Thursday, January 19, 2006

Ernest Comes Back to the Table

You heard it here first, gentle readers.

Ernest Health, Inc. is back to the bargaining table, thanks to the efforts of Councilmembers Garcia and Glasmann, according to a reliable source.

Details to follow...


Anonymous said...

So, who courted whom??
Tell us more.

Anonymous said...

We shall see now how intelligent the management of Ernst is. Has it figured out that it must deal with the city council as well as the mayor's office? That perhaps a year of meetings with the executive branch of city government that excluded entirely the legislative branch was not the wisest of strategies? We shall see...

Anonymous said...

Also my take, Cur. Still wonder why the RDA didn't get any of their time but the Geigers did. Not the best situation here.

Seems that Ernest just felt a little bushwacked in public.

ARCritic said...

Bingo, with the fact that Garcia and Glassman seem to be responsible for it, did I read somewhere that Garcia went to NM to talk with them. Sounds like Ogden groveling to get them back. It will be interesting to see how much more this will cost Ogden. Other communities have been contacting Ernest since the said they were not going to go with Ogden.

Was that simply a bargining ploy? Maybe, maybe not. Time will tell. But I would bet Ernest will be getting a better deal.

Anonymous said...

So funny. Back to the bargaining table "thanks to Glassman and Garcia". It wouldn't be necessary to come "back to the bargaining table" if it wasn't for these two.

Anonymous said...

arcritic, I don't think Jesse ever left town. He was willing to go, but didn't have to.

My humble opinion is that Ernest saw an opportunity to get out from being the anchor for and building at the River Project. He's claimed all along that their game plan is to locate near medical facilities - hospitals & doctor offices, and Godfrey had almost talked him into abandoning their SOP and building downtown. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if he doesn't come back requesting to locate somewhere else closer to the hospitals. The Council was used by Ernest and there is a lot of speculation that the Mayor set them up in order to soften up the new Council members, so they'll be more willing to go along with his schemes. Makes sense to me. I just hope the Council doesn't fall for it. Stick to your common sense and gut feelings, Jesse, Amy, Doug, Dorrene and Bill. We elected you to change the way the City does business, so don't let this affect you ability to do that. I think it's too late for Safsten and Stephenson -- the Mayor has already compromised them.

Anonymous said...

Right on...with the exception of Anon. Doesn't McKay Dee own that property sw of the hospital on Eccles off 42oo So? That would be an ideal place for a SMALL facility.
Yes, the council must not be gun shy now.
Somehow, a hosp doesn't seem appropriate among classy restaurants, etc that were touted as being the 'thing' for the River Project.

Anonymous said...

And I'm absolutely POSITIVE that "anonymous" was at both RDA meetings and can support his "Garcia and Glassman are responsible" bit--where'd Garcia suddenly come from? Thought it was the three newbies. It slays me to listen to these other guys, people who don't attend, have some kind of a agenda, and then make idiots of themselves by posting there crap on some Blog. They do it anonymimous to.

I go to the meetings and I found only respectful questions asked by the council. The Ernest guy didn't seem upset at alland gave some good answers back. The only reason there seems to be some heat on Glassman is as "junior" says....he's the fall guy for a way out and its an attempt by the mayor to get Glassman under tow.

Foolish people. Glassman apologized, the Standard editorial people rip him and the other newbies up and the other blog says it was half hearted. But they weren't there, and now the bandwagon bunch are circling.

Stick with it new council members. And I'd bet a month's pay that none of you will "grovel." You shouldn't either. This is business not grade school. The Ernest representative is a big boy. Would he really take a walk from a good deal bnecause a new councilman asked him some questions? There seems to be much to consider here and the weirdos have arrived, huh anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Interesting article in the Casper Tribune which might tend to bolster the view that Ernest Health, Inc. simply might not have wanted to locate at the riverfront.

The McMurry Business Park wants a medical campus, but a proposed, separate rehabilitation hospital won't be on it, Business Park marketing director Dan Guerttman said.

The nonprofit Wyoming Medical Center Inc., and Ernest Health of Albuquerque have been in negotiations to build a freestanding 40-bed rehabilitation hospital to complement existing health care...

...The medical center and Ernest Health are working out the details of a joint venture, a business agreement that would give the medical center minority ownership and a say in how the rehab hospital operates...

That they are working on a joint venture with an existing medical facility might explain their reluctance to commit to the riverfront deal. If they feel that working with existing facilities is best for them, then perhaps the year they have been looking at Ogden and not moving on anything is explained by the fact that they were offered a location and a deal that they simply didn't want, and are still looking for something suitable.

Here's the link to the rest of the article: Casper Star Tribune, 15 December, '05

Anonymous said...

Interesting, Amy!!

My point in mentioning the other article was that the business park in Casper was perhaps trying to get them to locate there, and they preferred to be closer to an existing medical facility.

In fact, regarding the Ernest facility in Provo, which Is going into a business park, the Daily Herald stated:

"The size of the property gives us the ability to add 20 more beds," Fakinos said. The Riverwoods property may also be ideal because it is one of the few sites that can accommodate its future expansion plans and is close to support services provided by Riverwoods Imaging Center at 280 W. Riverpark Drive, and other physicians' clinics within the business park.

It's starting to look more and more like a location problem.

Provo Daily Herald, 15 September, '05

Anonymous said...

....that and the fact that Ernest BOUGHT the land in Provo outright and by themselves, with NO city money involved.