS Mayor In Ogden Moves Fast
Deseret News 9Apr00 D2
By Donna M. Kemp: Deseret News staff writer

Godfrey is currently serving as a Bishop for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He and his wife, Monica have three young children and are no strangers to hard work. They started their first business while in college. Godfrey graduated with a bachelor and master's degree in four years. They borrowed down payments from credit cards in order to buy rental properties. Today, he owns 45 rental units. "We started with no money and built it up," said his wife, Monica.,

And here:

Ogden mayor receives mostly favorable marks Sun, Jan 6, 2002

Fights with council

Godfrey has clashed numerous times with the council, mostly because the council doesn’t get all the information until right before a vote. Godfrey also raised a stink when he pushed his request for $1 million for a high-tech center at the Legislature in place of city and county priorities.

And last year, he cut off weekly leadership meetings used to update the council on upcoming projects.

Council members have responded by holding votes until they had time to review the materials.

Council Chairman Ken Alford said Godfrey has learned to appreciate the council’s role.

"I think he had limited government experience, but I give him credit for being a fast learner," Alford said....

...Undoubtedly, Godfrey’s most controversial move was to hire Stuart Reid, a former Salt Lake City councilman and redevelopment director, as his business and economic development director.
In a town that has languished in Salt Lake’s shadow, many remain suspicious of Reid’s Salt Lake connections.

"(Reid’s) not a consensus builder," Cain said. "He works behind closed doors and that makes people nervous."


Anonymous said...

If your so experienced Bennie Hanna.
If you are so bright, and you are so disgusted with the current administration, then why aren't you doing more about it. Why aren't you running for city council? You make it sound like Ogden was a thriving community before Godfrey took over. IT WASN'T! Threre are some things that could have been done better. But I'm sure that you wouldn't have done a whole lot. You want the city Gov. to just run the city and let the business men take care of developement etc. Where have they been for the last 10-15 years?
Not in Ogden. So before you go rambling off all the failures that you feel the leaders of the city have "caused" why don't you be grateful that we have a mayor who is trying to get the ball rolling.
As soon as the hang-ups with the mall site are ironed out, as soon as the Gondola project begins, and many of these other projects begin taking hold, Ogden will begin moving towards its true potential.
A city where business actually want to come and stay. A place where people from out of town actually want to come and visit.

RudiZink said...

Yeah, Comrade Johnny D. That's what you marxist types have been saying for 160 years. You're always going to make it better "down the road." All you need is "just a little more time."

And look at your great results in the Soviet Union. You central-planning buddies tried your big government plan for 74 years, but never got it right.

And it's been 3-1/2 years since the big government schemers voted to tear down the mall (January 15, 2002.) Look at how great that's worked.

Just a little more time? Not on your life!

Anonymous said...

Anarchist Rudi and his merry band of eminent domain nutjobs comparing a city built wreck center to the Soviet Union if this is not liberal hysteria at its greatest form I don't know what is, My Hell Rudi. Your nuts man. Leave it to the ED crusaders aka anti-morman B.B.'s. Ya Marxism is behind the Gondola, Rudi, a little advice from guess who "you"
We don't get all hyped up over inspirational hysteria groupthink.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting how comrade Johnny d. attacked Bennie's lack of "faith" in Ben's well done analysis of the failure of our beloved Lord Mayor and his band of incompetents. What he didn't do is address or refute their long sorry list of failures.

Poor Johnny cannot come up with one single reason why this analysis is wrong. It is the same old story with the Godfreyite's, their stock answer to any one who points out the complete incompetence of this gang that can't shoot straight is "why are you not doing something about it", or my favorite "at least they are doing something". This last presumes that doing something is better than doing nothing even if doing something means steering the good ship Ogden into the shoals of bankruptcy with one squirrely deal after another. That's like excusing a bank robbery gang because "at least they are doing something!"

The mayor and his "team of incompetents" have not done one single thing to address their most important jobs - the infastructure and public services. They spend virtually all of their time chasing rainbows but they are never quite able to reach that pot of gold at the end. Just like all rainbow chasers they find the ever elusive pot-o-gold is always just one more dream away, just right around the corner behind those trees.

We have a unique chance to over throw this corrupt administration this election. I strongly urge every one to vote and throw Jorgensen and Burdett out of office. Vote for any one who pledges to get the council back on the path of serving the citizens instead of the Mayor's fantasies. Also keep in mind that Larsen is a Filliaga clone and will continue in Fasi's somnolent manner of rubber stamping every stupid whim of the Mayor's.

Let's once again make Ogden a good and friendly place to do business so business will want to come here. The city should not be competing with the very businesses that they regulate. The business of city government is governing not development or high finance or high tech rec centers or old house restoration or building gondola's.

RudiZink said...

You apparently haven't been paying attention, Mr. Reach.

I've been in favor of a rec center all along; it's the faulty execution I complain about. I hate driving to South Ogden for my workout. If the rec center is ever built, you'll definitely find me there.

But it's been 3-1/2 years since Kent Jorgenen triumphantly announced "We've been elected to make good, bold, daring decisions," (after voting to tear down the mall,) but I don't see anything happening yet. I don't see a rec center. Do you see a rec center? The current status of this project is the perfect illustration of what happens when government schemers attempt to take the place of private investors in the real estate development marketplace.

As for the gondola system -- I'm 100% for it, now that I know I won't have to pay for it with my own tax dollars. I think it's a fabulous idea; and I'll definitely ride it myself. It's the poster project for free-market development, as a matter of fact. It's all being done with private money, we're told; and it'll thus probably be done right. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

And ant-Mormon? Hardly. I'm LDS myself, as are ALL of my immediate family. It's just silly to call me anti-Mormon,

As for the USSR-Ogden Big Government analogy -- it's the exact same mindet -- just on a different scale.

Now turn off mommy's computer and go outside for some fresh air.

RudiZink said...

Awesome post, Steve.

We all love happy bedtime stories. What we really want to know, however, is what you'll do for the voters, if you're elected to a council seat.

I've noticed you haven't posted anything to Weber County forum, as most of the candidates have done. Your current info is some text I lifted from the League of Women Voters website.

"Fasi Filiaga is not well and has encouraged me to run in his place. My father desired that we leave things better than we found them. I include Ogden City. I am 65 years young, and retired. I have the time and the inclination to serve the people of Ogden full time, with no interest beyond the good of Ogden citizens. I attended most meetings of the Council since February. I know what is needed."

The gist of it seems to be that you attend all the city council meetings, and thus wisely "know what is needed."

What is needed, Steve?

Please enlighten us on this.

It seems like you're running a stealth campaign here, Steve.

For starters, what is your view on the use of eminent domain for municipal economic development? Will you enter into a solemn pledge to prevent its use for that purpose in the event the legislature ever gives the power back?

Talk to us Steve! We all want to know what you stand for. Believe me, a lawnsign campaign ain't gonna get you elected by the VERY sceptical voters of Ogden.

Anonymous said...

Readers all, some of you apparently have not been keeping up to date on the Mayor's stellar track record. You claim that private enterprise has not come to town in 10-15 years, so thank god for the "Gang of 6" intervening to "save the town." Many developers, and Bennie Hanna cited but one, CityVenture, left the negotiating table after being told that "if you plan to come to Ogden to develop, you'll do it our way, mine (Godfrey) and Stuart Reid's." Boyer is another who passed, due to this attitude. Now, Boyer is running the BDO, free from the shackles of the City, and doing one hell of a job (wonder how Stuart Reid's new position will go over out there?). If the City backs off, streamlines the process, gets the Planners to be a bit more friendly and cooperative, takes care of the infrastructure, offers some tax incentives, etc., and readys the town for development the way all successful cities have, private enterprise is bound to come in droves. This city is ripe and ready to burst at the seams, if it's properly administered.

The Mayor, owning some rental units, is hardly a qualified developer. Just look at many of the rental units in town: if owning a bunch of them qualifies for being a developer or city leader, then John Black from Wendover should be Senator and running the BDO.

Read "The Art of the Deal," by Donald Trump. You might catch an idea there, as time and again he went up against New York City politics, and prevailed. Listen to his words about New Orleans, and he says it just like Ozboy, me, Hannah and the rest that say city government should assist but not be directly involved as a competitor. If the town were prepared adequately, and didn't have Godfrey and Reid issuing orders, we'd have private business here, ON THEIR DIME, NOT OURS, and development would be rife. This town is ready to go, if the Godfreyites would back off and let business take care of business.

How many housing developments, other than the City's, do you see going up in Ogden? One, two maybe....why is that? Ask the developers/builders and you'll hear the answer-too many hoops, unfriendly Planners with a questionable General Plan, and the Administration, Godfrey and his cronies leading the way to impasse.

It's also interesting why you guys haven't supported, and thereby excused, the obvious, up front, IN OUR FACES failures, like Shupe Williams and Union Square and WalMart. What say you? Why did these fail? Why should we think, from the City's track record, that their next multi-million dollar project will fly?

The IRS Building, that this Utmo kid claims "Godfrey forced the IRS to locate in Ogden," is another load of idiotic BS. What is happening here, and if you care to do a little research you'll find this to be fact, is that Ogden is a Federally Declared Blight Area, thereby MANDATING any area expansion or re-location to be located here. It's the US Government/IRS that calls this shot to stimulate a city's recovery and is responsible for the new buildings downtown, not the "Gang of 6."

Research, study, take off your blinders, accept the facts, and LEARN. Then come at us with some VIABLE alternatives, not the lame-assed "at least they're" doing something" argument. That doesn't hold water and belongs where this other madness you support belongs....in the trash.

Anonymous said...

I urge all interested persons to read the full article in the Deseret News that Dian provides a link to. However,it needs an addendum as Mayor Godfrey's true purpose becomes clearer.
After attending the Marvest Moon affair in downtown Ogden this past Saturday afternoon I can't see why anyone in their right mind would come to Ogden for any reason, much less move here.
Beer and wine for sale were actually authorized for public consumption in one block of 25th Street in front of Rooster's brewery. No one was allowed to take
alcoholic beverages outside that one block.
So, those of us who love Zydeco music went to the ampitheatre with cushions and coats to hear a great band left homeless by Katrina. Instead we had to move to stand along the sidewalks watching the band perform on a makeshift stage in the middle of the street with no place to sit except the concrete curb because someone might dare to take a glass of wine to the ampitheatre.
In the next block where the East Indian, Lucky, and the Vietnamese family were put out of business by having their beer licenses taken away because they didn't meet the Mayor's profile of who should be allowed to be there, there is now a beer parlor owned by a white person who is selling beer by the pitcher.
Check it out for yourself.
It really steams me up that Ogden citizens are allowing and supporting a mayor who is a narrow-minded bigoted Mormon who considers himself to be a Messiah.

Anonymous said...

They borrowed down payments from credit cards in order to buy rental properties. Today, he owns 45 rental units. "We started with no money and built it up," said his wife, Monica,"

Too funny.

He and Monica limited out their credit cards for his first down payment?

The "borrow and spend" mentality seems be his strategy in Ogden, too. I wonder when Ogden city will reach its credit limit.

This is sad, very sad.

Mayor Godfrey dodged a bullet with his original strategy and apparently made out well. What I wonder is how many others have used this strategy, and wound up in federal court, listed as "debtor" on a Chapter 7 filing.

Thanks for the great research, Dian.

Anonymous said...

Wonder if the mayor took the Good Landlord class? I saw some of the teachings and he certainly had a hand in that, as it suggested spying and turning people away who fit a certain profile. Is this the same mayor guy who gets all the credit for threatening people with business expulsion during the Mitch Moyes Petition Drive if they allowed the petitions to be signed on their premises? He sure sets one fine example, doesn't he?

And good hell, how dare anyone think that sipping a beer in public while watching a band or armwrestle is proper? What's the matter with you people. BEER? On 25th Street? No way!

What we need is, aw, forget it. This Utahmorman guy and his buddy Lancer will come up with something.

Anonymous said...

I have some hollowed out binoculars that I use sometimes at the church firesides to calm my nerves.

I wonder how many others here have done this? I know I see many people putting their lips to binoculars, cell phones and purses when I attend Ogden City Events.

Can we have a poll on this, Rudy?

Anonymous said...

Hey Tonto, the things you said were complete speculation.
I went to the same good landlord classes. they never said anything about turning "a certain kind of people away" Maybe criminals, but they're not a protected class.
And to assume that you know of businesses that were threatened by Godfrey during the moyes flop is ridiculous. Give me one.
Quit tainting people if you don't know what your talking about.

RudiZink said...

Thanks for your continuing input here, Bob G.

I think it's you and your father who actually deserve the major kudos here. You're the private entrepreneurs who are energetically clearing the path for the hotel-gondola project.

Lift Ogden, of course, deserves kudos for keeping the dream alive.

You'd be wise though, I think -- at least for now -- to steer clear of any involvement with the current administration -- other than saying, "thanks for your co-operation and support."

It's going to get "messy" in Ogden politics from here on; and I think it would be wise to steer clear of the fray.

The gondola project is a job that needs to be done; and it would be a mistake, I think, to tie yourselves too closely to this administration.

Just a simple word of advice, my friend.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely sound, sage advice for Bob G., Rudi....the Administration does not sit well with most, these days.

If, on the other hand, the Administration did in fact help Descente in the way defined, then that is about the only, and the proper way, for an Administration to act. They should not be risking taxpayer's dollars to compete with taxpayer's businesses.

Anonymous said...

There were two articles printed in the Salt Lake Tribune about harassment of businesses who had the petition in favor of a bond election for the rec center.

One, "Ogden Petitioners Claim They Are Intimidation Targets," was written on May 14, 2005, and begins:

Opponents of a high-adventure recreation center proposed for downtown Ogden are accusing proponents of using intimidation to discourage their petition drive. Citizens and Businesses Concerned with Ogden's Future, a coalition of residents and businesses, say petitioners trying to force a public vote on the center have been harassed by anonymous calls, and businesses displaying the petition have received threatening phone calls.

"They harass, they coerce, they..."

Unfortunately, I did not save this article. I retrieved the above information from a search of the Trib's paid archives. I read the article, however, and remember at least one business owner quoted as to the threats and harassment he had received, and also a line about where the threatening phone calls originated.

If anyone would like to research the specifics, they can be found in the article. Here is the link to the paid archive page:

SL Trib Paid Archives

Anonymous said...

Mr. Geiger wrote:

"The Mayor simply helped us navigate through some of the local challenges that make moving a company to Ogden difficult."

That seems to get at what a lot of readers here are talking about. It is damn hard for a business to move into Ogden. Is It only the ones that fit the mayor's criteria that get this kind of help? Why would the city make it difficult for companies to locate here?
Tell us more Bob G.

I personally know of a major investor group from San Francisco that was contemplating buying the new building on 25th and Lincoln until they researched our fair city and took a pass. Their concerns ranged from a business unfriendly city government to the prospects of the city going into bankruptcy. They were especially turned off by the Godfrey administration's attempts to sieze minority owned homes for the Wal-Mart project.

I know this because I was a consultant to this minority owned group. This is what first opened my eyes to the can of worms that the city government is.

Anonymous said...

Aw yes, the friendliness of Ogden City Government. Well reasoned, Thomas Luke. Why is it that a mayor has to help a business "navigate" through the rocks and shoals of locating here. Maybe you're correct in the assumption that if it doesn't fit the mayor's criteria, he doesn't want it. Happened on 25th Street with the 2 stores, didn't it?

And yes, Mr. Steve Larsen, the man with the cute stories and an attendance award for the City Council meetings. We've not heard ANYTHING of substance from you, except that you absolutely FAWN over the mayor and his cronies. I've seen you in action once or twice myself, sucking up to the Council as if they could do no wrong and that ANYONE for ANY REASON who questioned them was either and obstructionists or an ignorant SOB. As Rudi says, a campaign of lawn signs just don't get it, and Fasi Filiaga's reference isn't something that carries much weight itself, as the guy's asleep half the time and doesn't seem to understand what his role is the other half. I also read the Women Voter's comments, and out of all of them, and there are a couple of shakey dudes running, yours was the most canned, generic response aboard.

So, Mr. first to put his signs out in June, where's the freaking BEEF?

Former Centerville Citizen said...

Speaking of 25th Street, today I was standing on the sidewalk in front of the fountains on the north side of the municipal building when I heard an interesting exchange. A hispanic man, maybe thiry, was walking by the bench where people board the bus, and out of nowhere he yelled "F*** you!" to the elderly asian man sitting on the bench, who yelled back "F*** you!" in return. Aw, ya gotta love Ogden.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard anyon say f**k when I was in Centerville. Aw, you've gottat love Centerville!

RudiZink said...

Troll flame deleted

Anonymous said...

Tonto just read Steve Larsen post. Tonto think Larsen story is cute, belong in some classroom, not in political campaign. Tonto say fables and fairy tales should come from Mother Goose, not council candidates. Tonto has yet to see or hear anything of substance come from candidate Larsen. Tonto wonder why Filiaga recommendation mean ANYTHING. Tonto wonder if Larsen sleep in meeting, like Filiaga. Tonto think Larsen campaign need more than few signs in yards. Tonto wonder why Larsen never say anything of substance. Tonto wonder why Larsen swoon over mayor and his buddies.

Tonto also giving them hell on Utmo's blog....remind Tonto of squirting hormet's nest with garden hose. Tonto entertained by their irrational stupidity. Tonto wish to share this with others.

Tonto be back after deer hunt.

Anonymous said...

That information about a major investment group from San Fran that took a pass on Ogden is pretty startling; one wishes Kristen Moulton or the Standard would be all over it. Thanks, Thomas Luke. Do you know anything further about what's happening with Time Square at 25th & Lincoln, which Ogden City unconscionably allows to sit there, empty?

Anonymous said...

Hey Moroni, Thomas, etc., what's the matter with you guys. Don't you undersdtand priorities? Can't believe you'd feel that the Mayor would prioritize anything in front of the Reid Severance or the Wreck Center or eminent domain. Also on board are business licenses of alien citizens to take away, people who have the unmitagated gall to think they can spend more than 90 days in a motel, stuff like that.

You guys need to wake up and smell the freakin coffee, er Postum, I guess....maybe eat a bowl of Jello, too (that'll put those pesky Episcopals in their rightful place....trying to buy a vacant lot at the mall. Who'da thunk it?

Anonymous said...


The Times square building at 25th and Lincoln is the building that the Lebanese investment group from SF was considering buying.

Walked by Saturday and it's still as empty as the Mayor's skull.

Anonymous said...

I Think that this is the most biased censored blog I have ever seen. If there is something that is derogitory towards the mayor or anyone that Old T** (Rudi) doesn't like he keeps it for all to read.
If there is something derogitory about someone he agrees with or himself, he quickly erases the post. Come on Rudi. If you are so big on freedom and the Constitution then let people speak their mind and exercise their freedom of speech on your blog.
(Go ahead and prove me wrong, Now you can erase my post)

Anonymous said...

Dear sick and tired:

For your info Rudi regularly "censors" my posts that scorch the little twirp mayor and his cronies at city hall!

Seems to me that I have never read a direct "flame" from Rudi toward the mayor. In fact as I recall there have been numerous times here that he praises the little lord mayor.

I think that there is a very real chance that this blog is actually a front for the Godfreyites to keep the opponents contained in one spot and out of the daily so called news paper.

Anonymous said...

There you go Ozboy,
Right in your own little world again. Let me know what you come back to real life.

Anonymous said...

You guys want a laugh? Try that goodinogden piece of meat blogsite that utmo runs. Censorship, one adled mind after another, all thinking they're saving the town. It's entertainment for a few minutes, but then sinks into zero.

Pure kid stuff!