Saturday, January 21, 2006

Alternate Reality Department

Recently some members of our City Council, through their own actions, caused a large company (Ernest Health, Inc.) that was willing to build a $17 million hospital to change its mind about locating in Ogden. Sadly, this appears to be nothing more than an attempt to show the mayor who is in charge of the city.

Ogden Standard-Examiner
Letters to the Editor

Political Struggle Ultimately Hurts Residents
Dustin Chapman
January 21, 2006

Ogden Mayor Matthew Godfrey and City Council Chairman Jesse Garcia said Brockette has informed them he will resume discussions with the council in the next few weeks regarding the possibility of the hospital being built in Ogden.

Ogden Standard-Examiner
Cities fighting for Ernest
January 21, 2006

The little mayor needs to be "brought to lead," as we lumpen-townsfolk often say about dumb livestock and dumber politicians in our little local berg. The council adults are now taking charge of municipal matters, pursuant to the recently-expressed will of the voters.

Godfrey has two choices: Either play ball cooperatively; or suffer the new council's continuing bitchslaps, as they bring him into line.

The latest info is that Chairman Garcia is primarily responsible for bringing Ernest back to the table. He apparently engineered it all by phone. For that, Councilman Garcia deserves a Weber County Forum tip o' the hat.

Councilman Glasmann, a real estate broker by profession, is also searching alternate Ogden Ernest-friendly sites. One of Mr. Brockette's objections to the River Project, apparently, was its physical isolation from other existing medical facilities. There's nothing engraved in granite that says the River Project site was in any way the best site for them.

Go, Glasmann, go.

Comments. anyone????


RudiZink said...

I recognize now none of my above links work.

Blame it on the Standard-Examiner, who've become so greedy and information unfriendly, that nobody, even subscribers, can post a friggin' link to any single Std-Ex article these days.

The STD-EX editors are whining away today on the editorial page about legislative incursions into GRAMA... and yet they're more information-stingy than Stalin's government in its VERY worst days.

What a shabby excuse for a local newspaper...

Anonymous said...

Where're the Glasmanns when we need 'em? Oh yeah, serving the people on the City Council. That'll have to do until they buy out the Sandusky's, and that's do just fine as the Mayor and Geiger's ain't the only ones in charge of running the City. We are!

Anonymous said...

hey Rudi it looks like the folks over at the "GOOD IN OGDEN" are making some changes. The site is completely innoperable right now. Maybe they have realized that no one wants to read all their lies and propaganda designed to help the NeoCons. Thank you for providing a forum for truth and REAL discussion of the issues and FACTS!

Anonymous said...

I hope Glassman will look into the land SW of McKay....perhaps there is a suitable place there for Ernest's facility.
What happened to the "Good in Ogden"? (The site I mean)!

RudiZink said...

The links work now, thanks to my nimble fingers, hehehe, and NO thanx to the Std ex website.

The truth will nevertheless come out on Weber County Forum, even if I have to key it in letter-by-letter, the old-fashioned way.

RudiZink said...

You're right, bingo. I drove over to the old McKay-Dee site late yesterday afternoon, and took a good look at it. Although I brought along my camera, there wasn't quite enough light to shoot any decent digital pics.

The site's almost completely vacant now. All that's left there is the remodeled professional building, grassy areas, and a WHOLE LOT of empty parking lot.

I agree. The old Dee-McKay site presents plenty of opportunities. Glasmann and I even discussed it a couple of times this week.

All Ernest needs is about four reasonably-priced empty acres; and there's plenty of acreage there -- as well as other Ogden places.

Anonymous said...

Rudi, I'm disappointed that you'd waste the space to put fellow-blogger's, Dustin Chapman's opinion (from today's SE Opinions Page)to start off one of your subject posts. He doesn't ever say anything worth repeating. His comments aren't "alternate reality" -- just the musings of someone who is "too busy" (or too lazy) to check the truthfulness of the second-hand info (lies) he receives and posts. He rationalizes posting such misinformation because he is so busy, after all he has a family (isn't that unique?) and he's going to school. I'm from the old school and there is NO excuse for furthering lies and maligning another person's reputation. I've noticed that he thinks he knows how everyone else thinks and he's great to judge them on his very limited information. Has he ever called up or emailed anyone that he vilifies before he jumps to conclusions and judges them? I put him on the same level as the SE and its editors. You might say that I'm judging him and the SE, maybe I am, but it isn't done ignorantly -- it's done as a result of years of reading the SE and a few months of reading his blog. Some of us are so disgusted with his site because of the lies and misinformation that is posted there that we've sworn off his blog. It's too bad (and disgusting) that there aren't a few rules for putting articles on a blog, such as checking out information as to validity and truth before posting it. And then there seldom is anything of substance written on his blog -- just a lot of negativity and name calling of people they don't like, especially the new council members. I've often wondered if those making comments on that blog made it past 5th grade. If it's being overhauled, I sure hope he improves it. I commented on the purpose statement of his blog the other day that it was sad that it didn't apply to anything that was posted there, and said that I wasn't going to waste my time on that blog any more because of the negativity and lack of substance of the postings. I wonder if he's changing his purpose statement? I had no problem with it, and thought it sounded great, it's just too bad that those, including the blogmaster himself, seldom followed those guidelines.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I forgot to mention that Dustin, sure can't take any criticism on his blog, but he really likes to dish it out! You'd think that he'd be able to understand how friends of his victims feel when they read all his negative postings. I guess some people are so self centered that they have no empathy whatsoever for others.

Yeah I agree with you, "thinkin about things said", it was a sad day for Ogden when the Glasmanns sold the newspaper, and even a sadder day when Flora Ogan retired and that buffoon, Don Porter, was made editor. I guess we can understand his poorly written editorials, as his background had been writing the movie reviews, but there is no excuse for letting one's prejudices overshadow one's judgment in writing one's editorials. He sure goes off half-cocked more times than not. By now I'm sure most of the SE readers understand that his editorials are governed by his emotions or the Mayor's input rather than good factual editorializing. In fact, I heard someone say that they just saw Grondahl's cartoon (about the city council), knew it wasn't true so they didn't even bother to read Porter's garbage. I've been surprised at how many people have said that they have quite taking the SE because of the trash they print. And these are community leaders who can afford it. And I've also heard people say that the only reason they take it is to have something with which to line their bird cage. Agree with you, Rudi, the SE is a shabby excuse for a local newspaper. Too bad someone can't afford to run some competition with them.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely correct, Curt. Porter was the old movie reviewer, did a real poor job at that, and is now elevated to run the Op/Ed page because the only criteria there is to write Opinion. Obvious what his opinion is and I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut that he doesn't ever attend andy of the meetings about which he writes.

As for the Chapman guy, the Utahmormon boy, lousy blog and good ridance. Only those who follow his trail can post there so that blog sure as hell doesn't do justice for what blogs should be....a place of rational discussion and dialoge. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Take your ball and go home, Dustin.

Anonymous said...

If you are speaking of then you are wrong to suggest only those who agree with the blogsite owner are permitted to post there. I have posted there often, very nearly always in disagreement with the blog owner.
In fact, the only things we have ever agreed on are (a) City Council and Schoolboard meetings ought to be aired on the city's cable channel and (b) name-calling and invective-filled posts [on either side] make serious public discussion of policiy matters more difficult, not less so.
Beyond that, he and I agree on virtually nothing regarding city governance, the Council and the Mayor's administration. Yet my posts regarding such manners appear there regularly.

Anonymous said...

Tongue in cheek error, Cur.


I think you got my drift, tho....

Anonymous said...

I wonder, was Stavrikakis at that meeting or is he regailing here like he did regarding WalMart?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, Stravaski was not at the RDA meeting. The RDA Board didn't ask anything inappropriate and definitely were not rude to Darby Brockette. Any business man knows you ask for background and financial information. When Godfrey deemed that it was irrelevant for the RDA Board to have that information and told his staff not to give it to them, it seems he forgot that he was dealing with a new board, not his rubber stampers. Of course, the SE isn't interested in giving the whole story -- just Godfrey's side. You know where he's coming from and his rude comments at the Jan. 3 RDA meeting just prove it: "What, you have to see the white of their eyes before you'll approve this project?"

If anyone should be replaced, it should be Godfrey as the Executive Director of the RDA. And as Mayor in two years!

Anonymous said...

Someone ought to tell Godfrey that you don't treat your BOSS the way he treated the RDA Board! But the little jerk isn't smart enough to listen to anyone. It would serve him right if the RDA Board did replace him. In fact I think that is a great idea, junior!


Anonymous said...

I "second" that "Replacement Initiative."