Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Standard-Examiner: WSU An Ogden Field House Booster?

Matthew Godfrey's Magical Mystery Wonder Dome changes, grows and becomes even more wondrous every time the SE asks about it.

By Curmudgeon

The Standard-Examiner has another story up on its website about the proposed Matthew Godfrey Wonder Dome [aka "velodrome," aka "field house"] which reveals considerably more detail about the plans, and which does some fact checking of Hazzonah's claims about it. And lo and behold, not all those claims are standing up to the fact-checking. For example this from the story:
Godfrey's characterization of Weber County as a partner in the field house is a bit of a "stretch" because no funds have been pledged, but the commissioners are supportive of the project in principle, said [Weber County Commissioner] Bischoff.
A bit of a stretch. How tactful of Mr. Bischoff.

And it seems, while WSU and the Ogden School District do support the proposal, both have been very careful to make it clear that support is rhetorical only, and includes absolutely no commitment of money to pay for construction.

And it seems Matthew Godfrey's Magical Mystery Wonder Dome changes, grows and becomes even more wondrous every time the SE asks about it. The story reveals for example that now the field house project involves adding two floors of parking to the Eccles Convention Center. [Didn't the city give away the existing parking structure, or a major part of it, to a private company about a year or so ago?] The new SE story reveals that the Wonder Dome --- in addition to hosting bike racing, tennis, jogging, soccer, swimming and "water park" activities [?] --- will also provide exhibit space for the Convention Center, to which it will be tied via corridors tunneling through the Berthana and Kiesel buildings leading to a skywalk bridge to the Center.

This is so exciting! What new wonders in the field house project will be revealed the next time the SE asks about it? A helipad atop the Wonder Dome for sky divers? I can hardly wait!


ozboy said...

Mr. Curmudgeon

Considering the indefatigable nature of Mayor Godfrey in pursuing his fantasies and callings, in combination with the incompetence of the City Council, County Commission & School Board, I would never bet against him getting this Wonder Dome built. It seems as though he has magic powers when it comes to convincing this collection of dunces that his dreams and schemes are of the genius variety and the answer to bringing Ogden back to it's former glory.
It doesn't seem to matter to these nabobs that virtually nothing Godfrey has squandered a hundred million tax payer dollars on has worked as advertised. How these folks in high places with fingers on lots of public money can continue to ignore his profound dishonesty and incompetence is truly astounding.

John Lennon said...

I'm so excited about the Magical Mystery Dome, I came back from the grave to write a song about it...

Pay up! Pay up for the Mystery Dome!
Pay up! Pay up for the Mystery Dome!
Pay up! (MATT'S GOT AN INSPIRATION!) Pay up for the Mystery Dome!
Pay up! (A NEW HALLUCINATION!) Pay up for the Mystery Dome!
The Magical Mystery Dome has cycling and splashing and space,
Cycling and splashing and space...

Pay up! Pay up for the Mystery Dome!
Pay up! Pay up for the Mystery Dome!
Pay up! (IT'S THE LAST THING THAT YOU NEED!) Pay up for the Mystery Dome!
Pay up! (HIGHER TAXES GUARANTEED!) Pay up for the Mystery Dome!
The Magical Mystery Dome has tennis and training and track,
Tennis and training and track…

Pay up! Pay up for the Mystery Dome!
Pay up! Pay up for the Mystery Dome!
Pay up! (IT'S OGDEN'S RESURRECTION!) Pay up for the Mystery Dome!
Pay up! (PROVOKE AN INSURRECTION!) Pay up for the Mystery Dome!
The Magical Mystery Dome has fabulous fantasy fields,
Fabulous fantasy fields...
The Magical Mystery Dome is everything to everyone,
Everything to everyone!
Wondrous and fun!

G'Narg the Indelible said...

So, this is an indoor sports field? And an indoor swimming amusement?

Tell me it is large enough to play a game of baseball, while the kids use a waterpark complex, while our mate does laps on a real velodrome on a rented velo-bike (which are cool as hell, btw), and tell me I can do all of that in the dead of winter? I will buy a yearly membership.

People who do not use it should not pay a cent towards subsidizing my enjoyment of the facility; it is not essential infrastructure, it is a quasi-public an amenity, and should be self-sufficient.
Why do I even have to mention all of this?

Obama/Chthulu 2012

Danny said...

Same old story.

Godfrey is trying (with his kiss up, Schwebke) to generate "buzz" for his bullcrap, just like he did on the gondola, and the ice tower, and other stupid ideas, that died once the bill was seen and there was little or no private participation.

I predict the fieldhouse will die for lack of actual, money.

It's one thing (and bad enough) to give incentives to private business to move in and bring a much of the money themselves. It's another to ask for millions for a typically foolish idea where the taxpayers foot the whole bill.

Our city council is not good, but they are not THAT bad either.

Bob Becker said...


You wrote: Godfrey is trying (with his kiss up, Schwebke) .

Danny, give it a rest. This was a good story. It revealed yet more of the Rube-Goldberg arrangements to pile so many different elements on these two projects [Convention Center Expansion and Wonder Dome] to bring in more support. And it printed Bishoff's making a point of the County Commission not being a "partner" in the development as the Mayor claimed. Not yet, anyway. In short, the SE did some fact checking on the Mayor's claims. And the story made it very plain neither WSU nor Ogden Schools have agreed to pony up anything up front for the Wonder Dome. All useful and significant information that was not out in public before the story.

Paul McCartney said...

I'm working on a new song myself:

The Fool Up On Nine

Wildcat said...

It looks like the mayor is trying to sell Weber State University on allowing a water line through their property as well-
Ogden City staff will make a presentation to the university community regarding a new water transmission line they are proposing to build across university property along the Bonneville Shoreline Trail area. The presentation will be today, December 1st at 2 p.m. in Ballroom A of the Union Building. The entire WSU community is invited to attend and provide feedback.

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