Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Spotlighted Article -- A Chronicle of Deception

By Rudizink

Weber County Forum regulars will recall a discussion held here a couple of months ago, wherein your humble blogmeister gave our gentle readers a rare homework assignment. Thinking at the time that "it would be a fine idea to set up a separate thread to document in one place the variey of lies and tall tales that have recently appeared in glossy brochures, crazed Lift Ogden spam emails, and even our beloved newspaper of record, the Substandard-Exaggerator," we elicited a spirited series of reader comments, with the ultimate intention of compiling them all on one of our archives pages with some clever title, such as "Emerald City Gondolist Tall-Tales," or something equally catchy.

Alas, like many projects of such grand scale, this project soon found its way to the back-burner (the back-back-burner actually;) and we never quite got around to creating our own tall tale compendium, despite our best intentions.

It's in that connection that we spotlight an article which we received last night from one of our gentle readers. It seems that one of our readers has not only continued diligently working on this homework project, but has in fact also completed your blogmeister's portion of the assignment as well.

We are thus delighted to be able to put the Weber County Forum spotlight on the following Dan Schroeder piece, which lists in meticulous detail the most "significant and documented factual deceptions committed by the principal gondolists...".

Entitled The Peterson Proposal: A Chronicle of Deception," this article is a scholarly masterwork, we believe. As set forth in the author's own disclaimer, the list is not comprehensive, but is limited to those items considered "significant and well-documented." Yes, gentle readers, there's much more.

We invite our gentle readers to give this article a good long read. We urge you to print it out and send it to all your friends and neighbors. We even suggest that you email it to everyone in your email address books. What the heck! Frame it and hang it on your living room wall.

A Weber County Forum "tip o' the hat" to Dan Schroeder for putting this all together. The gentle townsfolk of Emerald City refuse to be hoodwinked and befuddled, and we thank Mr. Schroeder for helping us keep the facts straight.

We'll be adding this article to our right sidebar later today. You'll be able to find it in our upcoming "crime & ethics" module.

Comments, anyone?


Anonymous said...


Thank you! It’s great to see all the fiction vs. facts finally collected into one informative read!

I think the most egregious part is that a lot of this mis-information is being propagated, spread, and reinforced by our own city government – an entity which should be neutral, unbiased, and working toward the greater good of the community!

It’s like the administration and LO think that if they keep repeating the same line(s) long enough that somehow it(they) will become true (like Wikipedia or the Bush administration).

Anonymous said...

On Dan's Excellent work:

Very good to have the deceptions...yes, deceptions... of the Mayor and others not only conveniently collected in one place, but also documented. It is sad that Mr. Schroeder ended up doing the fact-checking that the news staff of the SE ought to have been doing all along.

And kudos to Rudi for posting the Dan's piece, "A Chronicle of Deception."

Anonymous said...


Great job, thank you for your efforts.

Putting together a list of the major fabrications, inconsistencies and twisting of facts together in one article. We all know that projects evolve over time and as such, aspects change. That’s one thing, but the points that you bring out in your article are not of that nature. These are intentional efforts to sway people with disinformation of facts in order to keep their project alive. It’s too bad that the actual facts can’t and won’t support this project (or else why won’t they provide them) and that we have people in our community that would lie to us to further their own causes at our expense.

Relative to risk, I thought that Peterson's attorney was also asking Ogden City to provide bonding for this project. If I heard this right, this is not only a subtle transference of a huge amount of the risk to the project to Ogden City, but it also increases our financial contribution.

OgdenLover said...

What about handing out copies outside the City Council meeting? Wasn't LO permitted to distribute their propaganda there?

Better yet, have the City include it with our monthly water bills?

Anonymous said...

convict matt godfrey

Anonymous said...

Well, let's all hope that the city council will not approve DC's nomination, and seriously scrutinize any other appointments the mayor puts forth.

Although, there are plenty of LO supportors who haven't been quite so vocal. Since the Mayor is the one who makes the reccomendations, I serously doubt that we will get anyone who is truly unbiased in this matter.

Anonymous said...

Dan! A masterful work!!!

Thank you so much. It is a sordid story of deception and chicanery so blatantly pepetrated on the citizens. You've made it so easy for us to understand and I've emailed it to several people already. Some don't live here but have repeatedly asked me about 'your mayor and his gondola'.

Interesting and embarrassing at the same time.

This is a keeper. Send it to the Council...and the mayor. Urge your friends to email it also.

Thanx, Rudi, for making this possible to read.

Anonymous said...

Seems the brothers Cannon
Need a good hide tannin'

Chris givin' Joe favors galore
Giving away the Federal store

Next time 'round..let's ban 'em!

Anonymous said...

Two Bits says that if WSU turns the Peterson deal down Peterson and the Little Lord will sharpen their pencils and come up with a new plan that doesn't require the College participation.

Even tho it has been stated by the LO PR machine time and again that the College land is absolutely necessary for this scheme to proceed, the fact remains that this group of sharpies is very flexible and adaptable. Nothing is ever exactly as they portray it.

So if the College says no, the LL and LO will double their efforts of getting the city lands on the cheap with a new and revised plan "B". or is it "F" or "G"?

The way I see it is as a race to the finish line. The finish line will be the election of Nov 07. Just a little more than a year out. We must remove the LL from office once and for all. Sort of the stake through the heart kind of idea. Till then this gondola monster could raise its ugly head and bite us squarely in our tax paying asses - big time.

If the arrogant little dude can possibly jamb this obscene gondola scheme down the tax payer's throats before then, he will surely do so.

Anonymous said...

Agree with you, Ozboy...that it won't be over til it's over.

More signs from SmartGrowth...

That 'resort' and gondola to Malan's ain't never gonna happen...cuz that isn't what CP really wants. That was the carrot he thot the bunnies down here would bite.

What's going on with Matt Jones????

Anonymous said...

Matt Jones is still being held hostage to the morally bankrupt Chief and his inner henchmen who are doing the alledged "internal investigation"

They will take their time to see if the story dies down and then they may very well quitely fire him for these trumped up charges.

Hopefully Jones will be well lawyered up and jamb it down Godfrey's and Greiner's throats.

The two G's really ought to pay the price for this horrid behaviour they are demonstrating toward the citizens of Ogden, and for their flagrant abuse of their Constitutional rights.


Anonymous said...

Let's not let it die down! Let's keep maligned Matt Jones in the public eye.

What happened with the 'gentle reader' who had his signs stolen?

Did he put up another? Where?

Is the ACLU taking Matt's cse? If so, when can we hear something?