Monday, October 01, 2007

Sudden Notice of a City Council Candidate Venue

Realtime revelations intrude upon the tranquil WCF atmosphere

We received this missive via email a few minutes ago from one of our gentle readers:
"Sorry I don't have a blog account, but I think your readers would be interested to know or be reminded that a Forum for Ogden City Council Candidates is being held this evening at 7 p.m. at the South Ogden Senior Center (525-39th St.). It is being co-sponsored by the Women's Legislative Council of Weber County and the League of Women Voters of Weber County.

Thanks for passing this on."
We wonder why angry little bobby forgot to mention this "vital" event.

Probably off his "meds," is our guess.

Update 10/1/07 6:01 p.m. MT: New missive: "Just received a correction that the Ogden City Council Candidate forum is set for 6:30 instead of 7 p.m. Kind of late, but pass it on if you think it will help anyone. Lynette Belka -LWVW Secretary. "

Here's a link to the Weber County League of Women website for those who are still doubtful about the legitimacy of this late-noticed event: WEBER COUNTY LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS ACTIVITIES .

Gather up your torches and pitchforks quickly, lumpencitizens of Ogden. According to the latest missive, this event begins in 29 minutes.

Update 10/2/07 8:19 a.m. MT: There's not a word of last night's event in this morning's Standard-Examiner; not anything we could find, anyway. It thus appears we're the only game in town when it comes to discussing last night's council candidate face-off. We therefore encourage all event attendees to continue to post their observations here.


Anonymous said...

So why is this important debate on the Ogden Election being held in South Ogden?

I think somebody has their wires crossed. Rudi, are you sure this is what you think it is?

RudiZink said...

525-39th St. is an Ogden City address.


Anonymous said...

It's actually So. Ogden City limits.
Sorry Rudi, but you are incorrect on this one.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Rudi Tudi

525 39th IS NOT an Ogden City Address.

It is right around the corner from the South Ogden Cop station at 39th and Adams.

For your info, 36th Street is the boundary between Ogden and So Ogden in that part of town. The line starts meandering south when you get above Quincy.

If you had payed more attention to geography and less to partying in high school you would know such stuff!

RudiZink said...

Oh yeah?

Well tell it to google maps!


And if it's actually three blocks south of the Ogden City border...

So friggin' what?

The event is being co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters, arguably the most experienced group in Weber County for sponsoring candidate events.

What a bunch of anal idiots!


Anonymous said...

maybe some one ought to check with the league of girl voters and verify this debate tonight? Being that it is in South Ogden, perhaps there is a mix up about Ogden candidates being involved. I would sure hate to drive all the way into the big "O" just to hear a bunch of South Ogden wanna bees quibble over dog crap in the park.

Surely the Sub Standard Examiner would not have missed something like this, would they?

Anonymous said...

We can't travel 3 blocks south of the Ogden City border for a League of Women Voters sponsored event.

It's furrin' territory, after all.

Not without a gondola, at least.

Anonymous said...

Reading Bobby's letter to the editor makes me even more impressed with Van Hooser's wisdom in not appearing before the chamber. It now looks like it may have been a set up with Curt and Bobby ready to verbally pummel VanHooser for the entertainment of the entirely Godfrey supportive crowd.

It sounds like Bobby is feeling bad his booby trap didn't work out.

Now he must ask his questions in other debate forums where he risks having his rudeness booed down.

Anonymous said...

Just got back from the League meeting with the candidates.

I must say Caitlin Gochnour was very good.

Kent and Royal Pain in the Ass was full of hot air. They were put on the spot about their signatures on the Gondola petition that was in the Standard around a year ago. They both beat around the bush, but Eccles denied that he signed anything supporting the Gondola. He must have forgotten the Standard Examiner rules, to have an ad piece with names, the person who's name is in the add has to sign an affidavit allowing the standard to print the ad. Whoops I believe he just got caught in a LIE!

The rest was pretty typical; the three stooges proved to me that they have all been prepped by none other than the little guy on nine.

Anonymous said...

Royal Eccles better come up with a better lie than the one that he told tonight. When asked why he signed the petition that was published in the SE, he said "I have never signed a petition". The standard will not publish this type of article without having the signature on file so they are not liable. So I'm a fifth generation eccles, you better learn to lie like your buddy Matty if your going to grow up and be like him.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

"Classless human dignity"?

I think you inadvertently complimented me, Kind Sir.

I strive to transcend class boundaries, and I reek of human dignity.

Thanks for the vote of support.

RudiZink said...

Nice people these Godfreyites.

We believe we'll let that last post stand, just so everybody will know what kind of people we're dealing with.

Anonymous said...

geiger, clean up your mouth, borax might be required. Do they have that in Japan?

Anonymous said...

Just so's we don't get bogged down in name calling and trivia like street locations, can someone explain to me the bigger question: why the hell didn't this event get a lot more public notice than, evidently, it did? Unless it was an event not open to the public. Was it?

Second: Rudi, I understand why you want to leave it up. But this is an open site. Leaving it up may not be a good idea. Young people come here, and lots of first timers. That post alone, left up as part of a discussion thread, seems to me, might convince first timers to be never againers. Something to think about anyway.

RudiZink said...

This site is for grownups, Curm.

And frankly we get tired of deleting all the Godfreyite pottymouth.

Godfreyites need to be seen for what they are, at least occasionally.

It's all about seeing the opposition for what it REALLY is, in our view.

If anyone out there knows "Tanner Cope," BTW, Rudi will be happy to go to his house, and help his mommy wash out his mouth with a bar of Lava Soap.

Anonymous said...


I do believe, based on watching A Christmas Story several dozen times, that the soap of choice is Lifebuoy.

Personally, my mom (whom, by the way, I never engaged in sexual congress with) used Ivory, but I come from an old-fashioned family.

OgdenLover said...

According to the Women of the League, the person responsible for getting tonight's Forum info to the SE missed the deadline.

BTW, Tanner Cope could use some spelling and grammar lessons in addition to learning manners. It's "whoever runs this rogue nation...". Trying to sound erudite by using "whomever" incorrectly didn't impress me.

Anonymous said...


Your call, but realize that by leaving it up, it is on your site by your choice, and Tanner's words becomes "the language they use on WCF." Not sure folks who log in and look around are going to distinguish or much think about who put up what.

Add this one to the short list of things about which we'll have to agree to disagree.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you guys are going to love this one.

I just spoke with a relative of mine who has a choice piece of property here in town for campaign signs. I asked if I could put up some signs for the gals, and noticed that they had a Godfrey sign already on the property. They told me that Tom Moore offered the use of his London Condo for one week if they put up the Godfrey sign.

Correct me if I am wrong...isnt that called electioneering?

Anonymous said...


"Rouge Nation." Now there's a blogsite name if every I heard one. If only it didn't sound like it was housed in a "bunker" on "the compound" in deepest darkest Idaho by guys who don't get out much.

Anonymous said...

I'm not so sure that it was little Bobby who has the foul mouth, it might be the fifth generation of a well known family, who flies off the handle when insulted about his lineage.

Anonymous said...

On lack of notice for the forum tonight:

OK, so the LWV publicity person dropped the ball, and missed the PR deadline for the SE. However, seems to me all the candidates who appeared have campaign organizations of some sort or another, however informal. They could have gotten the word out to their people as well. A timely email to Rudi is all it would have taken. Free gratis too. So yes, the LWV dropped the publicity ball, but so I think did the candidates.

Unless they didn't particularly want a big turnout.


Anonymous said...

Due to my semi immobilized state, coupled with my long commute from tonites venue, I was not the first to report on the lying little gondola ticket on display in So. Ogden this evening.
Some of the more significant moments to me were:
1. royal eccles repeating his last name repeatedly while name droping with every answer he offered up. No real substance or insight on any issue. Where did lying little matty dig up this anal retentive character.
All his solutions involved him offering his own influence (which is highly Questionable to say the least, his street is lined with Amy Wicks signs) and his self-perceived knowledge of business and financial matters.(another very Dubious claim)This guy comes off as one that carries at all times a mirror in his wallet, to enhance his dillusional sense of overblown self importance.
2. All these guys were quick to blame the bad attitude and unfriendly nature of the City, from a business stand point, inspections, zoning, licencing and overall cooperation. This I found quite amusing, lying little matty has been at the helm during the majority of out migration of business. Lying little matty won't be pleased with the news of this, and the big bad wolf,though unnamed, is lying little matty's own by-product of nepotism, UNCLE GREGARY PECCARY MONTGOMERY.
3. As you now know, when asked about their early endorsement of the land sale gondola scam, both eccles and peterson lied, bold face lied. They did however go about it in very different fashion.
peterson made the outlandish claim that he endorsed the deal and jumped on the bandwagon for the benefit of WSU. What? Is this idiot consuming a combination of OXYCONTIN, PROZAC and niquil? He then followed with the statement that lying little matty's calling the process for dealing with this stupid idea a farce, as no big deal.
eccles, on the other hand just flat lied. He said he never signed anything endorsing the gondola scam. Said there was never a proposal and no details to question. Funny thing, I went to every lift ogden and chris peterson dog and pony show and he was an equal to lying little matty and the God forsaken geigers in pontificating the glory and merits of this scam, he commanded every detail.When pressed he repeated that since peterson never made a proposal there were no details to question. This guy's more dangerous than certified idiot yesman stephanson, more dishonest, a lot more ego.
4. blain johnson, this guy is so conflicted why waste detail. Is he the lier,Whoops) lawyer for lift Ogden, envision Ogden, peddie and brown, amcan,Ogden community foundation and the expired bogus riverside tecnology foundation?
What a cabal,please save Ogden and support and vote for this honest moral group of female candidates.
And for those as vain and blindly self rightous as eccles and godfree, ask yourself, what would Jesus do?

Anonymous said...

We have the same situation in Davis County. Everyone complains about taxes here, but everytime they elect or re-elect the same people with the same tax problems. When people talk about the "tax and spend" librals, Conservitves have to be reminded that Davis County is run by Republicans. The irony here is that in past 20 years, we have had one Democrat elected to County Commission. He voted against a tax increase and every Republican Commissioner has voted for a tax increase.
By the way, I'm tired of conservatives in this state calling Democrats "whiners" every time we speak out. The more this state tolerates one-party government, the more problems we will have with taxes and government services that protect the people.

Anonymous said...

The New Republicans such a George Bush and Godfrey don't raise taxes.

They take from the poor and give to the rich.

They don't give employees raises; they lay off government employees, so they can say there for "less government." Then they create adminministration possitions for their buddies.
They also eliminate elected positions, so they can put cronies in the new administration positions

Then they just rack the tax-payers into more debt. All so they can say their against taxes.

Anonymous said...

Bill C:

You wrote only about the candidates you didn't like, offering reasons not to vote for them. What about the other candidates? Did they offer up any reasons to vote for them... besides merely not being their opponents?

Anonymous said...

Beware of Tom Moore and his London condo.

Tom Moore used to offer "his flat" to the Eccles Community Art Center every spring to auction in their big fund raiser of the year.

I bid on it and got it one year for $2500.00. When my two guests and I got all the way to London for our anticipated week did we ever get an eye opener.

It turned out that Tom Moore didn't own the flat at all and we were out on the street.

He must still be playing at being the landed gentry if he is playing the London flat scheme again.

Anonymous said...

Those new condo at the new Rec. Center site, will be better than owning a big screen high definition TV.

Just think? You'll get to be part of a drive by shootings all the time.

Welcome to the new west.

Anonymous said...

If Tanner Cope would just keep his mother off the streets he wouldn't have to call Rudi a MF'er!

Did Eccles actually brag about being a "fifth generation" Eccles? If so, does that mean that five generations back in the Eccles line some milkman in Glasgow got lucky with a lonely Eccles wife? I mean why else wouldn't he at least be a sixth generation Eccles for instance?

How did the other candidates do tonight?

Anonymous said...

Well Curm, I have been resting and was going to finnish pointing out the folly of lying little matt's pathetic ticket, but since you inquired, and because I feel compelled to appease your sense of balance, here you go.
Catlin was quite up on transportation, she even went as far as to mention this administrations costly stall tactics regarding corridors and modes of transportation. This included the fact that had it not been for gondola blindness we could be well on our way. Peterson's idiotic response was that we need to alleviate traffic conjestion on Harrison and a street car would greatly hinder that effort, therefore the gondola seems to peterson to be worth studying as a viable option.
To this Ardema resonded that all over Europe the street car is the most used and efficient meens of local mass transit.
After eccles pontification on his name and the fact that he has a wealth of business knowledge and influence, which knowing him his inlaws and his very wealthy second cousins, I had to laugh, Amy was allowed her 3 minute intro.
Amy's real job and time on the council points to one glaring fact that none of these bozo's should be able to overcome. She deals with a fiduciary responsibility that all of them combined can't even fathom. That plus she's always aware of who she represents and her responsibility to them.
She has a far greater grasp of the issues and understanding of how everything is supposed to work.
Never once did any of the ladies come off as boastfull or arrogant, never tried to baffle the crowd with BS as their male counterparts seemed to do. It seemed if one of the women wasn't versed or up to speed on something they had the common sense not to reply, no harm in that. The guys made themselves fools on a couple of occassions that quite frankly they needn't have ventured into.
One good example of peterson's short sightedness and his lame attempt to offer possitive relavance was his response to the gang situation. I have heard this from him before and would have thought he'd be able to see the bad light it puts on him and his position. He said in Riverdale, his preffered place of commerce, that the business community has a program to deal with organized crime, and he, if elected, would formulate a similar program in Ogden. He a lifelong resident of Ogden, knowing that the growing gang problem was blamed years ago for the out-migration of business, many moving to Riverdale, like him, where were you then Kent? Why wait till your running for office now? Where have your businessmen buddies been all this time? Where the chamber of commerce been, hardman? Dreaming and promoting gondolas? Where has the mayor been all thru his terms? Demanding more development revenue from writing traffic tickets to the citizens of Ogden?
eccles had one of his newfound proactive ideas as well, I offer him the same kind of questions.
eccles is now concerned about overcrowding and what he termed unfair ussage of our parks. He offered if elected, to use his influence with the new recreation companies, to have them pay for upgrades to inner city parks to reduce the soccer conjestion at Mt. Ogden Park. If this has been your goal eccles, why wait till your running for office to say something? Soccer conjestion at Mt. Ogden Park goes back years, and I can't help but sense an arrogant almost racial or class tone in his solution. There are parks in their neighborhoods, why don't they stay there?
Curm, this ticket of lying little matty's scares the s##t out of me. No morals, no humility or humanity, greed worshipping ego maniacs, not too unlike their sponsor and leader, lying little matty gondola godfree. Folks, Ogden deserves far better than these guys, do your part and vote, all honest moral intelligent women.

Anonymous said...

In Davis County the Republicans are the ones who refuse debates, not the Democrats.

Van Hooser should tell Boss Godfrey to shove it up his ^%%!

Anonymous said...

Anon: 6:53

I note your post has exactly zero to do with issues pending in the Ogden election. It is a tried and true tactic of those who have no arguments to stand on in a public debate: try to change the topic to something else. War going badly? Dollar dropping in value? Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, facing loss of their homes thanks to mortgage lenders skullduggery? Millions more losing their health care coverage? Quick, raise a stink about a newspaper ad and say it insults our soldiers!

Your post is simply the local version of the same tactic, seems to me.

Anonymous said...

anon: If you really believe that people should use real names on this site, why don't you set an example and tell us yours?

Anonymous said...

So, why was there no Standard reporting (not even a blurb) on the debate that happened last night? Or did I miss something in my paper. Seems like something that should've been covered. It's one thing to not announce the event, but then not cover it either?

Anonymous said...

This business involving Mr. Petersen an Mr. Johnson denying they ever "signed" the Lift Ogden newspaper ad is getting really interesting. I can think of only three plausible explanations.

(1) Lift Ogden ran the ad with Mr. Petersen and Mr. Johnson's names without their permission. I seem to recall that at one point, LO was listing as supporters anyone who signed the attendance sheets they passed around at their early open to the public meetings. Could that be what happened in this instance?

(2) Mr. Petersen and Mr. Johnson approved of the Peterson Proposal endorsed by the ad, and had no objection to their names appearing as supporters of it, but they never actually signed anything granting permission to use their names. This would involve a kind of definition hair-splitting right up there with "it depends on what the meaning of is is."

(3) Mr. Peterson and Mr. Johnson gave their full permission, in writing, for Lift Ogden to list them in the ad as supporters of the plan, and they are now dissembling for election purposes.

If I've overlooked other plausible scenarios, I'd be happy to hear them.

I don't know if the SE requires signed permission from everyone listed in an ad like the LO ad before it runs it. I imagine the obligation to secure permission, since this is an ad, not an article, lies with Lift Ogden, not with the SE. But if the SE did require written authorization from everyone in the ad for their name to appear in it in the paper, it should be pretty easy for the SE to check its records on the matter.

Mr. Peterson and Mr. Johnson have said, on the record and in public in the course of the candidate forum, that they did not sign the Lift Ogden petition/ad... clearly suggesting LO did not have their permission to include their names in the ad. Given that, seems to me it would violate no canon of journalistic ethics for the SE to check its records to see if it has on file written permission from both for their names to appear.

If that is the SE does require somebody's written permission for their name to appear in a paid advertisement. I'd be surprised if the paper did require that. But it could be it does. Simple enough to ask about it, seems to me.

Anonymous said...

Curm: Careful! It was Eccles, not Johnson, whose name appeared on the LO ad. And only Eccles (not Petersen) tried to deny ever signing anything.

RudiZink said...

"I seem to recall that at one point, LO was listing as supporters anyone who signed the attendance sheets they passed around at their early open to the public meetings."

That's right, Curm. Here's a specimen of the sheets LO Cult members were required to sign prior to the beginning of LO meetings.

Did Eccles and Peterson ever sign such documents? We'll probably never know. Now that these two are carrying the gondolist banner into the general election, these documents have been no doubt "shredded."

An interesting additional question does arise from a reading of this document, which provides lawn sign placement authorization, in addition to ad placement consent:

Do any of our gentle readers who may be neighbors of Eccles or Peterson recall whether either of these two displayed Lift Ogden signs in their yards last year?

That fact alone would demonstrate that these fellows actively supported the plan that never materialized, and a propensity to actively embrace half-baked concepts, even in the absence of foundational facts.

Chime in, Eccles and Peterson neighbors! There's no hypocrisy worse, in our opinion, than die-hard partisans who suddenly deny their former partisanship for political reasons.

Shades of the Dustin Chapman fiasco, we think, wherein the pro-Godfrey blogger UTMorman deleted almost a year's worth of postings on his gondolist blog, in a failed effort to distance himself from his active partisanship, and to hoodwink the council into believing he was sufficiently "Peterson Plan" neutral to be appointed to a position on the Emerald City planning commission.

Anonymous said...

Eccles said last night that he did have lift ogden sign in his yard at one time.

Anonymous said...


No, I was talking about the attendance sheets, not support statements. These were just sheets on a clip board passed around at the earliest LO meetings [when they were still talking about an Albuquerque type gondola going all the way to Snow Basin]. Place for your name, and who you were representing if anyone, place for address/phone as I recall.

I attended to keep an eye on what they were up to and always signed in as "observer."

I meant those sign up sheets, which were intended [I thought] just to have a record of who was there, and the signing of which did not indicate support or approval. Just presence.

The sheets you put up a link to are definitely commitments to support the LO program and indicate that the signer had drunk the Kool Aid. To the very last drop.

Anonymous said...

Royal Eccles had a Lift Ogden YES! sign in his yard from the get-go.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for reminding us of the Eccles Park Plan. Actually he has mentioned this once before, at the Planning Commission hearing on the Mt. Ogden Community Plan last spring. (As far as I know, that was the only meeting he attended on the Mt. Ogden Plan; still, better one than none.)

His stated reason for his Park Plan is to reduce the congestion in the soccer fields at Mt. Ogden Park (and the associated parking on Taylor Avenue). In other words, he would prefer that these fields never be used to their full capacity. Seems like an odd position to have on parks. I should think that we would be happy to see children using our parks to their full capacity. (To make Taylor Avenue safer, we could simply prohibit park users from parking on the west side of the street.) Still, I agree that if there are other parks in town that could be improved to encourage their use, we should do that.

On neither occasion did Mr. Eccles name a specific example of an inner city park where he thinks an improvement to add a soccer field would be feasible. Seems to me that if he's serious, he should approach the issue from that direction--suggesting specific, positive action--rather than from the negative angle of not wanting kids from other neighborhoods coming up to his.

None of his comments in either venue were explicitly racist (or classist), but he came close enough that I'm sure you weren't the only one who left with that impression. If Mr. Eccles wishes to serve as an elected representative of the entire city, he should learn to speak more carefully.

Anonymous said...

That snafu with Tom Moore's London condo, a blue-sky embarrassment for the Eccles Art Center, has been reported here before. Now we learn that the same flat was more recently tendered in exchange for the display of a prominent Godfrey sign. Within the last month, a friend told me that Moore extended an invitation to the flat (no quid pro quo reported). Caveat emptor is all I can say.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Moderator,

I really think you should reconsider your decision to allow posts to stand which use offensive and denigrating language. Those of us who mostly just browse and read the wcforum have an average sensitivity to this. I feel the "MF" term goes beyond the pale.

We already expect and know this behaviour from the gondola proponents, and opponents both. We don't really need to see it posted. Thank you for your consideration.

Anonymous said...

Re - Royal fifth generation Eccles:

Not only did Eccles have a Lift Ogden sign but he retained it to the very end - little bobby's proclamation to remove LO signs.
BTW, he also had a Vote for Godfrey sign in his front yard and obviously thought better of it and took that sign down a couple of weeks ago - good thinking Royale, you may like to play games with the truth but you aren't stupid.

Anonymous said...

Eccles took down his Vote for Godfrey sign?

Good grief. Is there no such thing as brand loyalty within the "Dork Ticket"?

The sleaze of these guys makes my flesh crawl.

Anonymous said...

Rudi: in re: OSource comment

How about a compromise solution? We could draw on the Nixon Administration [see how I try to appeal to all you Republicans out there?] for a solution. You could leave the items posted but substitute for the truly raw language this: "[epithet deleted]".

Worked for the Nixon tapes.

Just a suggestion.... :)

Anonymous said...

Eccles not only had a Lift Ogden sign in his yard, he removed a neighbor's SGO sign more than once during the Lift Ogden vs. SGO lawn sign wars. And, yes, his Vote for Godfrey sign came down shortly after the primary election.

RudiZink said...

"How about a compromise solution?"

Good idea, Curm. Although we'd already deleted it before your last comment (frankly we were ourselves sick of looking at it), we're going to take you up on your suggestion, and re-post it with the necessary Nixonesque redactions.

We think we've sufficiently made our point.

Stand by.

Anonymous said...

"SHARK Johnson", "DUSTY Eccles" and " THE CAPTAIN Peterson" now that's what I call a real ticket. Of course, you have to add the "VISIONARY" to the head of the list. A lawyer, two would-be business leaders and a visionary, bean counter leader, it doesn't get much better than that (or is it worse, I forget). Whatever! In any case, it presents a rare opporunity for Ogdenites to establish themselves as certified idiots by voting a straight FOG ticket. Actually it's FOG + 1. Friends of Godfrey and the little man himself.

C'mon folks now admit it, haven't you enjoyed the last seven plus years of uncertainty, devisivness, name calling, chicanary, double dealing (there's more but I don't want to overdo it)? The spice of life folks. Oh, you think it's a heavy price to pay for what some consider progress? Get over it, or I'll bring up the public debt and really make you feel bad. Anyway, if you have some money left after we taxpayers subsidize the visions of our mayor and his local band of greedy business tycoons (almost forgot the Southern Cal branch of FOG, Gadi and Co., not to mention the Sandy Chapter) you can drive down to the SalCent and take a ride on the wind machine or play a round of whatever. No, it hasn't closed yet, there just aren't many people around during the week.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize you you had to sell your car to cover your taxes. Oh well, that's progress for you. Now remember folks, to be the first town anywhere with a 3.25 mile long sfug, we may have to make a few sacrifices but it WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will be worth it. The acronym? It's sf urban gondola you'll have to figure out the rest, ok? I'd better wrap this up, I've got to get to may second job, after all, you're not the only one with a whopping big tax bill. See ya

Anonymous said...

Rudi, you know these lifties and other lying little godfreites do express themselves more clearly, despite their potty mouths, than their candidates do in a public forum. This was on display and very evident last night.
Could be that the difference is, the potty mouth koolaid drinkers are expressing their true feelings, while their candidates cannot. Their candidates have to lie and come up with any response that pops into their heads at the time, with no grasp or background on the issues. The difference between genuine and phony.
One other thing of note, short deck geiger's silly decal plastered vehicle was at eccles house all thru the primary, then suddenly has not been seen again since he was caught red handed plying his trade, lawn sign theft.
If you note similarities in eccles campain retoric and short decks completely irrational logic lacking e-mails and letters to the editor, it may just be the same author.

Anonymous said...

Here's one for you.
When Peterson had his boat shop or still does have is boat shop in Riverdale, I had a friend that worked for the police dept. and Peterson went into the chief at the time and asked if any of the officers wanted to use a boat for the weekend just let him know and he would arrange something for them. The chief then told him the police dept. does not work that way and Peterson left. Do you suppose he was looking for favors. Do you think he might be looking for favors now.

Anonymous said...

The patrons of the site reek of classless human dignity, and whomever (sic) runs this rogue nation of hatemongers, and [expletive deleted] ought to be ashamed. Rudy you [expletive deleted]!!!!!!!

(Reposted by the blogmeister at gentle curmudgeon's suggestion

Anonymous said...

Per Mitzi @ the SE, anytime you run a ad with endorsements, the SE requires that you bring signatures to go along with the personal endorsements. So if Eccles wants to continue to lie that he did not sign the petition all you need is a copy of his signature that will be on file at the SE.

Anonymous said...

Civil Servant:


Anonymous said...

As I pause and think about it, this election season has been truly amazing.

Only a little over a year ago, the Lift Ogden folks were proud of their platform and called anyone who disagreed with them a naysayer. They held public meetings and rallies and put their signs up all over town.

Now, with the election approaching, the mayor is promising not to sell the golf course and has refused an invitation from the newspaper to submit a commentary on the subject. Mr. Eccles has denied that he ever signed a Lift Ogden endorsement statement, and Mr. Petersen has gone through heroic contortions to explain why he signed it. Chris Peterson hasn't been heard from in ages. With the possible exception of the Geigers and a few other isolated holdouts, Lift Ogden is in full retreat.

This has been a great civics lesson. The citizens got organized. The candidates heard what we were saying. They're on the defensive, as they should be.

Only problem is, after the election the winners will have no further need to listen.

Anonymous said...

If any readers haven't done so already be sure to click on the "Tanner Cope" blue name above to see the original quote from the thinking, forward looking Godfrey supporter. Those (words in red) are his original words, folks.

Anonymous said...

Dan S,

See your post above, from October 02, 2007 5:39 PM,

Then see my post from September 27, 2007 5:12 PM.

Eerie, isn't it.

Great minds . . .

Anonymous said...

For your information, Mr. Cavendish, "Jay Cavendish" is one of the psuedonyms of a "closet-case" homosexual from Ogden, Utah, which is the "alias" of this particular individual when he's "out of town", posing as a rich businessman, and cheating on his wife with gay "hookers."

I've been looking for a way to "out" this hypocrite, and thanks to the google search engine, I believe I've neatly accompished that.

I'll give you more on this later.

Anonymous said...

Only a few more days to get your friends to register to vote if their vote is going to count on this up coming mayoral election. Must have their registration to Weber County Clerks office at 2380 Washington Blvd by no later than 30 days before the election (Election on Nov 6th).

Applications are available in the Weber County Clerks office (3rd floor of the old ZCMI building) or on page 52 on the new Dex phone book (last page in the blue section).

Call the Clerks office at (801) 399-8400, who knows they may even take faxed versions.

Anyone but Godfrey!

Get your friend to Vote, please.

Anonymous said...


Does Jay Cavendish go to Idaho and hang out with Republican Senator Larry Craig and do the bathroom toe tap?

Anonymous said...

Just today a local businessman told me that stuart reid, dave hardman and the geigers have informed him that nothing has changed, gondola golf course, the whole enchilada, they still say "it's a done deal". and they followed with "we just need to get this election behind us".
For anyone that didn't attend the community meeting at Mt. Ogden middle school, you need to get the hand out " Mt. Ogden Park summary of options concidered by the Ogden City Council". In it you'll find all the different ways the Council looked at in an attempt to protect and preserve the park, open space and golf course. The most disheartening thing is legally it can't be done. Legal opinion is summarized at the end of every scenario.
This hand out is not something the mayor was unaware of, he knew of the methods, findings and conclussions. This was why he made his grandstand announcement and got his buddies at the Standard to twist headlines and offer scathing editorial comments about anyone doubting his credibility on this issue.
This was all a very calculated political strategy for the purpose of making one of his worst betrayals go away. In Don porter's words, checkmate.
Rest assured if lying little matty comes out on top, the whole bogus plan from the last 2+ years becomes reality.
Funny that the inside whisperings of scumbag slimeballs like ried, hardman and the geigers are more truthfull and revealing than the mayors public declaration of expedience. Note, none of his supporters have changed their tune or withdrawn support.

Anonymous said...

bill c:

I can corroborate at least this much. Just after the SE story appeared in which the Mayor said he was taking sale of the golf course and parklands "off the table," Mr. Hardman assured someone who asked him about it that "this is still going to happen [gondola, Peterson plan]. This is just a temporary setback." I spoke with the person Hardman said that to. I consider him on such matters an entirely reliable source. [He does not live in Ogden and does not have a dog in this fight personally.] No, I don't have permission to name names, and so this comes under the heading of unsubstantiated rumor. But for what it's worth as unsubstantiated rumor, there it is.

Anonymous said...

Abe Schreve

Probably does the bathroom toe tap, with Republican Senator Larry Craig too.

Anonymous said...

At last night’s meeting. The only candidate that I was firmly impressed with was Amy Wicks.

She stated, that Citizens have the right to feel safe in their homes and neighborhoods. Gang violence, burglaries and drug related crime all have a very negative impact on quality of life and safety in our community. She supports reassigning existing positions and adding additional officers to address these issues. Neighborhood watch groups, community programs and afterschool activities for youth should also be included in a solution to these problems.

Anonymous said...

Two Items of Interest,

On the agenda for tonight at the planning commission are 2 items that may be laying the ground work for other Godfrey activities in the future.

1. Public Hearing, amend the zoning ordinance to allow multifamily structures to continue regardless of zoning changes. (I mean what's the purpose of changing the zoning if people don't have to follow the changes?)

2. Public Hearing, proposed ordinance amendment, procedures for conditional overlay zone. (Wasn't this one of the areas that Peterson was trying to get amanded in our current ordinance, to alter the procedures for applying overlay zones?)

Has anyone heard much about what is intended here?

Anonymous said...


Two points: first, it is customary when zoning changes, to "grandfather in" business and private uses of property that would, under the new zoning, not be permitted. The usual practice the new zoning prevents any new use of the property in the now-prohibited ways. This seems fair to me. Over time, the newly prohibited uses tend to diminish as properties change hands, etc. Grandfathering in prior uses seems fair to me.

2. I'll try to check into this. Not sure what particular change is being proposed or who proposed it or why. Thanks for the heads up .

Anonymous said...


Grandfathering already exists in our code on property plans that have already been approved by the city. This must be for something different, or at least that is my concern.

What you can't do today is claim that because you already own the property that you're entitled to build what ever you want in the future if you haven't developed a plan and had your plan approved.

This could be a potentially dangerous alteration if that is what is being proposed.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have been very impressed with Amy's performance on the Council. She is always researching information on the internet that pertains to issues that we are considering. She is amazing with the knowledge she displays and the common sense that she possess. I have enjoyed working with her since I took office, and feel that it would be a big loss for the City if she is not re-elected. She really does represent the majority of the residents of Ogden.

If you don't want another "rubber stamp" council, then vote for the three women running for Council: Sheila Aardema, At-Large Seat A; Amy Wicks, At-Large Seat C, and Caitlan Gochnour, District 4. These are very intelligent women, with high ideals, integrity, and a strong desire to serve their beloved Ogden. They are independent thinkers who are obligated to no one.

Of course, I support Susie Van Hooser. In working with her for a year now, I have found her to be very intelligent, hard-working, diligent, conscientious. She is out-going and works well with people which will be a real asset in bringing businesses to Ogden. She serves on the Crossroads of the West Commission and has served on the Heritage Foundation and numerous other boards in the City. She truly cares about Ogden and its residents. Her integrity and honesty is above reproach. It will be so refreshing to have a Mayor who will work WITH the Council instead of behind our backs. She is the person who will be able to heal the big divide that has crippled the City for the last six or seven years, and has become increasingly debilitating for the City. She is energetic, innovative, willing to work with others, and has promised that she will work hard to encourage economic development in Ogden so that Ogden will continue to grow in a logically and healthy financial way.

If you live in the north end of the City, there is a Cottage Meeting tonight at the home of Ryan and Laura Sargent at 424 Jackson Ave. from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. In order to ensure adequate seating, please call and let them know that you plan to attend - 394-6187. Refreshments will be served.

Susie plans to have more of these Cottage meeting throughout the City in order for people to become acquainted with her and ask her questions. She also encourages the residents to share their ideas. Won't that be refreshing? -- A mayor that listens!!

Let's return Ogden to the residents! Vote for the women!!

Anonymous said...


OK. If the language grants to current owners the right in the future to begin using their property in ways prohibited to new owners, your concerns may be very well founded. I need to look at the language of what's being proposed. Again, thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...


You'd be well advised to call Dorothy and hear exactly what's going on. The paper, as you should know by now, does not print all the facts. You'll note that only Godfrey and Williams are quoted. Where's the fairness in that?

As always, anything to do with Godfrey lets him come out smelling like a rose.

There are many other people who are "vocal" in their dislike of Godfrey's Administration. Schwebke took the lazy way out and used the names he thot would stir up controversy. There are those who post on here who are also plaintiffs.

Anonymous said...


Courts should not overturn the decision of the voters except in serious instances of law-breaking that materially affect the outcomes. Vote-stealing, for example. Ballot-box stuffing. They should not overturn the decision of the voters for technical violations of election law. And it's the voters who put Godfrey and Van Hooser on the November ballot. I said above, and I still think, we all ought to, and the courts ought to [and I suspect will] respect the voters' decision.

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the info. I've always liked you, because the way you've treated me in uniform.

I wasn't sure about some of the candidates? I am now.

Thank You

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