Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday Morning Weber County Forum News Roundup

Feel free to chime in and address any of the lower topics, or start up a discussion topic all your own

We'll highlight four more interesting items we stumbled upon this morning whilst Googling:

1) Top notch editorial in this morning's Standard-Examiner, giving a strong thumbs-up to Gov. Gary Herbert's effort to support the Legislature in providing $500,000 to the Utah Defense Alliance, to advocate Hill Air Force Bases's "importance for U.S. defense in the 21st century" as the latest BRAC base closing process moves forward:
Unfortunate as it is that Utah taxpayers will be forced to cough up the funds to save HAFB during the current round of U.S. defense cutbacks, the economic stakes for Utah are direly important, and despite HAFB's obvious logistical "defense-related advantages over other states" you can bet your boots that other competing states will be investing boatloads of cash to save their own federal military boondoggles. That's just how the system operates, folks.

2) Despite our earlier warning that "[p]ickin' a court fight with the feds on this issue is an expensive battle that Utah taxpayers are bound to lose," the Salt Lake Tribune reports this morning that "Utah lawmakers gave a quick green light to a bill proposing to let cities and counties take over federal land, despite strong warnings from legislative attorneys that it is almost certainly unconstitutional." Specifically, "[t]he Legislature’s lawyers said that cities and counties have no standing to exercise eminent domain over federal land and the law would violate a string of Supreme Court precedents and the Property Clause of the Constitution":
"When it comes to public lands, I consider it a badge of honor to have a constitutional note," said [constitutional scofflaw] Rep. Ken Sumsion, R-American Fork, referring to the note from lawyers cautioning about the bill’s legality."

Notably Rep. Sumison will be running for governor this year. Mindless pre-election message bill, anyone?

3) The Tribune reports positive news on the federal regulatory front this morning, with the following story reporting that "[t]he National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on Thursday proposed voluntary guidelines for manufacturers, including a recommendation that they design dashboards so that distracting devices are automatically disabled unless the vehicle is stopped and the transmission is in park":
In the midst of a robust national public discussion about the dangers of texting while driving, regulations which would prevent drivers from fiddling with their dash-mounted GPS mapping devices seems to us to be a sensible approach. Our only reservation... will mere voluntary guidelines be sufficient to stop the "technology race" between auto manufacturers, who've been scrambling to one-up each other to plant high tech gizmos under the noses of auto buyers who are enthralled by 24-7, nonstop electronic input? Somehow we don't think so.

4) Yesterday's Standard-Examiner carried another guest commentary from Ogden Captain Of Industry Alan Hall, touting the advantages of a well laid out business plan in achieving success in a startup business venture. Lo and behold, here's a real-life case study, illustrating how a carefully and finely tuned business planning and execution can intricately enmesh:
There's one instance where a customer won't be complaining he didn't get his money's worth, we'll guess! Chalk it up as another business success, straight out of Mr. Hall's playbook.

That's it for now, O Gentle Ones.

Feel free to chime in and address any of the above topics, or start up a discussion topic all your own.


Val Holley said...

I am crossing my fingers that Hill Air Force Base will survive the next round of base closings. However, as the Reddest of Red states, Utah does itself no favors when it comes to the BRAC. Because Utah is so solidly red, it offers no political advantage to the Democrats to save HAFB, or to the Republicans, who know it will vote GOP no matter what happens. The governor is wise to support a half-million dollar fund to defend HAFB, but he'd be even wiser to hold his tongue when he feels an anti-federal seizure coming on. As for Senator Mike Lee, his ill-advised rants are poisoning the waters for HAFB's longevity.

rudizink said...

 " I am crossing my fingers that Hill Air Force Base will survive the next round of base closings."

Me too.

Problem is, we have these Utah legislative morons who don't seen to realize that we're no longer fighting  "The Mormon rebellion" here in Utah.

Some throwbacks in Utah are unable to comprehnd this, I guess.

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