Monday, August 06, 2012

Salt Lake Tribune: President Obama’s Road Not Taken Includes Utah

Obama hasn’t set foot in Utah, one of just seven states he has yet to hit since taking the oath of office

By: Ray

Obama's Road Less Traveled includes Utah. Here's the front page article in today's Salt Lake Tribune discussing President Obama not visiting Utah during his tenure thus far:
Particularly interesting were Rep. Jason Chaffetz's comments:
Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, may be a campaign surrogate for Romney but said he would welcome a visit from Obama, noting that the president referenced Intermountain Healthcare in his first joint address to Congress and may benefit from visiting its hospitals.
"President Obama is perpetually in campaign mode, so if he doesn’t see any prospect of winning he’s not going to stop by," Chaffetz said. "I remember him famously saying we are not red states or blue states — we are the United States of America. But we are a flyover state for this president. It’s too bad."
If the president were to visit the state, Chaffetz said: "I would show up at the airport, but I’m not sure Jim Matheson would."
Wow. Given his and other Utah politicos well trumpeted despisal of the the President why would he?  True there are many of us who would welcome a visit but given his struggle to be re-elected, I don't blame him a bit for not spending time in the state of Zion.  Maybe he will in his second term.


Blackrulon said...

Perhaps at some point he will visit to see what the state of Utah is
doing with all of the federal money they hate which is coming to Utah

good_reader1 said...

Did Utah ever collect Romneys back taxes that he didn't pay on his property claiming he was a Utah resident, until he ran for Governor of Mass. He had to recount his Utah residency to qualify for Mass as a resident. I still can't see him living in his sons unfinished basement to be a resident of Mass. Looks just like a voting mail resident. Is that still a secret that he is afraid to show on his income tax. Was it another lie that Romney has told?

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