Thursday, December 29, 2011

Standard-Examiner: Video of Snowbasin Patroller Using Expletive Spurs Outrage

More evidence of the sheer power of the internet social media

In the aftermath of the recent pepper spray kerfluffle, there's more evidence of the sheer power of the internet social media this morning, with the below-linked Standard-Examiner story reporting on the effect of yet another online video which has "gone viral." In this instance however, this latest internet-based feeding frenzy has become a local public relations nightmare for your blogmeister's favorite ski area, Snowbasin. Here's the lede:

OGDEN — A video in which a Snowbasin ski patroller is seen reprimanding a snowboarder before directing an obscenity toward another guest has gone viral, sparking an online discussion as to whether snowboarders are singled out at ski resorts.
Read this morning's full S-E story here:
For reasons unknown, the Standard neglects to post a link to the subject video. That's okay. That's what community blogs like Weber County Forum are for:

Harassment at Snowbasin from Garden Stories. on Vimeo
For our Facebook enabled WCF readers, we'll provide a link to the ever-expanding (526 comments as of this moment) Facebook status page, which is prefaced by a Snowbasin spin statement, which to our ears sounds a mite half-hearted under the circumstances, in our view:

We at Snowbasin Resort had an incident yesterday for which we have received much deserved criticism. We are frankly embarrassed by this situation and have taken measures to prevent this type of incident occurring in the future. Snowbasin strongly believes in treating all of our guests with respect. We strive to deserve the respect and exceed the expectations of everyone visiting our resort.
You can follow the full Facebook discussion here:
Yikes! It thus comes as no surprise that Snowbasin execs are suffering from a severe case of heartburn.

Added bonus: Our friends at Ogden Valley Forum are covering this story too:
So what about it, O Gentle Ones? Having viewed the video evidence, does it appear to you that Layton snowboarder Austen Knudson was "shredding" out of control? Is the above Snowbasin spin statement sufficient? Or does Mr. Knudsen deserve something more apologetic, like a complimentary lift ticket or season pass, perhaps? And what about the potty mouthed ski patroller himself? Is this ski patrolman guy the sorta fella Snowbasin management believes to be competent to continue interacting daily with Snowbasin resort's customers? As somebody who's employed scores of employees over the years, I'll volunteer that I'd be strongly inclined in a circumstance such as this to give the offending ski patroller his walking papers.

And here's a query to those among our WCF readership who regularly cruise the slopes of Snowbasin. In your experience are snowboarders "singled out" for harassment at ski resorts like Snowbasin?

Have at it folks. The world-wide blogosphere is standing by with abated breath, awaiting your ever-savvy utterances in re this important local topic.


rudizink said...

LOL.  I see the Standard now has the video linked from its web page, along with a backlink to Weber County Forum.

Longboardskier said...

The kid wasn't skiing too fast, and he wasn't skiing out of control.  I say this with at least 37 seven years of Snowbasin skiing experience under my belt.

This Nazi ski patrollman should be fired immediately.  That's my take.

Jared said...

boycott Snobasin until TIM TAYLOR is fired!!

Donk9 said...

Same old, same old - give some people a badge and they  get carried away.

rudizink said...

Via Adv365 from the Standard comments section:

Ski patrolman, Tim Taylor, has since been reassigned to another
Earl Holding property and is now a lifeguard at the jacuzzi at the Grand
America in SLC.

Altateach said...

When you have to stop on the side of the run for what ever reason it doses not mean you should cease to exist or that you  should you be treated as a tree. Ski and ride fast just respect my space.  

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