Monday, January 17, 2011

Standard-Examiner: Strip Club To Reopen As Historic 25th Street Sports Bar

One young woman evidently has more street smart business sense than the Mayor

By: Curmudgeon

For those who missed the news down below, the Standard-Examiner reports that the Lighthouse Lounge, a subject of discussion here at Weber County Forum over the course of the last year, is moving to Ogden's Historic Two-Five Drive:
Hope you noticed, though, that it won't be a strip joint in its new digs on Historic 25th Street [at the old Angelo's location]. It'll be a sports bar. In the SE story, one of the former-exotic-dancers who's moving to the new location to work as a cocktail waitress said she was a little apprehensive, since the old Lighthouse had an established clientele and reputation as a strip club, but it has no established reputation and clientele as a sports bar. Which suggested to me that the young woman has more street smart business sense than the Mayor.

Best of luck to the new scrubbed clean and sporty Lighthouse, and to that new yogurt joint too.


Biker Babe said...

It just won't be the same without the dancers.



Jennifer said...

Rudi -- did a little looking, but cannot find a bona fide "history" of the Lihthouse Lounge. Do you have a clue about how long it's been at the 24th location, how long it has operated as a pub with dancers, etc ... ?


Val Holley said...

Jennifer: My friend Audrey Ourette of Palm Desert, Calif., always maintained that Ogden's Lighthouse was run by her late husband's family. How many Ourettes can there be in the Layton phone book? Why not call them?

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