Friday, July 24, 2009

24th of July Open Topic Thread

A quick wrapup of today's final Pioneer Day events; and a danged fine video to put everyone in the pioneer mood

Although we expect that most locals will be out and about today, enjoying the final calendered events of this year's 75th anniversary Ogden Pioneer Days celebration, we'll nevertheless set up a 24th of July discussion thread for those readers who may be housebound, or for others who might drift by Weber County Forum, looking for their daily blogging fix.

As for today's events, we're posting a mite late this morning to roust out our readers for this morning's pancake breakfast. However, there's still time to remind everyone to get downtown for this morning's parade; and there's also plenty of time to for everyone to round up their boots, wranglers, cowboy headgear and other western-style paraphernalia in advance tonight's Ogden Rodeo finale.

And just to get everyone in the pioneer mood, we'll provide this fantastic YouTube video, wherein Austin, Texas guitar man Lucius Marcus (né Mark Patrick Abernathy) brilliantly performs our favorite Mormon hymn, which was composed by LDS poet William Clayton on April 15, 1846, as his Salt Lake Valley-bound Mormon pioneer caravan rested at Locust Creek, Iowa, 100 miles west of Nauvoo:

One of our gentle readers linked this video in a comments thread a few months back; and we believe today's reprise is especially fitting. An inspiring anthem too, for anyone involved in any life struggle, we think. You're invited to post your remarks on the Pioneer Day topic... or feel free to treat this as an open topic thread. Talk about whatever you want to talk about.


Bob Becker said...

The SE lets us down again.

I logged onto the SE site this morning, looking for film clip of the Budweiser Clydsdales in action at the rodeo last night. Surely it had to be there.

Nothing. Nada. Not even a still.

Absolutely nothing.

What the....?

Somebody was asleep at the switch.

Anonymous said...

This Lucius Marcus rendition of Come Come Ye Saints was a real treat. Thanks for sharing.

Doug Gibson
Ogden, Utah

RudiZink said...

Thanks for the comment, Doug; and be sure to check your email for an additional sidebar tidbit.

googlegirl said...

Come Come Ye Saints Misheard Lyrics

Real Lyric: "Come come ye saints, no toil nor labor fear"

The Misheard: "Come come ye saints, no toilet paper here"

Rafiki said...

I had to wonder this morning who plans (or planned long ago) the route for the Parade?

I live on the east side of Ogden and I must say that it was a bit difficult to get to I-15 this morning.

I know that this is almost a "sacred" holiday in Utah but some of us more unfortunate people still had to work.

Perhaps the Parade could loop around is some fashion and allow access to the west on either 21st, 30th, or 24th.

Anyway wanted to get that off my chest.

Happy 24th!

JEFF said...

We have left Ogden and Utah for better beer, liberal city and wine tasting in grocery stores. We have attended the rodeo on the 24the there for many years, but have left for greener pastures.

Lower taxes, friendlier people to gentiles, actual courtesy in driving and more polite and gentile living with the earth. Public transportation is a joy and everyones rides, suits, housewives and even the homeless, you aren't looked down upon when using the trolly, rail or bus.

We have 4 bins on trash day re-cycle, glass, yard waste and garbage. The farmers markets are in every community across the area on different days and the weekend crafts food and market is there on Saturday and Sunday. Fresher food and better quality and no sales tax on anything.

This weekend Thursday thru Sunday there is a brewery fest on the river attracting beer affectionados from across the country. No closed minds or souls here in our new state. Temperatures will be hotter than normal and setting records Monday and Tuesday.

I will miss the montains and Moab but have found a place for my soul.

You all enjoy the 24th and I'll be thinking of the good times there, and look forward to visiting when I can.

TLJ said...


I want the sidebar tidbit, too.



Bob Becker said...


Sounds like Portland to me....

Val Holley said...

In the spirit of Pioneer Day, there's a new book out from the University of Oklahoma Press: "Mormon Convert, Mormon Defector: A Scottish Immigrant in the American West." This landmark book is the only one I've ever seen to describe the ordinary (and often miserable) life of a Mormon pioneer candidly. It shows how the disruptive events of the 1850s, the Mormon Reformation, Utah War, and the Move South, actually impacted people's lives. Many were too fearful to record their feelings in journals.

There's little about Weber County. The pioneer in question lived in Spanish Fork, but the experience would not have been much different. If you want to know what your ancestors really suffered through, check it out.

The author is Polly Aird, a Catholic scholar with remote Mormon ancestry.

RudiZink said...

Thanks for the book reco, Val. Here's a live link to this book on Amazon.Com:

Mormon Convert, Mormon Defector: A Scottish Immigrant in the American West, 1848-1861

I've also placed a link in in the left sidebar.

What a great day!!! said...

Good one Rudi!!! Thank You...

drewmeister said...

Jeff.. Please.. take us with you.. We'll do anything you ask.. we'll live in a closet, or a crawlspace, or whatever.. please, just take us away from here! -clicks heels twice- Reverse Dorothy: There's no place like home.. thank god..

curious 1 said...

Drew, nice day here sunny and 90, headed to the brewfest shortly. No basement here but lots of trees and green.

Beer festival is free, get a mug and buy tokens, one token gets you 1/4 mug, 2 tokens gets you 1/2 mug and you get the picture. Over 60 diffent small bre-pubs represented.

I did leave Ogden because of the Ogden/Utah politics and tired of hearing if you don't like it here leave, so we did. Smaller home, not many McMansions and lots of bikers and joggers. At least here most everyone does pay state income tax since large families aren't the norm.

Graet place to live and the farmers market is mostly fruit and vegtables here and always crowded, crafts market is weekends with food under the bridge.

Everyone is welcome and if you need help finding a place let me know.

drewmeister said...

Your post is both tantalizing and cruel. I just might take you up on that offer!

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