Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave

Boss Godfrey has some 'splainin' to do

In yesterday's WCF article we opened a new chapter in the ongoing Boss Godfrey saga, springboarding a lively discussion off yesterday's Scott Schwebke/Standard-Examiner gondola study expose'. It was within this article that our favorite Ace Reporter revealed that our city council is looking into a purported Utah Transit Authority-funded study, whereby $200,000 of UTA money had been reportedly devoted to the question of whether gondolas represent a feasible transportation alternative in Emerald City.

Mr. Schwebke's report went on to quote Boss Godfrey and his loyal henchman John Patterson, as representing that UTA had agreed to fund this new gondola study. "UTA agreed more than a year ago to fund the study," said the ever-reliable Emerald City CAO John Patterson.

Being the curious type, we put a call into the UTA offices this morning, requesting a call-back from UTA Executive Director John Inglish, the UTA representative who purportedly entered into this alleged "agreement" with Boss Godfrey. All-in-all, we've in the past regarded the UTA as a "class act" for the most part. We'd hoped Mr. Inglish could explain to us how his normally prudent quasi-public agency got roped into such a patently absurd arrangement.

As luck would have it, Mr. Inglish was out of town today. That didn't prevent a knowledgeable UTA spokesman from calling us right back however. We spoke with Chief UTA communications officer Andrea Packer just a couple of hours ago, and she gave us the very information for which we had been looking:

Although UTA officials have been having preliminary discussions with Emerald City officials for a "considerable period of time," those discussions have to date "fallen short of a funding commitment," she said.

"There is no agreement for UTA funding of a gondola feasibility study," she told us. "UTA does not consider itself on the hook" for whatever pending study Boss Godfrey is presently "managing."

UTA has spent "not a dime" on this study. Ms. Packer further assurred us.

Referring back to yesterday's Scott Schwebke story, we confess we'd gotten the distinct impression that this study is nevertheless "in the works," notwithstanding UTA's professed financial non-participation. The study was reported to be at least in the "draft stage," according to Boss Godfrey:

"Godfrey said he has received a draft of the study’s financial analysis, but declined to provide a copy to the Standard-Examiner because he isn’t sure if it has been finalized by UTA," according to yesterday's article.

From the above it's apparent that somebody is paying for this pending $200,000 study.

If the UTA isn't footing the bill, we ask "who is?"

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to decieve. - anon.

Seems to us Boss Godfrey has some 'splainin' to do.

Comments anyone?


Anonymous said...

Just got off the phone myself with the UTA spokesman whom I spoke with yesterday about the 'funding' for the gondola study.

Mr Bennett did some checking and the word is this: UTA has not put any money into a gondola feasiblilty study. There is no agreement with the city to do so. There 'has been some talk' with Ogden..but nothing is in the works at this time.

Mr Inglish and Mr Crandall are out of town...and perhaps they can shed more light on this than they divulged in the paper.

Mr Bennett said that UTA has not put any money into a study and 'you may want to check with Ogden about what they've done."


Sounds to me, and it pains me ever so to even suggest this, but do you think the mayor has somehow gooten confused? Surely, he wouldn't pull 'a piecemeal' cloak over our eyes, would he?

Anonymous said...

What I want to know is, how come Rudi and Sharon, who are both fine people but not "professional" reporters, are able to get this information, but an S-E reporter is not?

If Godfrey isn't lying, he's doing a damn good impression of a liar.

Anonymous said...

makes one wonder, eh?

And then another question, and then another, until you think you've gotten it all...or know where else to look!

it also helps to be a wee bit curious.

Anonymous said...

Down the Godfrey rabbit hole
up is down and black is white
and the truth is never spoken.
Godfrey moves his lips
and the mystery deepens.

But we must have faith for
he has more integrity than
anyone in the room and he
is our brave leader in this
brave new world down the
rabbit hole.

But maybe, just maybe, we
are jumping to conclusions.
Maybe Geiger paid for the
latest Gondola study?
Or perhaps it was Patterson
or Harmer or maybe even a
poor dirt farmer.
Or wouldn't it be funny if he
paid with monopoly money!

Anonymous said...

Things are getting curiouser and curiouser, as Alice said [I think] on the wrong side of the looking glass.

But we still know very little for certain, and before leaping to judgments about the SE story and subsequent [verbal] denials by UTA, we might want to wait until something definitive [in writing] comes out from UTA with respect to the money, and [if the money exists as a grant or even as a potential grant] its origins, and what is in the document the Mayor claims he has received from UTA regarding administration of the grant UTA now apparently says it didn't make. I suggest a little more patience before drawing any hard and fast conclusions.

It is time for Hizzonah to release the document he claims to have from UTA. I'm pleased UTA responded to Rudi and others, but I'll wait to see something definitive, on the record and in writing before firming up my own conclusions.

It is clearly time for the Mayor and UTA to lay their cards on the table, and on the record, so we can all figure out what happened and draw the appropriate conclusions once and for all, whatever they may be. I don't think we know enough yet to do that.

As for piling on Mr. Schwebke at this point, let me note again, that his story brought this matter to the public's attention. No Schwebke story, no statements from Godfrey/Patterson that the administration had "no reason" to inform the Council, no refusal of the Mayor to make the UTA document he says he has public, no public inquiries [via phone and email] descending on UTA offices, and no UTA response. Whatever complaints you may have about the SE story, the SE and Mr. Schwebke got the ball rolling on this. So I still say, good on 'em. It is not infrequent that an initial incomplete story develops further news, grows legs, wedges loose more disclosures, and the final stages of the story develop over time. Not uncommon at all. And it is entirely possible that UTA had not yet [as they like to say in Alberto Gonzales's Justice Department these days] "formulated a response" and so had nothing prepared to give him. I don't know that that happened, but it is worth keeping in mind that by the time Rudi and Sharon [and others] got to UTA following the story, UTA had had time to prepare a statement to give out. Hard to thump Schwebke for not getting from UTA the response it may not have had ready at the time he was doing the story. That at least is a possibility.

I do know that when something blows up in the press involving most government agencies and officies, they hold staff meetings, dig out records, and prepare a formal reply for release. The signs are, from what Rudi and Sharon got when they called, that something like that went on at UTA in response to the SE article.

RudiZink said...

Ah, the ever-gentle and cautious Curmudgeon: "We must not leap to conclusions, until we read an offical UTA press statement."

It seems to this blogger, however, that an official press statement is exactly what occurred when the UTA Chief Communications Officer (Ms. Packer) dialed up her phone & spoke with your blogmeister today. It appears to us that the UTA has already adopted an official organizational posture (just as you've tacitly argued,) a posture that was corroborated in gentle reader Sharon's independent and near-simultanous reported conversation.

Of course time will tell whether the UTA sticks with this story. And we still await the BOss Godfrey spin.

Mr. Inglish remains out of town. Perhaps he'll report on a "secret oral agreement" when he gets back. Stranger things have happened in the realm of our Brave New MattGodfreyWorld.

As for Ace Reporter Schwebke... our hat's off to him today. When the rest of us were dawdling amidst the torrent of persistent rumors, Ace Reporter Schwebke dug out and reported the initial facts.

Anonymous said...


Just an ol' historian's penchant for seeing things in print rather than delivered verbally, that's all. Which enables those not on the receiving end of the phone statement to peruse the whole statement, to mull over how the various parts fit [or don't fit] together. This grey-haired digger into fact likes the heft of, the tactile feel of, the unchanging nature of evidence on the record, in print. That's all.

Besides which, I don't think we have all the key facts yet on this matter. From either UTA or Hizzonah. Just a hunch. We shall see.

On the general question of being cautious about drawing conclusions too early, I recall the late Carl Sagan. When he was asked if he thought there was intelligent life on any of the billions of planets out there in the universe, he said he didn't know. When interviewers persisted, asking him what his "gut feeling" was on the matter, he answered:

"I try not to think with my gut.
Really, it's okay to reserve judgment until the evidence is in."

Good man, Sagan.

Anonymous said...

Or as Mathew Brady in Gone with the Wind put it: "I do not think about things I do not think about".

I also agree that Schwepke did a good job on breaking this story. The Tribune still hasn't picked up on it yet. It really is too bad if the Suits of Sandusky are in fact keeping him muzzled about the true nature of the Godfreyites.

Anonymous said...

Curm....d'ya think that any of that 'intelligent life' out there would've let Sagan know of their presence in writing?

The only sure way to know the veracity of any real doings, don'tcha think?

Anonymous said...


It did. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. I recommend it highly.

Anonymous said...

Neil Hansen will stop this bogus business games. Thats why "we need Neil Hansen for Mayor more than ever".

Anonymous said...

For those of you who have not made up your mind about our "illegals" problem you can check out today's Standard-Examiner.

EDUCATING ILLEGAL KIDS COSTS MILLIONS is on front page of Section B. Our own state audit figures for the school year 2005-2006 gives the cost at $54.9 million to $85.4 million.

Wonder if we will ever get an estimate on healthcare and law enforcement figures?

Now we oughta realize we have a financial problem coping with illegals.

We can buy a lot of tomatoes for that kind of dough.

Anonymous said...

I hope the old vets read the news about the cost of educating illegals in Utah.

They could get a whale of a veterans home for that kind of dough without having to wait for the Feds to kick in.

Anonymous said...

For that kind of money Ogden might even get some help to pay for the shortfall on the new schools we want to put up.

But then Ogden wouldn't be building new schools if we weren't educating the illegals.

Anonymous said...

You are only looking at one part of a very complex illegal immigrant financial model. Some papers that reported on this at least hinted that it was not the complete story and that these same illegals also bring a lot of wealth to the US with their willingness to do the dirty work.

Certain people who are prone to hysteria look at these numbers and say ah - told you so! These same people are usually very busy sending out and passing along a lot of bogus information that makes this a lot more dramatic and one sided than it is. Case in point is an email I recieved awhile back telling about articles in the Los Angeles Times that had all kinds of mind boggling data and statistics about how overwhelmed California is with this immigration problem.

Although I have been accused of being completely clueless and un-educated on this subject by the person that sent this info to me, unlike her, I did bother to check with the LA Times and was told that every bit of the info was phony and that they in fact had never even run the articles quoted.

Another example is the huge clamor that surrounded the arrest and conviction of the two outlaw border patrol agents. If one bothered to look into that situation you would find that indeed they were criminals that violated US law and fully deserved to be sent to prison. Even the vast majority of border patrol agents agreed that the two were bad guys. Instead the hysteria promoters made them out to be hero's and victims.

I rather suspect that a huge amount of this inflametory crap is equally false. This is a favorite method of some of these alarmists that are making so much noise over this difficult problem. Basically stirring up racial hate is what they are really doing. Any one who disagrees with their undeducated, unverified and stupid statements are then labeled as uneducated and stupid.

I am not saying there is no problemo, but what I do suggest is that solving this complex and dangerous situation will not happen with false, alarmist and partial information.

These same illegals that are being so castigated also bring incredible amounts of good to this economy. (at least the ones who come here to work) Yet this is never entered into the equation by the biggoted fear and hate mongers that are making so much hay over the situation.

As far as "buying a lot of tomatoes" with the money it takes to educate these children of God, I say your comparing tomatoes and oranges here. How would you propose that the average tomatoe buyer gets his ten dollar tomatoe paid for if we quit educating these kids? Do you see a direct rebate from the school district? Do you think your taxes would be lowered because of the school savings to actually pay you back for the thousands of extra dollars a year it would cost you to feed your family if all the illegals were kicked out?

Yes there is a big financial cost associated with the illegals, but the costs of getting rid of them would be a hell of a lot more to society. Practically every thing you eat or consume would go through the roof cost wise if we didn't have the workers from Mexico.

Perhaps the answer to a lot of these problems would be to get a hell of a lot more draconian with dealing with the drug dealers and criminals that are mixed with the workers. It is this criminal element that give them all a bad name. I think most of the workers would welcome this as they are the primary victims of the illegal gangsters to begin with. If the US made it so bad for the criminals amoungst them that they would not want to come here or commit crimes here, I think a lot of the problems would be solved. But alas, here in the US all criminals are handled with kid gloves. White, Black or Mexican it is no big deal to get arrested for committing a crime. Most arrests result in very little inconvenience to the criminal so there is very little deterrence to crime in our system. If we set up prisons modeled on Mexico's, I believe we would have a lot less crime committed by legals and illegals.

So the next time you hear or get an email with all kinds of scary statistics, maybe you should first find out if it is even true before you engorge yourself on all this parnoid bull shit that surrounds the topic.

Without these workers the US economy would inflate out of sight. Another great benefit of this hysteria would be an extremely unstable third world country on our southern border. Just what we need in this crazy world, 40 million hungry and pissed off Mexicans sitting on our pourous border dreaming up ways to hate us for not sharing the wealth. Wealth incidently that in part was stolen from them to begin with.

So take your best shot hate mongers. Attack me for telling you this, tell me how stupid I am because I don't agree with you and your irrational and bigoted fear of our dark skinned brothers. Hell, you can even point out the words I misspelled herein if it makes you feel superior!

Anonymous said...

Boss Godfrey has some 'splainin' to do, indeed. However, he will, as he always does, just weasel his way out of this and likely backtrack out of some things he previously stated and the local newspaper will not hold him to it. The issue will be dropped and forgotten by many. The community (broadly defined), including the Council and local newspaper, will move on like nothing ever happened. Godfrey knows the system and how to get what he wants out of it, and can get out of messes just as easily.

Anonymous said...

I don't Go for and Wow:

The SL Trib [link here] did a better job on this, I think. The story noted, for example, that "some lawmakers and educators questioned the legitimacy of the audit because the economic impact of undocumented workers - what they generate in income, sales and other taxes - was not included." Also that "Senate Minority Leader Mike Dmitrich, D-Price, and House Minority Leader Ralph Becker, D-Salt Lake City, asked whether the report included how much undocumented immigrants contribute in state revenue or included their economic impact in Utah."

And why, you might ask, did the report look only at costs, and not at contributions [via taxes] illegal immigrants make to the education of their children in Utah schools? Here's why: "Legislative Auditor's office staffers said they did not look into those questions because they were not asked to" by "Sen. Margaret Dayton, R-OremÂ, who requested the audit" during the last legislative session.

What? You mean no one in the legislature thought of asking for a full accunting of the impact of illegal aliens in Utah, costs as well as benefits, so some judgment could be made on the basis of all the significant figures, not just some of them? Well, as a matter of fact, a legislator did: "During the past legislative session, Sen. Scott McCoy, D-Salt Lake City, called for a state study on the economic impact of undocumented immigrants, but it didn't go anywhere. "

Curious, no? A Republican legislator asks only for the costs side of the equation, not the illegal alien-generated revenue side. A Democrat suggests that the state audit the entire economic impact of illegal aliens [pluses and minuses], and the Republican legislature ignores that suggestion to go with the partial audit instead. What a surprise.

If I were confident that the numbers whould show that illegal aliens are a serious drain on the Utah economy and education budgets, I'd want a full audit to be done. The only reason for only looking at half the picture I can thank of is that legislator Dayton [R-Orem] was afraid, along with her Republican colleagues, that a full accounting would not come out the way she wanted it to come out, and so she asked for only a partial accounting, guaranteed to stir up the yahoos, and she and her Republican colleagues ignored their Democratic colleague's request that a full accounting be done.

Imagine that. The party that inists it represents fiscal conservatism, rejecting a full audit in favor of a partial one the by its very design cannot reveal the actual cost to Utah of education illegal aliens. Who would have thunk it?

And the beat goes on....

Anonymous said...

Senor Ozmuchacho,
you are a good man. you can see that I am a child of God. when will you buy me a van so my madre and papa can come to Ogden and all the little ones who need the free breakfasts and lunches at the school? On saturday and sunday, mamacita makes tortillas for us.

please hurry and help us...so many of the familia are in Tijuana already packed and waiting.

how much longer til your heart breaks for us? only a few of us sell dope...some make it , sure, but we only sell it to the gringos who want it. that is the american way. we are going to be good americanos....i speak english and my son who sells the dope can count money in amerian dollars. that is good.

my crackhead friend who types for me wants to quit now. he is jumpy he says.

please let 'taco' hear from you soon. come by my taco stand...mine is the one with biggest crowd...i serve a little more that just taco met, if you know what i mean? i make a speacial one for you, senor oz.

vaya con dios

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Oz, I am definately not going to attack you, as I have marvaled at this debate for a long time now, and waffled often, so much I still am not sure what I think. The posture and positioning of both sides of this is really quite extraordinary. It semms to me, if the Dems represent the working class, they should be the ones most opposed to these illegals. They suppress wages, accross the board. One place I must correct you though, Mr Oz, a very SMALL percentage of these illegals are farm workers. These facts can be documented but neither party is eager to make that well known, they both use farm workers as a public deception tool, they hide behind that fact. A very large percentage of the illegal population are doing what used to be good jobs in construction and manufacturing. The illegals are doing a fair share of killing what used to be a middle class, which I must remind my conservative buddies, is sinking out of exsistance. The greedy GOP, one would think, would normally be all for taking advantage of these folks, it's a very great competative advantage for major employers, hiring these folks leeds to the record profits we've been seeing of late. And I did witness the token action taken recently by the current administration , token. Almost all of my affluent friends in so. Cal. have taken advantage of illegals with regularity. Live in housekeeping, childcare and proerty maintainence, the works. This brings me to the inconvenient truth, whether we care to admit it or not, this country's greatness came from slavery, and the stealing great resources, don't think for a moment the powers that be, don't understand that. This problem and this solution represent the closest thing they can come up with to slavery.

Anonymous said...


Your attempt at racist humour is not particularly funny or clever, thus failing the two tests for comedy.

It is simply what it is, a pathetic attempt to be funny by a pathetic and decidedly un-creative racist.

It is unfortunate that your parents failed so miserably in molding you as a decent human being.

Anonymous said...

Permit me to politely note that the division in Congress over the proposed immigration bill is not a division between Republicans and Democrats, that key leaders in the Senate from both parties are listed as co-sponsors of the bill, and that key leaders of both parties are mainstays in the opposition to it. Whatever the contest over the bill may be, it is not a Dem vs Rep contest.

Anonymous said...

Well, well, as you can see that the board of dir. for the uta is the great bobby hunter who is and always will be a godfrey fan. (even though godfrey beat him for the mayors race back in 1999)I guess what the mayor wants with the uta, bobby will deliver to him. Is the good ol boy system live and well in this form of government? just ask bobby!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Bob Hunter is still alive? Jeeminy, the dude must be a hundred and twelve! Maybe that is why the UTA makes these stupid decisions, it is called fossil logic.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
RudiZink said...

Your "taco" posts were slightly humorous for a little while, taco...

But now you've run your schtick into the ground.

Let's just label your last little Messican "skit" as "Strike Two."

We're baseball fans here at Weber County Forum after all -- right?

And we ALL understand that the umpire calls 'em as he sees 'em.



The Ump

Anonymous said...

Ah common Rudi, don't call poor taco out just yet. He has delivered enough of his tripe for us to suspect he is rather stupid and low class, now you are calling him out and aint gonna let him prove it beyond all doubt. How fair is that?

Part of the fun of blogging is letting fools like taco demonstrate their idiocy. You let Ozbo and others show their's, why not taco?

Anonymous said...

thank you, senor geno. i just wanted mr oz to step up to the baseball plate. he insults eveyone else and doesn't tell his real name...but he wouldn't be kind to me when i tried to compliment heem! i think he is racist!

Anonymous said...

No Mo

Still not funny, or clever, or intelligent.

Anonymous said...

Astonishingly, from the arch-conservative Wall St. Journal's lead editorial this morning comes the following: "[T]axes by immigrants cover their use of public services ... finding a way to let immigrants work in the U.S. legally is the humane and pro-growth solution to the illegal immigration problem."

For once I agree with them.

And as usual, I agree with Ozboy.

Anonymous said...

Ask all those hospitals who pick up the tab for illegals who do not pay for their services how credible the WSJ is.''Hogwash.

You're usually smarter than that Mr. McConkie. Ozboy is all over the map...hard to follow his logic half the time.

Anonymous said...

Can't Agree:

Well, there's a way to find out, at least in Utah. Have the state do an audit of taxes paid by illegals vs. cost of state services provided to illegals, and then perhaps we will have some facts on which to base conclusions.
Sadly, in Utah, under the [you should excuse the expression] "leadership" of the Republican majority, calls for full studies of costs and revenues vis a vis illegals have been rejected in favor of studies looking only at costs. Wouldn't want the discussion limited by, oh, say, real evidence, now would we.

Not being a WSJ subscriber, I don't know if the editorial referenced a source for the claim that illegals pay in taxes enough to cover the cost of the public services they use. Be interesting to know if the WSJ editorial did cite a source, and if so, what it was.

Anybody know?

Anonymous said...

The WSJ cites two sources in its editorial. "Work Over Welfare" (2006) by Ron Haskins, a former Republican staff director in the House Ways and Means Committee. Also 2005 Census Bureau data showing that the longer immigrants remain in the U.S., the more they earn. "Thos earnings wouldn't be increasing if most immigrants were going on the dole," notes the extremely conservative WSJ. "They are instead assimilating into the work force, growing their incomes as their skills increase."

Anonymous said...

"Can't Agree" perhaps you just don't want to agree. It is difficult for some people to look at information that does not fit nicely with their pre-conceived notions, as Mr. Curmdgeon points out is the case with the Utah legislature.

As to Osboy's logic, I think you are way off base there also. He seems to be one of the most consistant and intelligent participants on this site. I may not agree with some of his positions, but I always enjoy his posts. They are usually very astute, bright and funny.

Anonymous said...

Moroni M:

Much obliged for the ref. from the WSJ.

Anonymous said...

Much of the money illegals earn go back to their families in their home countries. No money back into our economy.

Oxboy can be funny...but sometimes he just likes to hear his fingers typing. The same with Curmudgeon.

Curmudgeon bashes Republicans for just about anything that comes up and Ozboy bashes the LDS church and then attempts to use humor to cover some of his more rancorous remarks.

Anonymous said...

Can't Agree:

Once again, the immigration issue has split both parties. In Congress, this is not an issue that has set one party against the other. I go after Republicans when I think they deserve it. And I praise them when I think they deserve that. Since Republicans are in complete control of the state [House, Senate and Gov's mansion], and thus in full control of public policy and law, then naturally they are going to be the targets more often than Democrats, who have no power.

What you see in Utah is the sad effects of very lop-sided one-party rule, which means no one is watching the store, keeping tabs on the men and women in power. That is an invitation to bad government, and corruption, at all times and in all places regardless of the party involved.

You wrote: "Much of the money illegals earn go back to their families in their home countries. No money back into our economy." The first statement is true enough, but it ignores two things: those illegals with jobs in places like the meat packing plants, where they get checks, have state and federal payroll taxes deducted from their checks, just like the rest of us.And they cannot file returns and so do not get the refunds and tax credits most low-income folk do get. Hence the treasury keeps more of their tax money than it does yours or mine.

Secondly, they buy much in the US, especilly if their families are here. Same things we buy: diapers, baby food, cars, furniture, all kinds of food, movie tickets, etc. And so not only create demand for products, but pay sales taxes, and contribute to the profist of stores, which profits are in turn taxed. So the notion that illegals contribute "nothing" to the American economy or that they "don't pay taxes" is... well... nonsense.

Do they pay enough to cover the services they use [schools for kids, etc]. I don't know. But then, neither do you. If we're going to make "drain on the economy or not" a major element in the debate of immigration control, we ought at least to have the facts with which to debate it intelligently and to decide wisely on this point. Sadly, we don't.

As for sending money home... big whoop. When my Italian grandfather came over in 1905, he sent money back to the old country regularly. So did his brothers when they came over. It's called "family." I imagine it works the same for Mexicans who come to the US and Guatamalans and Hondourans and Salvadorans as it did for the Italians and Irish and Poles and Germans and Greeks [keep adding to the list if you like] who came before them.

None of which means the current immigration bill proposal is necessarily a good idea [or a bad one for that matter]. The more I learn of it, the more leery I am about it. Tying the citizenship provisions to only an increase in border guards, longer fences, spy towers and plans seems unwise to me. Now, if they say the citizenship provisions will kick in ONLY when for two years the number of illegals entering the US drops to 20% or less of the average number who entered annually for the five years prior to the passage of the bill, they might have something. But we need to measure "controlling the border" by performance, not hardware bought and personnel hired.

Second, the temporary worker provisions in the bill make very little sense to me. Very little.

Anonymous said...

FYI on the immigration bill, NYT has front page story about poll indicating the majority of Americans, Republican and Democratic, favor some kind of path to citizenship [which many call amnesty] for illegal immigrants. Link here.

Here are the opening graphs:

As opponents from the right and left challenge an immigration bill before Congress, there is broad support among Americans — Democrats, Republicans and independents alike — for the major provisions in the legislation, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. Taking a pragmatic view on a divisive issue, a large majority of Americans want to change the immigration laws to allow illegal immigrants to gain legal status and to create a new guest worker program to meet future labor demands, the poll found.

Anonymous said...

Can't agree said:

"Ozboy bashes the LDS church and then attempts to use humor to cover some of his more rancorous remarks."

and Ozboy says: Your full of shit!

Show me one example of where I have "bashed" the LDS church. Just one dick head.

I support the church in many ways. I have supported missionaries in the field, I have contributed to building chapels and just today I wrote a check to Mr. Mac for two new suits for a young but poor missionary that is leaving next week.

I have always been a very vocal booster of the LDS church in spite of not being "active" as they say.

Some of my dear friends are active Mormons and any Bishop or DUP member, or most priesthood holders I ever knew would speak highly of me. (except of course high priest leader Godfrey!)

So take your smarmy and stupid reply and stick it where the sun don't shine.

Anonymous said...

well, with your mouth you'd be great teaching young boys or the little kids in Primary.

your efforts to support missionaries, etc is appreciated by all, i'm sure. but why do you have such a foul mouth?

Anonymous said...

Ozboy has been taking some hits lately.

I know him to be a good hearted and generous man.

Ozboy has a delicious sense of humor and I especially get a kick out of his 'essays' about the follies of the goofry administration.

Ozboy, some of your stuff should be published (other than on here!).

'Tis true, though, that your language would make a shipload of sailors blush...well, not really...but a life raft full, maybe?

Anonymous said...

To Sharon - Gracias for the kind words.

To "I can't agree, and I can't agree either" - I apologize if your sensitive eye balls were singed by my Ogden High School parking lot learned vocabulary. And please don't worry, I won't be teaching young boys or primary any time soon. My local church leaders (most of whom are friends) are much to hip to let anything like that happen! They ask for my support on other things and they receive it, but they never call me to teach the young about anything beside history. The youth of my ward are safe, so not to worry!

Anonymous said...

Just reread Curm's excellent letter which leads our thread....Curm, how about reading it at the CC meeting Tu nite?

You only get three minutes and no seconds...so practice, practice, practice reading faster than the sound of a speeding bullet!

Wonder if we write to UTA officials that we don't want anymore tax monies spent on this gondola vision, if that will let them know of the citizens' feelings. That does seem to play a part in their decision making.
Certainly not another cent should be provided til the results of the law firm's 'study' is made public.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ozboy..my friend...wanted to say mi amigo...but didn't want to be accused of being racist.

You're a good guy. I know that you do many good works 'behind the scenes', and I think the youth would be safe with you!

Be safe this holiday! (Everyone)

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