Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Big Meeting Tonight As The Council Considers 25th Street Building Heights & Another $16 Million in Bonding - UPDATED

Batten down the hatches, folks, as Boss Godfrey spends every single dime he can borrow, and puts the city in hock unto your grand-kids' generation
Update: SE reporter Schwebke graces us with a glimpse of another ungentlemanly Boss Godfrey temper tantrum

To kick the discussion off this morning we'll provide a quick heads-up about tonight's Council/RDA meetings, wherein consideration will be given to approval of the following items, which have been topics of discussion on Weber County Forum over the course of the last several months:

1) Historic 25th Street Building Height Limit Amendment (three options):
a) Adopt Ordinance Option A as recommended by the Planning Commission
b) Adopt Ordinance Option B, which includes the Planning Commission recommendations plus additional language regarding roof top additions
c) Deny the Petition

2) Junction Hotel Project:
a) Facility Bonds of $9 Million—The City will act as conduit for the purpose of hotel construction. The developer is fully responsible for paying back the bonds.
b) Tax Increment Bonds of $2.25 Million—The RDA will issue these bonds, with backing from the City, for hotel construction ($1.5 Million) and public parking ($750,000).
c) Assessment Bonds of $2.25 Million—The City will issue these bonds to construct the public parking.
(The proposed hotel project will cost an estimated $16 Million, with $13 Million being used for the construction of the hotel and $3 Million for a parking structure.)
For those readers who plan to attend tonight's meetings, here's a link to the full Council/RDA Board packet:
12/07 City Council Regular Session Packet
Weirdly enough, Ogden City appears hellbent for another massive spending spree, even in a national economic atmosphere in which "the finances of some state and local governments are so distressed that some analysts say they are reminded of the run-up to the subprime mortgage meltdown or of the debt crisis hitting nations in Europe":
Mounting Debts by States Stoke Fears of Crisis
Batten down the hatches, folks, as Boss Godfrey spends every single dime he can borrow, and puts the city in hock unto your grand-kids' generation.

We'll leave the lights on as usual, for anyone who'd like to comment before, during or after tonight's meetings.

Update 12/8/10 7:30 a.m.: The Standard-Examiner reports on the disposition of the heights limit amendement petition this morning:
Historic 25th can reach greater heights
Standard-Examiner reporter Scott Schwebke informs us that "the city council unanimously agreed Tuesday night to stretch height limits from 45 feet to 55 feet for new buildings on Historic 25th Street," with a provision "that prohibits existing buildings on 25th Street from being increased in height through rooftop additions or additional stories unless":
• Documentation is presented establishing that additional height is within the limits of the building's historical construction.
• The addition is not visible from the front of the building or from the sidewalk on the same side of the street or across the street.
As an added bonus, Mr. Schwebke graces us with a glimpse of another ungentlemanly public temper tantrum, whereby Godfrey rudely lambasteded one Utah Heritage Foundation historical preservation expert who'd had the audacity to speak in opposition to the height ordinance amendment:
Kirk Huffaker, executive director of Utah Heritage Foundation, said that while the height amendment has some benefits, the city hasn't provided enough hard data to show it would have a significant economic impact on Historic 25th Street.
Mayor Matthew Godfrey described some of Huffaker's comments as ridiculous and derided a suggestion that the city should work more closely with Historic 25th Street businesses to help them prosper. Godfrey said the municipality is already doing that.
"You think we don't do this day in and day out and that we have never done this before?" Godfrey asked Huffaker. "Give me a break."
Hopefully Council Leadership will quickly issue an apology to Mr. Huffaker for our petulant mayor's bad manners.

Unfortunately, Mr. Schwebke provides no word on the City Council's treatment of the Junction Hotel bonding matters.

Update 12/14/10 8:00 a.m.: View the full council video, via the Ogden City website:
12/7/10 Council Video


got down sit on a bench said...

Godfrey calls himself a republican and yet in the true colors of that party, which is to borrow and spend, he is a true red W.Bush in all degrees.

Bob Becker said...

On the question of raising the height limit on Historic 25th Street:

1. The major reason the building height limit was not raised last time round a couple of years ago was that it was claimed that raising the limit would endanger the street's status as a national Historic District.

2. At the recent open-to-the-public for comment work session the Council held dealing with the matter of raising the limit, it's my understanding [based on press and other reports] that no one stood up and made the case for the claim that raising the limit would endanger the street's Historic District designation. No one.

3. Given that, I'd say it's game, set and match to those who favor raising the building height limit.

Robin said...

Take a look at the schedule for the hotel....They are to have all permits in place by January 15 2011....answer me this Batman....what permits are they talking about? Building permit??? just how does one make that deadline unless ALL of the design and engineering is nearly complete NOW...not to mention planning commission approval of what this thing looks like?....appears this going to get ramrodded through the building department and planning?

dave in payroll said...

Kelly over at documents claims to have seen a rough draft of an architects sketch up, and there is a gondola station inside the hotel.

Bob Becker said...


That's a question you might ask of each at-large city council member plus your own district council member to, depending on the answers you get, either spike this rumor or move it beyond the rumor category: have they seen architect's renderings for the new hotel, interior and exterior? And if not, will they ask to see them before voting on the matter? And if they have seen them, is there a gondola station included?

OneWhoKnows said...

Told ya so!

Robin said...

The only drawing that has been made pubic is that little site plan in the packet....one would think that for our 9 mil, we might see a little more at this stage...especially if the deadlines are real

Grampa Godfrey Hater said...

"Batten down the hatches, folks, as Boss Godfrey spends every single dime he can borrow, and puts the city in hock unto your grand-kids' generation."

I can't wait to tell my grandkids to move out of Ogden FAST! Maybe they can re-settle elsewhere, other than in The Peoples' Republic of Ogden.

WTF's up with this big spending mayoral midget, I ask?

ND said...

whats up with the RFP for the River Parkway????

Linky Lou said...

River Project RFP

Jennifer said...

So does this cover the Leshemville properties? If so, how can any developer come in and do anything with it, since Gadi Leshem has liens on all his properties (?)


wow, just wow


you who said...

I am sure that the State of California is up for some risky development, they are in dire straights financially. If Gadi can make a buck maybe California can be a FOM.

toad said...

Godfrey could never make it in Los Angeles; not even as a pizza boy.
His starry-eyed rags-to-riches-on-your-dime schemes would not even sell in Hollywood, let alone at Universal.

Never give the reins to an aggressively inexperienced kid; ditch every time.

ozboy said...


"Never give the reins to an aggressively inexperienced kid; ditch every time."

That's what "Hollywood" said about Spielberg and Lucas!

pizza boy said...

Like obamma?

nanananabooboo said...

Based on the comments in the article, the Mayor definitely has some growing up to do, Huffaker obviously made some good points otherwise he wouldn't have been so ruffled (or is this how he always behaves?). For a career Mayor, he sure behaves like a petulant adolescent.

David S. said...

Steve Conlin (mentioned in the article) has taken some bashing here on this blog. I wanted to mention that he told me that the Kokomo already has a four story building planned for the lot next to it, once this height limit went through.

Also, his place, Newcastle Mortgage on 25th is one that I can recommend. They give very personalized service and were very helpful in doing a mortgage for me recently. They also have very nice offices and their closer was also very good.

Go see Steve if you need a mortgage then you can thank me later.

Also, it is remarkable that after all these years, Godfrey still doesn't seem to know how to act like a mayor. Thanks to Schwebke for quoting him. Scott should relate Godfrey's city council antics and tirades more often, because Godfrey does that all the time and it reflects negatively on our city.

word is said...

the only one who bashes steve conlin here is bruce edwards, posting under various names. they run businesses across the street from each other. bruce wants to make 25th street look like crap on purpose because of a fight he had forever ago with the mayors office, steve wants to control and shape 25th street so he can make lots more money doing something other than doling out mortgages to people who cant even afford a new car.

you decide which is the correct action.

Not a fan and not "Bruce" said...

Steve Conlin can be a dick and has pissed off far more people than just Bruce Edwards. I don't know Bruce Edwards, nor do I care to, but I do know Conlin and can tell you I don't care for the guy.

As far as Conlin moving on to better and bigger things, I'm sure being a FOM has some benefits. Being a mediocre at best photographer/publisher with a background in photojournalism doesn't get you very far around these parts.

Perhaps he can sell real estate.

The H25 Board has been recently hijacked by Godfrey's sheeple with a few exceptions.

ancient one said...

Scanning the SE this AM and an article Re. Brian David Mitchell seemed appropriate - Dr. Noel Gardner's assessment of Mitchell's condition sure reminded me of someone we love to hate.

I recall an earlier post mentioning narcissistic personality disorder as a possible explanation for the shitty behavior of our beloved mayor. Dr. Gardiner didn't mention visions as a characteristic of the condition but it probably fits the pattern - just guessing!

Biker Babe said...

I remember when my husband and I were shopping for agents and brokers for selling/buying our old/new home ... my husband pointed out to me that he most certainly would NOT go to a mtg broker who drove an H2 and had plush offices with his name in gold all over the walls ...


O, and the Mayor has acted this way before: right to the council, vis-a-vis "I won't abide by your override of my veto! I will do it anyway!" .. and .. "If public people get [so much] time to speak, then I want my fair share!" .. and when he was in the middle of whining for time to speak, [then] Chair Wicks told him his time was up ...


David S. said...

I originally went to Newcastle Mortgage because the deal was comparable to the best among the dozen or so places I surveyed, large and small.

The personalized service and nice offices were an unexpected plus.

Knowledgeable people were another.

Ozboy said...

Interesting how some one can bash Bruce Edwards and accuse him of posting here under false names and then use a false name on the post!
Is that disingenuous or what!
It has become traditional to use a "handle" on blogs, but to do it and then put some one else down for it is pretty funny.

And before jumping up and yelling gotcha to me about doing the same thing, I will say right in front that every one is on this blog on a regular basis knows that I am Tom Owens and that I never attack any one over their "handle"

You can say what you will about Edwards, but he did spend a great deal of money and effort to fight Godfrey in court and win. A civil rights win that was for all of Ogden in my opinion. Besides that, his place isn't any worse than some others on 25th, places owned by FOM's - the old Star Noodle and the Windsor come to mind.

I don't know this Conlin dood, but he sure seems like a self important whiny guy with a bad attitude based on what I have read in the press from him. I do however have great respect for David S. and will defer to his position vis-a-vis Conlin.

Unknown said...

Based on what is written in Tom's post (Ozboy handle), I'd take 100 Bruce Edwards over 1 Blain Johnson for the good of Ogden!

Dan Schroeder said...

Here's the writeup of the height limit ordinance in the Trib:

Ogden agrees on new heights for Historic 25th

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