Thursday, November 17, 2011

Two Letters of Fawning Praise for The Little Lame-duck Lord

Gentle Reader Blackrulon's post-election prognostications are proving to be uncannily correct, as Boss Godfrey mobilizes his lemming followers to "sanitize" his image in the public press

Ever-savvy Weber County Forum reader Blackrulon predicted it:
What Godfrey is trying to accomplish is simple. He and his cronies are making a last minute push to implement changes that he thinks are positive. He is trying to make his time as mayor seem all positive. I am certain that with the help of Scott Schwebke, friendly editors at the S-E and friends writing letters of praise he believes he can leave office in a blaze of glory. Look for many more positive and gushing news stories, guest commentaries and letters to the editor to obscure the real results of his years as mayor.
And now it's coming to pass. Accumulating now on the Standard-Examiner website are the first of what we expect to be many fawning letters of praise for The Little Lord, who'll be departing the Ogden Mayoral Office in January.

In that connection we'll first link to the below 11/15/11 letter from Bill Glasmann III, the former Ogden City Councilman who was elected to Council office in 2005, on a platform of limited and frugal government, with the promise to serve as a citizen watchdog and to "bring the people back into" the process of city government, which Glasmann characterised at the time as being dominated by "an arrogant, self-serving City Council and Administration."

Ogden City political wonks will of course remember ironically, how Glasmann then promptly turned his back on the constituents who voted him into office (with a remarkable neck-snapping 180ยบ flip-flop) and resigned from his Council Seat a short nine months later, to take a high five-figure salaried position, working in a back room within the very same "arrogant and self-serving" Boss Godfrey's Big Spending/Big Government Economic Development Department. Check out Mr. Glasmann's sappy letter where he heaps it on about as thick as anybody could ever heap it on:
Glasmann's of course beholden to our lame duck mayor for the high-paying "feather-bed job" which he "milked" for a number of years; so it's now time for a little fawning revisionist payback, we guess.

In a similar connection we'll also put the spotlight on the below-linked 11/16/11 Kevin Irons "lame-brain" Boss Godfrey tout letter:
WCF readers will at least remember Mr. Irons of course, as a reliable Boss Godfrey acolyte, and a 2007 city council candidate "place filler" for a short duration, before abandoning has council candidacy and throwing his support to the "Envision Ogden Scandal"-notorious Godfreyite Royal Eccles. WCF contributor Donnie Dolittle had him accurately pegged in his Ogden City Election 2007 Voting Guide as one of "a bunch of nobodies the mayor has in the (city council) race to Hoover up votes from all the people who can’t stomach voting for the likes of Royal (Eccles) and Kent ("the Skipper") Peterson, (and of course Mr. Dolittle was quite right).

Yesiree, folks; Gentle Reader Blackrulon's post-election prognostications are proving to be uncannily correct, as Boss Godfrey mobilizes his lame lemming followers to "sanitize" his heavily-tarnished public image, and begins mendaciously distributing his resume to unwary possible employers in the private sector.


OneWhoKnows2 said...

He walks like a duck, talks like a duck.......he will ALWAYS be a ____ or something else you can fill in the blank.

I have never seen a local politician quite like this guy.  Remember him for what he has done for you, family and friends.

rudizink said...

OK.  You say which rhymes with "schmuck."  OK... Got it! ROFLMAO. ;-)

Stock Madman said...

Blackrulon is obviously "physic." What I want to know is where he obtained his miraculous "Crystal  Ball."

Where can I get mine, so's I can be even more succesdful in the Stock market?

googlegirl said...

Crystal  balls  - The ancient art of Scrying - gazing into a shining, luminous or reflective surface. A quest for knowledge of 'possible future events'.

Gabber80 said...

Judging from his commentary Bill G. feels the need for a great big atta boy for whatever  he accomplished  as a well paid whatever he was. As a short-term Council member old Bill was quick to figure out that the grass was greener as a full timer.

Assuming that he had anything to do with the projects he was crowing about, would we be wrong in assuming that he was doing what he was being paid to do. I grant you that old Bill was willing to share the glory with Matty (damned big of him).

Not to compromise the  glory Bill but it appears that you and others on the Administrative side of the City were merely doing what you were supposed to do for the big bucks - nothing extrodinary just business as usual.    

Get Your Crystal Ball said...

Crystal  balls  - The ancient art of Scrying - gazing into a shining, luminous or reflective surface. A quest for knowledge of  'possible future events':

Cryatal Balls

rudizink said...

"I grant you that old Bill was willing to share the glory with Matty (damned big of him)."

Dambed big of him indeed, inasmuch as "Old Bill III was finally fired by Godfrey from his cushy Economic Development Department "feather-bed job"  about a year-anda-half ago.

Danny said...

Contrasting Irons to Glasmann, we have a simple, readable letter compared to a long winded, self important journey into blithering  verbosity.

But both of them are clearly air heads.

And to think, just a few years ago these schmucks were running the show.  Hopefully letters like this represent the death rattle of Godfreyism.

BTW, nice summary, Rudi.

Smaatguy said...

Now lets get the crystal ball out for where the little guy ends up working....
Stuart's Place?
Scotty Browns Biggest Construcition Firm in the West?
Boyer Cabin Boy?

Mike Brice said...

I don't think he is distributing resumes. I am sure he knows where he is going to work at the end of his term. We just don't know where yet. 

blackrulon said...

Can we eliminate him working on the gondola or checking admissions at the downtown fieldhouse?

Googleboy said...

Cysta balls

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