Wednesday, December 01, 2010

A Belated Heads-up On This Afternoon's WSU/Ogden City Event

The entire WSU community is invited to attend and provide feedback

By Wildcat

It looks like the mayor is trying to sell Weber State University on allowing a water line through their property. Here's a notice of today's meeting, via WSU's Facebook page:

Ogden City staff will make a presentation to the university community regarding a new water transmission line they are proposing to build across university property along the Bonneville Shoreline Trail area. The presentation will be today, December 1st at 2 p.m. in Ballroom A of the Union Building. The entire WSU community is invited to attend and provide feedback.

Ed. Note: We'll leave the lower comments section open for any meeting attendees who'd like to report to fellow WCF readers WTF happened at today's meeting.

Update 12/2/10 7:42 a.m.: Scott Schwebke clears up the mystery regarding yesterday's Ogden administration sales pitch event. It turns out that the Boss Godfrey is belatedly seeking an easement for "24-inch transmission line from 46th Street north to Beus Drive, where it would zigzag across Weber State property and connect to a 5 million-gallon water tank under construction at the top of 36th Street," according to this morning's SE story:
Ogden seeks pipeline on WSU campus


Livin' Downtown said...

Re: Downtown Trolley Loop

Stood out in the snow at 160 25th Street, waiting with my toddler son for a much-anticipated trolley ride to the Tree House Museum;

And waited, and waited...

At 55 minutes, I prevailed on the crestfallen boy, and we arranged other transpo to the Children's Museum.

We called the City, and were connected with a Mayoral Representative, who politely informed us that the Trolley does not ALWAYS run the copiously posted hours, nor does it always run every 15-20 minutes.

It seems, without updating the informational signage, the city has decided to only run one trolley, and if we plan on using it, sometimes it will come in a few minutes... sometimes it will come in a hour... maybe...

No way I am standing in the snow for 45 minutes again, not when we are waiting for a child-pleasing ride, one that we could walk in half the time.
And especially, no way we are going to use it in the snow.

I am sure there are great reasons, bus changeover, driver lunch, whatever...
Try telling that to a three year old who is shivering, and wondering what dad means when he says, "The trolley will be here any minute".

Downtown Trolley Loop? Fail.

Bob Becker said...

Livin Downtown:

This should be a letter to the editor or a Guest Commentary in the SE. I urge you to send it in, exactly as you've posted it here.

And, in light of this--- "We called the City, and were connected with a Mayoral Representative, who politely informed us that the Trolley does not ALWAYS run the copiously posted hours, nor does it always run every 15-20 minutes." --- I'd like to know what possible value could the Mayor's Toonerville Trolley Bus have as a "study" to determine the potential ridership for a trolley loop downtown. If the ridership they're hoping to measure is that cohort that is willing to wait an hour plus for a ride, I can tell them how the "study" will turn out right now, and save the County a lot of its money. So could any sane person.

Wildcat said...

Livin Downtown-
You should also make sure that members of WACOG (who funded the stupid project at Godfrey's insistence) and the City Council are aware of the issues you bring up.

I am disgusted and offended that taxpayer funds (my dollars and your dollars) are being wasted like this.

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