Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Last Night's Council Hijinks

I suppose it's time to offer a few more words about the ongoing Ernest Health flap, which has driven certain elements of our community into a complete tizzy. As you'll all recall, our new city council asked Ernest Health's front-man, Darby Brockette, a few basic questions during the January 10 RDA session -- simple stuff like "Who are you?" and "Does your company have the financial capacity to justify the RDA Board's going out on a $7 million limb?"

Our extremely well-paid city administrative staff had somehow "neglected" to ask the fundamental qualifying questions that any prospective partner, lender or investor would ask in any normal prospective business relationship, even though they'd been been negotiating for almost a year. When the RDA Board spoke up and exercised their sworn duties like actual adults two Tuesdays ago, all hell broke loose.

In the forefront was the local neoCON propaganda organ, which has been on a misinformation blitz all week, spinning the facts and flailing the new council members in the manner of an deranged angry nanny. For examples of true blistering one-sided journalism, you can check out the Std-Ex articles here, here and here . And according to the Standard-Examiner, Ernest Health is the best thing since sliced bread, as is "reported" in this reportorial hack-job, and this airheaded Std-Ex piece. Of course we assume that neither ace reporter Scott Schwebke nor the Std-Ex editors have actually had the opportunity to review the actual Ernest Inc. financials and bios either.

Remember: Wayne Ogden looked good to Ogdenites, until his house of cards came toppling down. Outward appearances can certainly decieve.

For sheer editorial snarkiness, today's lead editorial takes the cake. And the Std-Ex doesn't stop there. For an example of journalistic "piling-on," (ten yard penalty to the Std-Ex,) be sure to read Scott Schwebke's latest tall tale, also straight from today's edition. Schwebke is still hammering the meme that the RDA board was overly-aggresive at the 1/10/06 RDA session.

Anyone with the fortitude to plow throw the preceding barrage of Std-Ex rubbish will no doubt emerge with the distinct impression that the local newspaper of record has embarked on a mission from God -- GODfrey, that is. The propaganda spin machine is running full-tilt -- and the new council will be put in its rightful place -- at the foot of the throne of Matt Godfrey.

On another note, I attended last night's council session; and I have to give due credit to Bill Glasmann. He apologized last night for any offense that might have been taken by Mr. Brockette, real or perceived, without backing down on the need for more information. He conducted himself as a gentleman, and not a politician, and tried to make public amends for whatever feathers might have been ruffled. He didn't need to apologize, but he did so anyway. I believe that's the mark of a true gentleman, a man worthy of the Glasmann name. For the full text of Councilman Glasmann's comments, mouseclick the following link.

Last night's council meeting was quite the event, by the way, so I'll give you a quick rundown of the facts which are germane to this article .

Prior to the public comments session, Councilman Glasmann lightened the mood, holding up a kevlar flak vest which he'd no doubt borrowed from one of his friends in the Ogden Police Department. Being aware that he and the other new council members were about to endure a public grilling as a result of the stories spun all week by the Standard-Examiner, he used this simple prop effectively, drawing laughter from the crowd in the council chamber, thus setting a lighter tone for the evening.

Among the citizens who addressed the council were four women from the Ogden business community, each of whom has a significant financial stake in the redevelopment of downtown Ogden. Their comments were thoughtful and gentle. Their tone was non-hostile and non-confrontational. In a nutshell, they advised the new council to keep their minds open, and their eyes on the object of building a better Ogden. Curiously, each of them prefaced their comments with the disclaimer -- "you can't always believe what you read in the Standard-Examiner."

Also taking their place before the council podium were three city council election also-rans, Steve Prisbrey, Dori Moshure and Steve Larsen. This parade of defeated Godfrey lackeys were obviously Mayor Godfrey's "chosen" proxies for the evening, and their message naturally boiled down to the philosophy of taking the mayor's word for everything -- with no questions asked.

Gold's Gym's Gary Nielsen took his three minutes at the council podium, reminding the council that top corporate executives like Mr. Brockette are actually fragile and timid folk, little flowers who wither like schoolgirls when subjected to any form of questioning. The best tactic, Mr. Nielsen advised, with a completely straight face, is "grovelling." Dori Moshure also chimed in on this theme, to the utter amusement of almost everyone in the room.

The highlight of last night's session, was Mayor Godfrey's short statement. Responding to charges that his administration had failed to provide all the information requested by Board members prior to the January 10 RDA Board debacle, he forthrightly announced that he and his well-paid staff had indeed responded to every information request that the council had sought -- everything that had been put into writing, that is.

That's right, folks. Mayor Godfrey seems now to be hiding behind an obscure council procedure which was practiced on the former "gang of six." The administration only responds to written information requests. Verbal requests will apparently be ignored completely. Rather than step forward and voluntarily offer all the pertinent information to a "green" council, in order to actively promote his latest pet project, Mayor Godfrey honors a bureaucratic rule of procedure plainly designed to isolate the council from the administration. And there we have it: bureaucracy at its best. Two branches of a city government operating inside the same downtown building, who will only exchange information via chains of written communication. Somehow the whole posture has an other-worldly quality to it, like something from a bizarre inside-out sci-fi universe, I think -- or maybe an old Monty Python skit.

As councilman Glasmann wryly remarked last night, our local busybodies at the local ski apparel company seem to have ready round the clock access to every business that Mayor Godfrey is courting. Yet Godfrey wouldn't even schedule a private meeting with council leadership. Something's rotten in the land of Oz, I believe. The new council obviously has plenty of work on its hands. This procedural rule (which none of the new council knew about, despite months of intensive "training") is something that needs to be addressed forthwith. Lots of changes need to be made here in MattGodfreyWorld, I think.

I could go on and on, but I believe it's time to turn this thread over to our gentle readers, who always know what's best. Is there anyone out there who attended last night's event who'd like to fill in all the information that I've left out? Do any non-attendees have any comments or questions?

The floor is open for your gentle comments.


Anonymous said...

Now that I have put 2 and 2 together, I see who Glasmann was refering to when he mentioned that a "couple of private citizens" were accorded time with Ernest while the RDA Board was given NONE. With Rudizink's fine article and Sherlock Holmes type investigatory maneuver, the alleged culprits are none other than the Geigers, me thinks.

So the question is: why the hell do the Geigers get time with Ernest while the Board, who is responsible for the vote, doesn't?

Sniff--I smell something, I think.

Anonymous said...

Several points:
1. On he "tone" of the questions asked Mr. Boyette: opinions seem to vary from claims that they were impolite and attack-dog beligerant to claims that they were fair and politely put. Not having been there, and recognizing that nearly everyone who has posted on this has a dog in the fight, I can't draw any firm conclusions beyond this one: Had the Council meeting been aired on what purports to be the Ogden City Cable Channel [now featuring "All Geiger and Godfrey All The Time" programming], people could have watched, and made up their own minds on this point. The Council needs to get its sessions on the Cable Channel forthwith. School board meetings too.

2. Despite Other Sites characterizing Garcia's and Glassman's comments as "grovelling," I notice that the only person who has offered to "grovel" [his word] is Hizzonah the Mayor [as reported in the SE]. And well he should.

3. I don't know if the Ernst project is a good thing for that piece of land or not. I will defer to the Council in its judgement on the matter. Making such decisions is what we elect it to do. However, if the loss of a decent project is the price that must be paid to convince the Mayor that Ogden's form of government is the Mayor-Council form, not the Mayor Only form, then, sadly, I'd have to conclude that the loss of the project would be a price worth paying.

4. Either the Mayor comes to understand that he cannot simply order and expect the council to obey, and that he cannot continue to manage by artificial crisis ["I have managed this year-long negotiation in such a way that we have only X days left and you must approve this NOW!"], and he begins to develop a working partnership with the Council, or we are in for at least two grim years in Ogden.

5. You would think a Mayor with at least the intelligence God gave to an oyster would be able to figure out after the last election that good governance requires of him now EXTRA effort to reach out to new council members, to inform them, and to bring them into the planning process, not the reverse. You would think that. Wouldn't you?

6. Sadly, I fear Hizzonah Godfrey intends to continue to try to govern by artifically created crises. Ski Magazine for example recently ran an interview with him in which he predicts a 2007 opening for the Peterson Malan's Basin resort and the gondolas to serve it. It is now 2006. To date, neither the Mayor nor Mr. Peterson has presented any plans to the Council, sought any of the legislation that will be needed to construct the gondolas or to arrange annexation of Mr. Peterson's land [rumored to be in the planning], or to turn over the Mt. Ogden Park Golf Course to Mr. Peterson for his resort, or to arrange fire protection, police protection, water sources for the resort. Yet he is telling Ski Magazine it will all be up and running in 2007. I suspect another artificial "time crisis" is in the making here, with the Council yet again kept in the dark until the final moments. Let's hope I'm wrong about it. Any bets?

7. I have written in defense of the SE on this site previously. I hereby apologize. This morning's editorial was shameful.

Anonymous said...

Great article, Rudi! I wrote a post on the other thread about the bureaucracy you mentioned--the request procedure, etc.

In light of this procedure the council must undergo in order to acquire information from the administration, it is even more outrageous that private citizens were evidently able to gain access and have private meetings with Ernest representatives when our elected council was denied this opportunity.

This should indeed be looked at, and hard.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting "QUESTION OF THE DAY":

If the Godfrey administration is so great to do business with and if Ogden Mayor Godfrey is such a delight to deal with then why has the Swanson Foundation turned their beautiful building on Harrison Blvd. over to United Way and why have they gone forth to buy a new building and refurbish it in Farr West?

Just curious.

Anonymous said...

I echo those fears of curmudgeon. Nothing like shooting your mouth off, Mayor, about an opening of a resort that is not accessible except by gondola or over Forest Service land and a gondola that is not even close to being a viable commercial venture. Where exactly do you hope to get the tax subsidies necessary to even make this project halfway successful?

So... the signs are all there. Somehow, the Geigers and our good mayor are sharing a bed. You cozy boys?

Let's see... Bernie Allen is heading the Lift Ogden group, and I would assume has some sort of financial stake in the process of getting a gondola approved. The Geigers also have a vested interest in seeing this built. Their interest could span personal investment to personal job progression depending on where their money is being spent.

The administration's involvement in bringing a gondola to Ogden is so layered through and through with conflicts-of-interest that it boggles the mind. I am sure our mayor is so pristine and divinely inspired that it would never cross his mind to use taxpayer dollars for his own personal benefit or that of his family... friends... or bed-buddies.

Maybe we should see some investigation here. At the very least... what is an unelected, unofficial-spokesman person like Geiger doing flying to Washington, on taxpayer dollars, to push a transportation-by-gondola scheme, which would directly benefit him.

Why was one of the Ogden City logos (used on the official Ogden City website) put on the "HUB" brochure. That gives it the implicit stamp of approval by the city. Funny... I didn't hear about the non-existent gondola plans being voted on and passed as an official city project.

This whole relationship between the administration and the Geigers just stinks.

Anonymous said...

To Rudi, Murdock, Curmudgeon I say bravo.

You have put the whole deal together so well that there is nothing I can add. And I was there at the meeting. Therefore, I am going to dish up some tidbits for the inquiring minds to chew on.

Oh yea, the part I liked the most was when that lard ass gym owner got up and bore his testimony to the business genius of Lord Godfrey and his dream team. That being the crew that cost's the tax payers of Ogden over a million bucks a year in salaries and perks, and have not had one single success in their six year reign of incompetence. The team that has led Ogden Citizens into a $70 million dollar quagmire of debt and precious little equity.

It was also amusing to once again see that awful creature Moshure sashae her fat butt ,in the wayyyy to tight dirty levi's, up to the podium and blurt out her usual stoopid Godfreyite rhetoric with the valley girl twist. Of all his public mouthpieces, this ditsy broad has just got to be the most embarrasing to his Lord. (assuming his enourmous portion of hubris lets him feel such human emotions)

Also, following his craving for public exposure, and now a standard bearer of the battered Godfreyite movement, The ever buffonish sycophant Larsen interjected his normal innane and silly interpretation of on going events. The guy just simply doesn't get it that his simplistic socialist idea's are yesterdays news. Central planning has been exposed for what it is in Ogden. The Wizard has had the curtain pulled back on himself and we are now beginning to see what a truly little man he is. Larsen really should stick to his development of Ogden's saviour transportation project, his still secret, and presumably in development with the mayor's development experts, his one and only electric choo choo.

Young Prisbey did himself no favors by once again attaching himself publicly to these bankrupt ideas. Hopefully he will wise up with some time and experience. He has family political ambitions, and some promise, if he is able to learn to not get too associated with losers. He, Mosher and Larsen sat there like the three stooges in a row, all waiting anxiously to jump up and proclaim the truth of the Godfeyite crede. The desperate defending the defeated.

There were several other's who gave the council and the Little Lord Mayor a piece of their minds. Foremost was the fearless Sharon Beach who gave the twerp a few good jabs while serving up some well meaning and pretty senisible advice. I was hoping that Dorothy would show up and kick his skinny butt around the room a time or two, but no luck there. Mitch got up and on that rare occasion made quite a lot of sense. Owens got up and did his usuall finger pointing at the Lord Mayor and told the council how proud the tax payers of Ogden were of them over their stand on this fiasco. He also told them "not to take any more wooden nickles from the Little Dude"!

This whole Press thing is very damaging to the near future of this council in their efforts to clean up this incredible mess that Godfrey has created.. Lord Godfrey has got to be laughing his skinny little ass off over totally controlling the message. It is like Aly bashing Sonny brainless in the rumble in the jungle! I thought the Council had their own PR person? Where the hell is she, in Zairre? What the hell is the Cook guy doing? Why are they letting the little punk maul them publicly like this?

The Council is in an absolutely rightous position on this Ernest fiasco. The people should be getting that message and they aint! This Blog is the only friggen source of truth available to the public on this subject. The Standard is actively barring some of the Lord Mayor's critics, and all of this false information is going unchallenged.

And by the way, the "Ernest" in Ernest is the founder of the Salvation Army which is supposedly going to be a beneficiary of the Ernest hospitals. Now I hate to go negative on you all, but I smell a Rat! There is an incredible number of fallen and accused corporate pirates that do just this very thing! In an effort to build a positive public image to counter the indictments, law suits, and trail of broken investors, they often, on advice from lawyers and PR experts, launch into a fit of social giving and causes. They very often set up new scams with the charities as fronts for their operations in an attempt to deflect attention from their true selves.

The bottom line is these Ernest guys are not your typical returned missionaries. They are long experienced corporate hustlers that have their entire careers based in HealthSouth, one of the most evil and wide spread debacles in recent business history. HealthSouth is in the very top rungs of frauds with millions losing billions. Rather they are clean or not, this Darby guy and his group do deserve close scrutiny, especially before $7 million tax payer dollars are thrown at their feet.

The council should independently see what they can do to get Ernest back in the Saddle, if in fact there ever was a saddle to get back into. If Ernest wants to talk with them they should do so. HOWEVER, in no instance shoud they be percieved as grovling or oppologetic over doing their sworn duty to the citizens of Ogden. They should also under no circumstances go to New Mexico chasing after these guys. That would be playing right into the Lord Mayor's game plan. Godfrey had the old council doing the jig to his fiddle for six years. So far, with this Ernest deal, it appears that he has the new one doing the same dance! Only difference is that the old council did so willingly and gleafully. (Garcia and Wicks excepted). This new council is standing up for the citizens of this town and they don't appear to be too happy at being played like they are.

Last but not least, the council was great last night. New comers Glasmann and Jeske were right on the money with their positions and statements. Glasmann's prepaired statement was superb although apparently unnoticed by the SusStandard reporter in attendance who was apparently catching up on his lost sleep now that he is back on the Ogden beat. By the way, did they fire the Wright kid? Was he being to unbiased in his reporting on the new council?

Anonymous said...

Bonnie lee I appreciate the kind words. I just don't understand how you feel losing 150 jobs and a state of the art hospital in downtown Ogden a good thing! Did Ogden came out ahead on this? C'mon be honest with yourself.

I truely want whats best for my city and thats why I was so upset, and at the meeting last night.

I know it does no good to point fingers and blame, We need to move ahead. However, the heat felt by the city council last night doesn't come close to the scruitny the last council withstood week after week.

Anonymous said...

Yo Prisbey

"losing 150 jobs and a state of the art hospital in downtown Ogden" - is a figment of your over active imagination. It assumes that this was a done deal. It totally ignores the plain facts that surround this whole sordid affair which was authored by Lord Godfrey.

If you really want to get in the game in this town you are going to have to get a lot hipper than you are now.

Anonymous said...

Yo Rudi, Cur, Bonnie, Peachy, Dian and Dorothy.....high fives all around.
I wrote on the other blog site this am so won't repeat.
You all are right on.
I just want to say that it is enuf already with the apologizing from Glassman. I sure hope he and Jesse do not go to N.M. and'grovel' as that rumpled CEO, Gary Neilson, would tell them to do. That's the advice you'd expect from a sensitive, emotional CEO, isn't it?? Hey, he and Larsen would make a classy team to represent hizzoner, eh?
Larsen, Prissy and the faded redhead were a total embarrassment...Prissy mostly by his ineptness and the company he keeps.
Mr. Bobblehead and his sidekick, Hairdo Harmer, must have a hard time holding their noses while doing business with Larsen and Mosher.

Anonymous said...

Have had occassion to chat with Glasmann about the situation. From that, and knowing him the way I do, I really doubt he'll "grovel" to anyone. He'll stand up to his mistakes, if he in fact made any and in listening to the recorded minutes of said meeting it seems quite clear to me that (1) he was respectful to Brockette; (2) Brockette and he had a connection, as Rudi states; (3) Brockette even acknowledged that he appreciated Glasmann's position on both party's due diligence needs; and (4) most importantly, the Board is entrusted to make an informed vote, nothing less, and Brockette acknowledged that by comparing that position with his own as to his Board of Directors.

It's a pity that Porter and those who are doing the flame jobs didn't attend the meeting or at least failed to do what I did: get a CD and LISTEN to what really happened.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

You got it, side, one side FOREVER! Like the clown blogmaster UtahMan, who opines directly from biased newspaper articles only, not from being at those meetings. Fortunately, his trash goes nowhere because it very obvious that he comes purely from a "political enemy" position, not a factual one.

HThere's another item of note and that's we haven't heard much from the young gun, Bob G. It is rather curious how he and his old man got to visit with the Ernest people but nobody on the Council had that privilege except at the Tuesday Night Massacre (Nixon has NOTHING on our Council-people).

What I want out of this whole ugly mess is a council autographed picture of Grondahl's editorial cartoon that ran yesterday.

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not Geiger actually has a life and has other concerns than the blogs. He is out of town for a few weeks.

RudiZink said...

So we heard via the Std-Ex this morning.

Apparently his sidekick Matt will be out of town too.

Anonymous said...

What are the costs associated with the Ogden City booth at the SIA show? Will Godfrey's mouthpiece Geiger be attending the trade show on Ogden's dime (Washington DC style)? Will the Lift Ogden gang be along for the ride as well?

If Kahuna and Snowsports Interactive are players in the industry then why are they absent from North America's largest opportunity to promote their products?

Just a few thoughts

Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, the Las Vegas ski show. I think the Mayor will attend. That may be good as it COULD lure more ski businesses to town. But they'd best be careful, as a visit to the RDA or City Council, looms, and AEI CHIHUAHUA!

Anonymous said...

It is entirely appropriate for the Mayor and perhaps a staffer or two to attend the ski industry trade show, and on the public's nickel.

It would not be appropriate for the Geigers to attend on the public's nickel.

My concern about the Mayor's trip to the ski show to drum up business for Ogden has more to do with what he may be telling prospective re=locators. My concern is that he will be telling tham that his Gondola/Gondola scheme is a done deal, and will be constructed. Somehow, I doubt companies he speaks to will learn of the council resolution stating in the plainest terms that the Council has as yet seen no plans, received no proposals, and taken no stand on the matter.

Anonymous said...

....or knows much about Ernest!

Anonymous said...

First of all, it's MOSHER. And secondly, I am still a citizen of Ogden. I am also still a constituent of the city council. I pay my taxes. I own a rental. I own a business. All located in Ogden, so defeated by 150 votes or not, I should still be represented by the Ogden City Council.

At least I went out on a limb and displayed the courage to stand for something, the time to go door-to-door, and the energy to devote a huge part of my life to running for political office.

I put up with all of your name-calling and your unfounded accusations. And I still ran on what I believe in and still believe in.

I have yet to hear you say a word about Moyes who did not even make it through the primaries, don't forget, he ran too. So if you think I have no right to voice my opinion, then first of all he would fall into that category, and secondly you are spitting on the constitution of the United States.

Maybe you ought to just allow us to excercise our constitutional right and stick to disagreeing with content, rather than your perception of our characters.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Mosher:

Permit me to say that I have the greatest respect for damn near anyone who puts him or her self up for elective office these days. And I am becoming very tired of the politics of personal destruction, especially when it continues once the contest has ended. Name calling generally reveals the weakness of someone's argument, not its strength.

And you are of course correct that defeat at the polls deprives a former candidate of none of the rights enjoyed by any other citizen.

If people think you wrong on an issue and they can't establish that by attacking your stand [not you] on its merits or lack thereof, then they do not deserve to convince the undecided. And winning over the undecideds and the uncommitted is the whole point of must public discussion. Or should be.

Anonymous said...

Dori Kudos to you! take heart in knowing that you are a strong person and that it intimidates some folks. You have heart and I see it. Just because someone who spews poisonous hatred can't take her own medicine from you doesn't mean you should quit. Keep it up! And know you are makind a difference for THE GOOD IN OGDEN!

Anonymous said...

Steven, aka Nevets, Prisbrey has come to the rescue of his fair maiden it appears, FOR THE GOOD OF OGDEN. That's cute!

Dori, oh Dori, Moser, Mosher, Maser, whatever, you'll continue to draw some heat as long as you continue to stand up and attempt to "Valley Girl" your way through the comment sections. You sprew vindictives, demean, accuse. Mostly irrational thoughts, still harping on this or that from days gone by, rationalizing your 150 vote defeat, quite a margin considering the number of votes cast. Election's are over; move on and give it a whirl in 2 years. Take on Amy Wicks and get a taste of that, why don't you? I'm afraid that the 150 would turn into 850, were you to take her on.

Yes, you're a citizen, a citizen who shows up now and then, not to build and create but to disassemble and defile. So, we hereby banish you
back to the other blog, FOR THE GOOD OF OGDEN, eh Nevets (what's with this spelling backwards thing that has taken hold recently?).

Anonymous said...

What makes Dori a divider and hater but Beech is a patriot. At least Mosher ran for office, and tried to make a difference with voters, while on the other hand "the patriot" abuses her election judge post to push Jeske down voters throats? (allegedly)

Anonymous said...

Does anyone else think it unusual that the mayor is going to this tradeshow?

I was thinking it should be someone from Community and Economic Development, or something like that. They are hired, after all, to do such things. The mayor's position really doesn't encompass those things, does it? A mayor welcomes people to a city, but you don't hear of too many going out and courting them.

At least, I haven't.

Anonymous said...

It is great news to hear that the Ernest people are back to the table. Let's hope we can all come together and make this thing happen for all of us in Ogden. Let us stop all this fighting for a while (as fun as it is!).

Anonymous said...

Dori, yes you are guaranteed the right to free speech, but when you try assassinating another person's character, you forfeit that right, because that person also has rights protected by the constitution. Did you hear all the gasps in the Council Chambers when you went on the attack? It was obvious that everyone was shocked that even you could stoop so low! Grow up, Valley Girl! The election proved that people don't like those who try to discredit their opponents. People don't like people who hit below the belt, either. It all backfires, doesn't it? Maybe you should engage your brain before you let your mouth run wild -- you'd sure be better off.

Very astute, election judge, nevets -- steven spelled backwards! Maybe that's why he lost, too, there's something else about him that's backward.
I know one thing, he had a hard time trying to figure out on which side of the fence he wanted to sit.

Anonymous said...

Duke wants to know

In reply to dori said…

Would you like to buy some cheese?

What is up with taking turn to voice opinion at the counsel meeting, scolding the new council with emphases on councilman Glassman but when it is his turn to speak you make commotion by standing up gathering your belongings and huffing out the door?

Help me to see that such a person is open-minded and not on a vendetta. I agree that all have a right to an opinion too but that does not automatically make it the only right opinion.

My opinion is that the citizens of the great city of Ogden deserve to be winners but fill for the last six years they have lost. They have jest began to speak so sit down, shut up and for a change listen.

Anonymous said...

Even stay, I'm glad you added the "allegedly." That little trick actually backfired on Dori and Godfrey's lackeys. The election judge was removed from her post because some very hateful people in this city called and told lies to set her up when they couldn't get her removed by calling and complaining that she shouldn't be a judge because she worked on Jeske's campaign. There just isn't a law against that. So they had to call and claim that she was electioneering. It's kind of ironic, because they shot themselves in the foot -- due to their lies about the election judge, the recorder happened to be at the polls when Dori called the recorder's office, in an effort to discredit and disqualify Jeske from the race. She reported that Jeske was there electioneering at the same time the recorder was there. There was no doubt Dori was lying. Isn't it almost laughable that they lost the big fish for the little one? Justice doth prevail!

Anonymous said...

It is a total mystery to me?

During the comments portion of the council meeting three citizens took stand and said that they had business on 25th ST. and that they had there life’s savings invested in them. They acted as thou the new council had attacked the entire Ogden business community based on them asking questions to the Ernest reps. their gratitude towards the mayor and old counsel is what has me baffled. The so called gang of six’s last act was to turn over business decision authority to the Boyer Investment Co. witch many believe they had no moral right to do. There has ready been cause for interest about a bookstore on the north side of Ogden conflicting with Boyers vision. Does the business’s on 25th St. think they will not be a conflict at some point? My understanding is that the hospital proposal was in the Mayor and Larsen’s mind a way to raise money to start new business opportunity along the proposed Ogden river parkway at taxpayer’s expense. Would these new shops not draw business away from 25th ST.? Has the Mayor forgot the promise he gave them? How can a small business compete against a Mayor and counsel that uses tax money to favor new businesses for the sake of more tax revenues to spend foolishly and be perceived as dedicated Officials? As I recall the Mayor was in favor of not having the yearly 25th street fest. This fest drew lots of people to 25th street. Some of the biggest crowds I’ve ever seen in Ogden. Many people came from out of town and spent money there. Moving the fest to Weber fair grounds will never never help business on 25th street. I will never attend a fest that was to honor 25th street’s heritage at some place besides 25th street and I do not think any one else will either because it does not make logic to hold it elsewhere. To me it seems the Mayor and ex councilman Larson has lost their vision for 25th street and has moved on. So why the gratitude? If you do not have the fortitude or monies to reelect they need to move on and have. Or have I missed something? I would like to say that these people were good people and have no intent to put them down but that it really is a mystery to me. Jest cannot see the big favor the Mayor and his suckup did for them.

Anonymous said...

For Gold’s sake

I’m also taken buy the owner of Gold gym presents and comments at the council meeting. Like salt in an open wound or like a person that does not know to leave well enough alone. Every one there had enough intelligence to know Pee Wee and the gang of six had afforded him a chance of a lifetime on the taxpayer’s dime. Everyone new he was there to return the Mayors kiss but it is a shame he did not take a shower or come his hair. Who would disagree that his jacket needs to visit the cleaners?

Anonymous said...

Yep, that Gold's guy is a real piece of work. Claims that CEO's and Owners are fragile and easily offended and one must be very gentle when dealing with one or his feelings'll be hurt and he'll leave the room crying. Maybe that why, aw hell, never mind.

I am fascinated by this parade, this ship of fools, that the mayor trots out before the public and then, after their presentations, scratches his head and "wonders why?"

Anonymous said...

Well Dori

When you put yourself out in front like you did, and continue to do, you make yourself part of the on going drama. As a character in any play you must expect that some people will like your character and some will not. Some will love it and some will hate it. In any event the critic's will do with you what they want. In political drama the critic's are also the voters.

If you want to stay in the play, I suggest you lighten up, brighten up, and get another drama coach. It would also help a whole lot if you disassociated yourself from the losers you hang with. (other players and ideas)

Anonymous said...

Thanx, Junior, for attempting to set the record straight about me being removed as an election judge. Yes, Mosher did call and 'report' that Jeske and I were electioneering at the polls WHILE GLORIA WAS THERE WITH ME!!! Weren't you taught, Dori, that lies backfire?
Well, before THAT call, Burdett's supporters, and I can guess pretty accurately who they were...(Gloria wouldn't name was anon. according to her) called and accused me of electioneering....evn tho the other judge sitting shoulder to shoulder to me heard and saw nothing of the sort! I told Gloria that this wicked ploy was engineered by the Burdett camp so that IF Donna did not win HER **precinct, they could say..."Beech was electioeneering for Jeske!" ** I told Gloria that in America we have the right to know and face our accusers. We all know how difficult it is to fight scurrilous ANONYMOUS, and 'higher ups' vituperative lies. Threats too?
So, Gloria had her marching orders from on high to remove me. AFTER that, Ms. Mosher called in with another lie.
Yes, I worked tirelessly for Dorrene Jeske, placing nearly all her signs in the south area of town...and north too. About 100 of Dorrne's signs were stolen...police reports were made. The night before the election, close to 25 of her signs were dumped on my lawn! "They" do play nasty, don't they?
Burdett's supporters were so frantic for her to win that they only knew to put Dorrene at a disadvatage by removing her signs on the streets leading to the Dee Event Center. They would have used their time better by getting out the vote for Donna. I'm sure they were all stunned when Dorrene garned more votes than any candidate, and took every precint except Donna's and Shadow Ridge..Donna took her own by only 50 votes, and the other by 85. See above**
I've been in the political scene for close to 30 years, but I have NEVER been around such mean spirited, evil thinking, low minded people in my life! Many of these low lifes live in my neighborhood. No compunction about lying, stealing, vandalism, trespassing and bearing false witness.
The GOOD IN OGDEN???? It's hard to find amongst the 'friends' of those who lost their 'powerbase'.
Someone suggested that I should ask an attorney about 'defamation of character' charges against Mosher...and others I won't name now. I'd rather hope these bared-teeth weasels would slink back into their kennels. I say kennels, because they are trained pets, aren't they?
Thanks again, Junior!

Anonymous said...

Dudette Beech: right the heck on!

Anonymous said...

Beach Boy.....thanx Dude!