Tuesday, December 15, 2009

WCF Makes the Std-Ex Front Page

Something tells us that our hit counter at the bottom of the page will get a pretty good workout today

Well looky here, gentle readers; in the wake of Saturday's rant, our little backwater blog has made the Standard-Examiner front page:
Web site backs off using Mayor Godfrey's name
Something tells us that our hit counter at the bottom of the page will get a pretty good workout today; so we guess we owe Mr. Schwebke our thanks for the free publicity.

We'll however refrain from offering any further editorial comment, except to say that our dispute is now settled, and that Mr. Williams and I have agreed to offer no additional public comment on this matter.

The fact that your blogmeister chooses to remain tight-lipped however, doesn't mean that our readers need to follow suit.

Who will be the first to comment?


Flunked English said...

I think that the SE is either (finally) getting a gut full of Matt and Friends* or someone has slipped Dopamine into the drinking water at the SE.

Regardless the "Awakenings" of the SE seems to now be followed by the SE "smelling the coffee", as it were.

I agree with Rudi in his removing or more clearly marking the posts, avoids a needless scuffle.

I still like my idea about the Butthurt form.


*With friends like Leshem, who needs enemies.

The S. said...

Tomorrow's News Today!

OGDEN -- The Weber County Forum has agreed to remove posts from its site that are falsely and misleadingly attributed to all people whose first name is "Dan" and whose last name begins with the letter "S", City Attorney Gary Williams said Monday.

Thomas Feeny, blogmeister for the WCF, a Web site at wcforum.blogspot.com that routinely is critical of the city administration, has threatened to file a class-action suit to eliminate confusion regarding the true identity of posters who make fictitious statements using Dan Smith's name, or Dan Schafer's name, or Dan SoullessHackForAMayor's name or Dan SoLackingASenseOfHumor's name, Williams told the Standard-Examiner.

"I'm pleased with the willingness to make the best effort to avoid confusion," he said.

Feeny, who uses the screen name RudiZink on the WCF, declined to discuss the steps he has taken to comply with Williams' request.

"The matter is settled," he said in a brief phone interview. "I don't seek the limelight."

Godfrey Leshem said...

Tomorrow's News Today!

OGDEN -- The Weber County Forum has agreed to remove posts from its site that could be misinterpreted as real by someone who is both friends with Mayor Matthew Godfrey and dumber than a bag of hammers, City Attorney Gary Williams said Monday.

Thomas Feeny, blogmeister for the WCF, a Web site at wcforum.blogspot.com that routinely is critical of the city administration, has taken action to eliminate confusion regarding the true identity of posters who make fictitious statements using Godfrey's name, Williams told the Standard-Examiner.

"I'm pleased with the willingness to make the best effort to avoid confusion for people who are painfully stupid and might be confused by something that is clearly labeled a parody," he said. "By definition, if you're in business with Mayor Matthew G-, you're too stupid, humorless and soulless to understand something meant as a joke and as permitted political speech."

Feeny, who uses the screen name RudiZink on the WCF, declined to discuss the steps he has taken to comply with Williams' request.

"The matter is settled," he said in a brief phone interview. "I don't seek the limelight."

Matthew G-y said...

Tomorrow's News Today!

OGDEN -- The Weber County Forum has agreed to comply with a new City Executive Decree by Mayor Matthew G-y, City Attorney Gary Williams said Monday.

Thomas Feeny, blogmeister for the WCF, a Web site at wcforum.blogspot.com that routinely is critical of the city administration, has been criticized by devout followers of Mayor Matthew G-y after he sacriligiously used the Mayor's full name in violation of City Directive #1, the first of a series of Ten City Directives carved on stone tablets brought down from Mount Ogden by Gary Williams on a recent hike.

City Directive #1 states that the name of Mayor Matthew G-y, like the name "YHWH", is too holy to be spoken aloud or distributed on the Internets except by the High Priest, so only the first and last letters of his name are to be used.

"He may also be styled The MAYOR, using all capital letters, or Your SOULESSNESS," Williams said, still winded from his recent trip to the top of the Mount Ogden to retrieve the stone tablets. "Under State Law, the ability to carve binding decrees on stone tablets is an Executive Function, which under State Law is reserved to the Executive, which is the Executive Matthew G-y, whose name is not to be spoken aloud by anyone except me, while listening to The Cure on my iPod, under State Law."

Feeny, who uses the screen name RudiZink on the WCF, declined to discuss the steps he has taken to comply with Williams' request.

"The matter is settled," he said in a brief phone interview. "I couldn't say his name without spitting on the ground anyway."

Mayor Matt "Gadi Leshem Geiger" Godfrey (Parody) said...

This quote from Godfrey:

Godfrey said Monday that business prospects have come across the WCF blog posts on the Internet and believed they were posted by him.

"If it was clear that it was parody, it would be fine," he said.

In the first place, Godfrey indicates some people think the ridiculous parody posts were from him - and these people were his business prospects??

And in the second place, it appears that Godfrey is okay with it as long as it says it is parody.

One wonders if either statement is true.

Lastly, noting the humor on display in the quotations above mine, one can only hope there will continue to be a place here for parody and satire! There is too much talent in Ogden to waste!

Monotreme said...

Maybe legal action was threatened in order to create a diversion from the fact that the River Project funds have been (perhaps criminally) misspent and that no River Project Developer announcement is forthcoming?

The preceding is respectful and serious political speech, protected under the First Amendment. It is not a parody.

Monotreme said...

Mayor Godfrey has never, to my knowledge, properly administered a County, State or Federal Grant.

Federal Stimulus Money Given to City of Ogden

Hatch Act Violations.

Ogden City Foundation.

State Auditor: "The [Ogden Community] Foundation is currently not operating in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation and
Bylaws." (pp. 2, 3)

RAMP money improperly spent.

da tax man said...

Does anyone know about the City being audited by the IRS? A friend of mine tld me that they are, he works for the City.

drewmeister said...

That's it? Front page of the newspaper, it's past noon and we have four sparse comments and four repeat posts? I've seen funerals with more excitement than this.

Ogden City Attorney's Office said...


RE: our agreement.

Please note someone named "Monotreme" has used the actual name of "Mayor Godfrey", and has libelously implied the Mayor has never properly handled grant money.

Please delete that post per our agreement.

Signed, Gary Williams


Patron said...

EToday, everyone is congratulating themselves and Rudizink for getting slapped by Williams. The WCF has been hammering and pounding the mayor and administration for over 4 years now. Some posts have been dignified and articulate while most others have been sheer and vulgar absurdities.

And yet, Matt Godfrey still sits behind his desk, on the 9th floor, administering the reigns of City government and moving Ogden forward in a positve manner.

I'll drink to that and give the mayor a big toast while doing so.

Anonymous said...

Like most futile attempts to control a thronging crowd, one cannot stop public ridicule and scorn, or stop being the butt of jokes.
The village idiot has no chance at stopping the street kids from laughing behind his back.

If you are going to be an Evil City Patriarch, holed up in a dark tower of evil evil, you just gotta learn to roll with the occasional bad pr.
Or, one should act legendary, and make a career out from your seething evil'osity.

Most of all, don't get your attorney to go whine about it to your supposed nemesis:
it just allows the other evil overlords the opportunity to laugh behind your back.

Dan Schroeder said...

Upon rereading Mr. Williams' letter, it appears to me that his main gripe is not with WCF but with Google, for letting someone register under the name "Mayor Matthew Godfrey" and start a blog under that same name. I wonder if Mr. Williams (or the Standard-Examiner for that matter) even understands the distinction. Perhaps they're under the false impression that Rudi owns all of Blogspot!

Groundhog Day said...


Re-read the four "repeat" posts. They're not the same. Like the G-y administration's rule-breaking activities, they all appear to be the same but are all slightly different.

Reader said...


You are 100% correct. Let's try to get the word out about our good mayor and all he has done for this city.

Godfrey's Accomplishments

Monotreme said...

Patron said:

And yet, Matt Godfrey still sits behind his desk, on the 9th floor, administering the reigns of City government and moving Ogden forward in a positve manner.

So, was that a Freudian slip, or a deliberate misspelling? Either way, it reveals a lot about how people like Patron think.

Oh, and you can't use the name Matt G-y without checking with City Attorney Williams first.

AWM said...

Regardless of whatever else is said on this thread, the time has come to change the WCF Anthem, as it appears it's no longer the stance of the administrator(s) of this blog

Mayor Matthew Godfrey Parody said...

I for one am very much in favor of the new policy.

I feel the likelihood of people being able to make fun of me has been greatly diminished.

I win again.

Bow down people. Bow down.

I have millions of dollars in taxpayer money at my command. What do you have?


RudiZink said...

Ten reader comments moved to new WCF article

Patron said...

Mono-not a bad catch; but way too much analysis.

It was a parody, pal, nothing more.

But the facts do speak for themselves: regarless of the punding, Godfrey's still in charge and you guys just can't get him out.

Moroni McConkie said...

Thank you, Ed Allen, for that stirring defense of our great patriot mayor.

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