Monday, December 06, 2010

Emerald City Monday Morning News Roundup

Plenty to talk about this morning; so don't hesitate to chime in with your own 2¢.

Several interesting pieces online this morning via the Northern Utah print media:

1) Here's an informative Cathy McKitrick story this morning from the Salt Lake Tribune, reporting in detail some of the planned improvements on the slate for the new St. Anne's Shelter:
Current Ogden shelter too cramped, new digs in the works
Once again the Tribune is the johnny on the spot to report the more interesting developments in our town.

2) For those readers who don't subscribe to the Standard-Examiner, here's David Smith's letter to the Standard, which was published in the hard copy edition this morning on the editorial page:
Envision Ogden antics resemble money laundering
It's encouraging, we think, for the Standard to accept and publish public criticism for its dawdling on the Envision Ogden story. Kudos to David Smith for helping to keep the story in public view.

3) And last but not least we'll shine the spotlight on this Stephen M. Cook letter (available online only), which will provide regular WCF readers a strong sense of deja vu:
Downtown trolley doesn't run as advertised
Another of our gentle readers had urged Livin' Downtown to submit his disappointing faux trolley experience to the Standard; and we're delighted to see WCF regular Stephen ditched his anonymous handle and followed up on this.

That's it for now gentle readers.

Plenty to talk about this morning. Don't hesitate to chime in with your own 2¢.


Bob Becker said...

In re: Ms.McKitrick's story about St. Annes overcrowding and plans for a new larger shelter you wrote:

Once again the Tribune is the first to report the more interesting developments in our town.

Ah... I don't think so. The plans for the new St. Anne's shelter were reported in the SE many months ago [and those stories were linked to here on WCF and drew as I recall many comments] and the SE along with I think every other paper in the country has been reporting much heavier than usual demand for housing, food relief, etc. for some time now, and the expected jump in demand for overnight shelter when the cold weather hit.

Ms. McKitrick's story is a good one, and it will inform readers of the SL Trib who are not also readers of the SE of what's happening at and what is planned for St. Annes. But it doesn't report so far as I noticed anything not already reported in the SE: the sharp increase in demand for services, the fund raising campaign, the plans for the new shelter's expanded food service and family rooms, the LDS donation, etc.

RudiZink said...

Good point, Curm. However I believe Ms. McKitrick has gone into far more detail than anything we've yet seen from the SE. Nevertheless I've slightly edited to article text so as to avoid appearing to slam the SE's previous coeverage.

Unknown said...

David Smith's letter is right on the money. (pun intended) One of these "favored city council candidates" Blain Johnson, went on to win a seat using over $12,000 of these possibly laundered funds. In addition, the address listed for FNURE is the same address where Blain was an attorney. He has "declined to identify the employees or the firm" associated with FNURE. We'll know soon enough if the good ole boys network is alive and well in Ogden.

marion said...

How come it keeps getting left out that Mayor Godfrey's campaign was also the beneficiary of some of the proceeds from this crime?

ozboy said...

When news first started to trickle out about this new homeless shelter idea a lot of us, including me, jumped to the conclusion that it was just another evil attempt on the part of Godfrey to get the poor and homeless out of view so that they didn't clutter up his Utopian dream of turning Ogden into the charming little village at the bottom of the ski tram.

While I still feel there is an element of that in the Godfreyite thinking, this article in the Tribune puts out a whole lot more information and detail than has been publicly available so far. As a result, the idea really makes a lot more sense and actually seems like it might be a good idea after all.

I would guess the merchants in the area of the new facility might not agree with that however.

Danny said...

Maybe we should make the whole city a homeless shelter. Three years of government saving us, and we're still going downhill.

Think the banks are done going bust? Think again.

Note that when a bank has a "Texas Ratio" of over 100%, it usually fails. The last time the list came out, it flagged several local banks that indeed went bust within a few months. The new list is out. These Utah banks have a Texas ratio over 100%.

Bank or Credit Union Texas Ratio% Assets

Gunnison Valley Bank 198.15% $68.45 million
The Village Bank (UT) 146.31% $218.67 million
First Utah Bank 145.66% $310.77 million
SunFirst Bank 139.88% $224.98 million
Frontier Bank, FSB 139.43% $331.05 million
Liberty Bank, Inc. 102.51% $13.40 million
Holladay Bank & Trust 95.23% $57.18 million
Capmark Bank 89.44% $9.01 billion

Data at

Schoolteacher Fan said...

Here's a great story you missed this morning Rudy, from the Salt Lake Tribune:

Utah teacher cleared of neglect after taping student to desk

Personally I think this teacher ought to have gone Hi-Tech, and nailed this little disruptive bastard to his desk with a high quality nail-gun.

Scotch tape seems a little "lightweight", in my opinion.

Just a thought.

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